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Gosh, I couldn't even sleep for 2 hours ! All because of HIM. Why did he have to kiss me ? Wasn't he happy with Yumi ? But his lips were so addict- Hong Jisoo, get a hold of yourself ! Just forget about it! Let's just hope we don't bump into each other today.

I checked my schedule for the day. Nothing much, just a conversation with Mr. Jung. I think he wants to congratulate about the bus stop or something.


Joshua dressed himself and ate breakfast. He had to meet the teacher at 10 o'clock. There was still a lot of tim-

" Shit !" exclaimed the male. He only had 10 minutes left. He quickly left his flat and rushed to his university.



"Phew!" said Joshua to himself. He had managed to reach the place within 10 minutes. He politely knocked the door.

" Come in Mr. Hong" said Mr. Jung. The American just nodded.

" What did you want to discuss about?" asked the student.

" I waiting for someone else to come as well"

Who is this person ? He should learn to be punctual. ~ Joshua

After five minutes, Joshua heard a familiar voice

" May I enter, Sir"

" You may Mr. Lee"

Seokmin entered the room with a happy face.

Out of all people, why him ? ~ Joshua

" Yes, as you both know that Engineering and Architecture have been rivals since a long time. The University Board has made an important decision" announced Mr. Jung.

" But sir, both the groups had displayed togetherness in the bus stop project" refuted Joshua.

" I know, but since a lot of problems were caused by both the parties, they want you both to work together again. As you know Mr. Hong, Faculty of Architecture has a volunteer camp taking place next week."

" Yes, sir" agreed Joshua. He feared the worst. Please don't tell me that-

" Both your gangs will take part in this camp. It will only be for you students, no other pupils of Architecture or Engineering will accompany you" concluded Mr. Jung.

" Excuse me, Mr. Jung, but won't we need more people to participate" asked Seokmin worried.

" How many students are in your group Mr. Hong?" questioned the professor.

" 7 including me sir" answered Joshua

" And you Mr. Lee"

" 7 people sir" replied Seokmin

" Tell me Mr. Lee, won't 14 healthy and young students be enough for this short campaign ?"

" They will be sir" said Seokmin, accepting the fact that there was nothing that could be done to get away with it. He feared their gangs' interactions. He would happily work with Joshua but the others...

" Also, if anyone fails to contribute or doesn't take part, they will be suspended" warned Mr. Jung.

" You may leave!" announced the middle aged man. Both the students bowed and left the room.

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