" Who did this to you ?" asked Seokmin worried

"We'll tell you later. Let us in first" answered Minghao

Seokmin let them enter his dorm.

" What happened ?" asked Seokmin as he grabbed a first aid box

" We tried to hold back just like you suggested Hyung" said Chan while applying ointment on his bruises.

"But they started it " continued Seungkwan

" Then, I think you can guess what happened " said Seungcheol

" We didn't start it this time" added Soonyoung

" And we may have or may have not broken CARAT bus stop" said Mingyu embarrassed

" WAIT WHAT!!!!!!" exclaimed Seokmin. How bad was the fight between the two gangs



All the students assembled in a classroom, curious about last night. Everyone from Joshua's gang was included in the fight, except for Joshua himself.

The faculty head, Mr. Hwang entered the room and announced 

"If you're not involved with last night's incident , please leave"

All the other students left, leaving Joshua's friends alone. Joshua decided to stay as he wanted to know the consequences of this mishap.

" The best I could ask for was no academic probation." started Mr. Hwang. The others nodded

" But, you must take responsibility for the bust stop's rebuild expenses. "

" But professor, those guys were the ones messing with us in the first place" argued Jun

" Why are we the ones being punished ?" asked Vernon

" Because you started it" replied the Mr. Hwang

" Here. This is the expense in detail" said Mr. Hwang, handing over a receipt. Jun looked at the paper and groaned in disappointment. The lad handed over the paper to Joshua. Joshua was stunned. 

" Professor, where are they going to get the money from?"

" Why didn't they think about this before they threw a punch ?" asked the middle-aged man raising his right eyebrow

" Get it done before the end of the month" the man told them. He walked out of the room, leaving the boys alone. Jun got up and kicked his chair out of frustration. Jeonghan went to the boy and tried cooling his temper. 

" Hey, calm down! My dad sells these materials at his store. I'll talk to him. We can get some budget" said Joshua in a soothing voice. 

" But you shouldn't be the one going through troubles here" said Wonwoo 

"Engineering should take responsibility too " added Jihoon

Joshua thought for a while. His thoughts were distracted after he heard his phone rang. It was :

"Just a Friend 🙃 "

But he didn't care. He was not in the mood to argue with Seokmin. He had better things to do.



Joshua hesitated to walk near the area. What if Mr. Lee was there? He had heard enough few nights back. He took slow and cautious steps towards the store. He saw Hyeri outside. Thank God !! He waved at her.

Mr. Lee had went out of town for few days. Hyeri took care of the work temporarily. She saw Joshua. "Ooh Shua Hyung !!! Does he want to see my brother ???" she thought. She ran towards the male and said " Ma and Pa aren't here"

Joshua gave her a list of materials and asked " Can you check if you have these items in stock ? They're out of stock in my shop"

" Sure. I will give you a discount too. " said Hyeri smiling 

" Do you need them for your faculty event" she curiously asked. Joshua didn't answer, he just looked at her. The girl realized that there was something more to the story. If Joshua acted this way, there could only be one person behind it : LEE SEOKMIN !!!!



Hyeri stormed into her brother's room. " You promised to leave him alone but you couldn't do it. What a man !"

" I had nothing to do with it. It was Minghao " pouted Seokmin

"By the way, how do you know about this?" asked Seokmin suspiciously

"Joshua Hyung came to ask for product rates. To build that bus stop you guys destroyed."

" You're wrong. They started it !"

" Besides, the punishment was decided by the University Board, not me " added Seokmin

" Whatever!" sighed Hyeri and left the room. 

 Seokmin needed to talk to Joshua. But the other would not pick up his phone. There was only one way and that was to...


Joshua was writing some notes until he heard someone knock the window. He looked outside and saw SEOKMIN. Aishh!!! Didn't he give enough trouble to me ???

" What the heck are you playing at, Seokmin ? You're lucky again that  the house is empty" exclaimed Joshua.

" First, let me in " requested Seokmin. Joshua rolled his eyes and let him enter .

" What in the world are you doing here right now ?asked Joshua

" Because you didn't pick up my calls" answered Seokmin

" Don't be unreasonable " said Seokmin

" WHAT ?" asked Joshua

"About that bust stop. Your friends started the fight. It wasn't my friends' fault"

Joshua scoffed and replied

" If your friends didn't post that video, my friends wouldn't have lost their heads"

"What video ?" questioned Seokmin confused

"The video of you guys picking on Jun, the day I kicked you. Your friends posted it online " said Joshua with a straight face. Seokmin needed some time to process the last few words

"I didn't know about the video" said Seokmin in a soft tone. Joshua smiled and asked " Playing dumb are we ?"

Seokmin shook his head but Joshua still continued " But in that video, you looked so happy . Now get out of my room!!"


" No buts. Out " said Joshua angrily, pointing at the window. 

Seokmin sadly left the room.  He returned home and thought for a while in his balcony. These fights have gotten out of hand.


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