Chapter 34

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(SMUT, please skip if not 18+)

He flickered his eyes across mine, rubbing my cheek with his rough thumb before kissing me. It was soft at first and innocent, his soft lips caressing mine, but it then grew similar to the kiss we shared the other day; passionate and hot. His tongue slipped into my mouth, exploring mine, and I moaned as he took a hand and caressed my side, gently tracing my ribs.

One of my hands rested on his chest, feeling the rhythmic beat of his heart beneath my touch, while the other found its way into the back of his hair. I gently grasped chunks of his hair, relishing the softness beneath my fingertips. My hand on his chest trailed down and toyed with the bottom of his jacket. He immediately grasped the message, and without breaking our passionate kiss for a second, he removed his jacket, deepening our connection.

His hand, previously on my ribs, glided down to my lower back, drawing me closer to him while he toyed with the hem of my pink shirt. I reluctantly broke my lips away from his, panting heavily, so he could deftly remove the shirt over my head. He tossed it to the ground and immediately recaptured my lips. With a skillful touch, he undid the button on my jeans and began to tug them down. Breaking free from our kiss, he trailed his lips down to my neck, causing me to turn my head and grasp his hair. A soft moan escaped my lips, and I fluttered my eyelashes as his tender kisses left a trail of warmth on my chilled skin. He continued his sensual journey, leaving hot kisses down my chest, narrowly missing my breasts before placing them on my stomach. As he knelt before me, he pulled my jeans down my legs, and I happily stepped out of them. Rising to his feet once more, he slipped his hand behind my neck, drawing me into another round of wet, passionate kisses.

My fingertips played with the bottom of his shirt, trying desperately to take it off. Daryl noticed this and tore off his shirt in one swift movement. I admired his chiseled physique, and with every passing moment, I could feel my heart beating even faster. His chest was remarkably muscular and exquisitely toned, with every individual pec and defined line more pronounced than the last. He kissed my cheek and went back to my neck where he nipped a little at the skin and grabbed my thighs hard. I was surprised as he started to pick up one of my thighs and bring it to his side, I knew what he wanted and let him wrap them around himself. He effortlessly lifted me, causing a yelp and a fit of giggles from me. With grace, he carried me over to the bed, placing me down gently and hovering above me. His eyes locked onto my body, and his fingers tenderly traced every contour, appreciating my delicate curves.

"Damn, ya beautiful." He awed at me and I felt the butterflies thrashing around in my stomach. This was what I had always wanted, and yet, I couldn't believe it was happening.

He took off my bra in one swift movement, followed by him taking off his jeans. It seemed that Daryl was very experienced in this department.

I couldn't help but notice Daryls underwear, he seemed to be very excited. I swallowed with anxiety, I didn't want to tell him I was a virgin.  My eyes snapped up to his beautiful dark blue ones, and I couldn't help stare at them with awe. He trailed a hand up my side until they laid next to my breasts, he laid his warm hand upon me and caressed my breasts, causing him to lower his head and deeply moan in my ear, which made my hips buck. He kissed my ear and then my neck. I bucked my hips again and placed my hands either sides of his face and brought him to look at me.

"I can't live with out ya anymore, Axe." He stared into my eyes, they were full of lust and for the need to have me.

"Take me." I begged, he bit his lip with lust and we proceeded to tear off our underwear.

He hovered over me, his eyes staring into mine, too scared to do anything.

"Ya sure?" He swallowed, I nodded, not being able to respond.

He caressed my cheek before slowly entering me, I hissed a little and he stopped. I gazed at him, biting on my lip, before nodding for him to continue. He put more of himself in me, slowly watching my face to see if I was okay. He kissed my nape, softly stroking the back of my neck with his hand.

"Ya aight?" His voice shook.

"Yeah, it's a little painful so just be gentle." I smiled through the slight burning pain.

"Want me to stop?"

"No!" I practically shouted and a smirk appeared on his face.

"I mean, no, keep going." I cleared my throat and adjusted myself underneath him.

"Whatever ya say Darlin'." He kissed my lips softly and started to move, I felt the throbbing pain subside and started to move with him. I moved with his hips, slowly starting to make a rhythm that I was comfortable with.

"Fuck." Daryl moaned breathlessly in my ear. I felt my knees almost buckle at his response, so I moaned back.

"Daryl," I moaned his name.

"Don't say that Axe, ya will make me go mad." He grunted, starting to quicken up the pace. I looked at his muscular arm that held down the bed frame and couldn't help but admire it. I wrapped my arms around his back and started to dig in my nails as he quickly moved inside of me. I felt the bumps on his back and he quickly stopped, and a look of panic spread through out his face.

"I'm sorry." I winced, his eyes suddenly softened and he looked embarrassed.

"Ah, I didn't mean that." He cleared his throat and went to move out of me. No, I wasn't letting him walk away again. I grabbed the back of his neck and brought him forwards, I took my legs and wrapped them around his back so he couldn't go anywhere.

"Please, don't stop." I begged, he nibbled on his lip before nodding at me. He started to quicken the pace again, both of us moving together as one. He looked down at me, one hand grabbing the bed frame, the other next to my head. I looked down to see my legs wrapped around him, and too see him moving quite fast inside of me. The image made me loose my mind. I tipped my head back and moaned breathlessly. This caused Daryl to moan a deep grunting moan. He put his face next to mine and moaned in my ear.

"I never thought fuckin' ya would feel this good." I felt myself quiver at his comment, making my hips shake.

"Daryl," I moaned, "I'm...I'm-"

"Me too Darlin'." He grunted breathlessly, moving inside of me more quickly, the ecstasy starting to build up. He grabbed a tissue from the tissue box and held it tightly in his hand.

"Dar!" I moaned and rolled my eyes back, the feeling of pure bliss taking over me.

"Alex!" He growled my name, he quickly removed himself as we both seemed to release at the same time. 

I fluttered my eyes shut as Daryl exposed the use tissue and flopped down next to me. We laid there both breathlessly, I did it, I had sex with Daryl Dixon. Daryl put his hands behind his head and sighed with happiness.

I covered my mouth and started to giggle softly, it felt like a dream.

"What ya laughin' at woman?" Daryl pulled a face at me.

"Nothing, I just...I just can't believe we finally did it." I smiled victoriously at him.

"Ya wanted to do it for a while?" He asked, I blushed and nodded, not being able to tell him I dreamt of this moment when I was a teenager.

"Me too, it was fuckin' good." He smirked at me, gazing down at my naked body.

"Better cover up before I fuck ya again." He winked at me, I blushed at his sudden confidence boost and pulled the bed sheet over my naked body. I laid on my side so that I could stare at Daryl's body.

I started to draw circles on his chest, avoiding the bits with hair. I gazed at him, he looked down at me and put an arm around me, looking at me the same way.

"Let's get some shut eye," He told me, stroking my hair. I nodded and snuggled up to him so that my head laid on his chest.

His Wings (D.D. fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora