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Hyeri was visiting her brother in his dorm. Seokmin wanted someone to assist him with his 'love' matter.

"Saying that you're handsome doesn't mean that she likes you. Stop imagining things" said Hyeri. She was used to her brother's imaginations when it comes to girls and love.

"I'm not imagining it,  I can sense it." argued Seokmin.

" Last time you sensed something, you ended up thinking about about having your future wedding with a girl who dumped you after 3 days"

"That hurts, are you really my sister?" said Seokmin offended.

" Because I'm your sister, I know how dumb you can be when it comes to girls"

" Come on, what should I do here?" asked Seokmin, confused about what his next move should be. Hyeri thought for a while and answered

" Never ever date a friend, it won't work" Seokmin's smile dropped after listening to his sister.

" But if that friend is Yumi Unnie, you have my greenlight" she added.

" What?" doubted Seokmin.

"I like her, that's all " said the girl.

" But you have to be sure that she shares the same feelings, don't make a fool of yourself AGAIN" told Hyeri.

" How do I tell if she does?" asked Seokmin, completely clueless.

"You're just so smart about everything, but this."

" What should I do?" questioned the boy in a stern voice

"Take her on a date, duh!" replied Hyeri.

" And?"

" And a love guru will see if she shows any sign of affection" she advised, to which Seokmin nodded in agreement.



Seokmin and Yumi were hanging out at the cafe. Seokmin suggested to take selfies with the girl, which excited her. While in the middle of their photo session, Hyeri came .

" I looked away for just a second and you already stepped your game. Do you remember what I told you yesterday ?" Hyeri whispered in her brother's ear. She had given some signs to figure out whether a person likes you or not. Seokmin made sure to memorise them. He started searching for some incidents to prove his point, but sadly he did not find any.  Yumi kept Seokmin in friend - zone but  he was blinded by 'love' and did not notice the reality. After 20 minutes, he wanted to leave the place as he could not stand the awkwardness of the 'date'

" Yumi, some work came up. Why don't you two girls enjoy?" saying this, Seokmin left  the place

Yumi nodded and turned towards Hyeri " Ri, this one is a chef's kiss, try it"

She handed over the pastry to the younger girl. Hyeri awkwardly accepted it. "Is this date his or mine? " thought Hyeri.


Seokmin wanted to clear his mind by visiting the same music shop, he and Joshua had visited previously. He was a drummer who had interest in guitar. He wanted to try the latest guitar, but at the same time someone else touched the instrument. Both of the people's hands brushed against each other. Seokmin turned to his right to see Joshua. The younger hastily removed his hand.

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