2. Ice rage

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Posting the second half of This story soon, just need to finish two chapters.

"Whoops, excuse me! Hello- sorry!" Anna squeaked through the crowd, making her way to Y/N who was dancing with the man again.

"Sorry can I just- thank you!" Anna took Y/Ns hand from the man's grasp and twirled her away from him.

"Anna what?-"

"It'll just be a minute!" Anna called to the man before grinning at Y/N whilst holding her hands eagerly.

"Anna-?" Y/N grinned with an amused smirk, "what's gotten you so giddy?"

Anna blushed and looked to the floor, unable to contain her grin.
"I met someone."

"You did?" Y/N smiled for her. "How exciting! what's he like?"

"His name is Hans." Anna nodded cluelessly, Y/N nodded slowly as she expected more.

"Great!... and?"

"He has twelve brothers, and he's a prince! But there was something I wanted to ask you."

Y/N nodded slowly again, kind of scared of where this was going. "Yes..?"

"Will you-" Anna paused to giggle behind her hand, Y/N raised her brow with a lopsided grin. "Be my maid of honour?"

Y/N eyes widened in shock. "Maid of- what?!"

"I know!" Anna squealed joyfully, grabbing Y/Ns hands. "We still haven't got all the details figured out ourselves, but that's a given cause we only met a few hours ago and I still need to ask for Evan's blessing but it's all-"

"Wait wait wait wait wait-" Y/N pulled her hand out from Anna's gasp and waved them around as she shook her head. "You've only just met him and you're already engaged?! Don't you think that's a bit rash?"

"I know." Anna laughed shyly, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "Just wait until you meet him okay? He was just behind me-" Anna looked behind her for the guy she was going on about.
"Oh There he is, Hans! Over here." She waved dramatically, her other arm still looped around     Y/Ns again.

A tall man, wearing a white suit with red hair made his way over with a grin. Anna grinned at him with a nose scrunch as they clung onto each-others arm.
"Hans, meet lady Y/N. Y/N, prince Hans of the southern isles."

"Good evening." Hans slightly bowed, Y/N nodded in response politely, however looking skeptical.


Hans smiled as he an Anna cuddled into eachother. "Anna has spoken much of you, we'd be honoured to have you as apart of our wedding."

"I'm... delighted to be spoken about so highly." Y/N grinned nervously, nodding from Anna to Hans.
"So, twelve brothers?"

Anna then gasped. "Oh right! We could invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us! We'll need a few more days to plan the ceremony, of course we'll have soup, roast and ice-cream and then-"

"Woah okay slow down now you two." Y/N shushed Anna, waving her hands slightly. "Have you actually spoken about this to The king, your brother? Did he approve this?"

"Well, no not yet but I'm sure he will!" Anna said confidently, looking from Y/N back to Hans in a reassuring matter and patting his arm. "It's not like he's much of a-"

"Ok-Kay." Y/N blurted out. "How about I go get his highness for you guys, while yous... figure out more about this wedding stuff?"

"Ohh good idea!" Anna nodded thankfully. "See?" She turned to Hans. "She'd make a great maid of honour!"

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