3. Olaf

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I'm avoiding writing songs as much as I can. So I think the song that will be written is Olafs song and the trolls, although I'm gonna see if I can find a way to avoid the trolls song too.


"Hyah!" Kristoff cried happily, making Sven go faster as he pulled them in the sleigh.
"Hang on, we like to go fast."

"We love fast." Anna said for the both of them as they both grinned, she went to put her feet on the ledge. 

"Woah woah woah woah woah." Kristoff pushed her feet off. "Get your feet done this is fresh lacquer, seriously were you raised in a barn?!"

Kristoff spat on it, some of it bounced back onto Anna's cheek.
Y/N gasped into her hand in disgust.

"No. We were raised in a castle." Anna replied and she wiped the spit off.

"You're cleaning it with your spit? Do you share carrots with Sven?!" Y/N asked as a joke.

"Yeah, so?" Kristoff shrugged. Y/N eyes widened and she say sunk back further into her seat
"So, uh tell me, what made the king go all ice crazy." Kristoff asked.

"Anna's naiveness." Y/N blurted. Anna gave her a look.

"I got engaged, but then he freaked out and so he didn't bless the marriage-"

Y/N looked at her like she was crazy. "Um... because she had only just met him that day." Y/N cut in, looking from Anna to Kristoff.

"What?!" Kristoff shrieked from Y/N to Anna. "You got engaged to someone you just met that day?"

"Yeah whatever- anyway, I got mad and so he got mad, then he tried to walk away and I grabbed his glove-"

"Hang on-" Kristoff cut her off and turned to gave her. "You mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that day?!"

"Yes pay attention-"

Kristoff looked to Y/N in shock who only nodded in confirmation.

"-but the thing is he wore the gloves all the time! So I just thought, maybe he has a thing about dirt?"

"Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?!"

Anna paused and scooted closer to Y/N. "... yes they did. But Hans is not a stranger." She grinned at the thought of him.

"Oh yeah?" Kristoff smirked. "What's his last name?"

Anna scoffed. "Of... the Southern Isles."

"What's his favourite food?" Y/N joined in.

"Sandwiches." Anna replied smugly with her hands crossed.

"That's lame." Y/N mumbled under her breath.

"Best friend's name?" Kristoff asked.

"Probably John."

"Eye colour?" Y/N asked.

"Dreamy!" She swooned, Y/N fought herself to face palm.

"Foot size." Kristoff smirked lowly.

"Foot size doesn't matter!" Anna replied as Y/N hit Kristoff on the back of his head. ("Ouch!")

"Have you had a meal with him yet? What if you hate the way he eats? What if you hate the way he picks his nose?"

"Picks his nose?!" Anna repeated in disgust and shock.

"...and eats it!" Kristoff teased.

"Picks his- there's a right way to pick your nose?"   Y/N looked up to Kristoff, her facing falling in disgust.

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