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Hyeri wanted to talk to Seokmin about something. She went to Seokmin's room.

" Seok, I saw your shirt in the laundry. I hope it wasn't that bad " said Hyeri worried

" Of course it was bad. Can't you see that footprint on my shirt ?" asked Seokmin

" I wasn't talking about you idiot, I meant Joshua Hyung

" You're my sister or his exactly. Always JOSHUA, JOSHUA, AND JOSHUA" said Seokmin annoyed.

" I wanted to ask you the same question that day. Was I really your sister?" asked Hyeri. A set of incidents flashed in front of Seokmin's eyes. Those memories haunted Seokmin for a long time.

" Watch your words !!This is why no one cares about you." said Seokmin, visibly disappointed. Hyeri just brushed it off and said

" Well, we better talk about you. You guys have been apart for three years but brought back to meet eventually. I call this-" she was interrupted by Seokmin

" No don't you dare sis " he knew the exact word which his sister would use

" SOULMATES !!!" exclaimed Hyeri

" More like enemies

Hyeri scoffed and started walking towards the door. She suddenly stopped and said

" Min, promise me that you won't hurt Joshua Hyung " She sounded serious

" And why do I need to?" asked Seokmin. Deep down in his heart, he knew the real reason. 

" You know why " Seokmin stared at the floor, thinking about something. After a few seconds of deep contemplation, he replied 

" Fine, I promise"

"You gave me your word , don't you dare break your promise"


Joshua had just had a bath. After he dressed, he decided to go to bed. But his eyes lingered around a small wooden box in the corner of his wardrobe. That box was precious to him. He took the box and opened the box. It had few childhood pictures of himself but there wars something more important. It was a watch. Yes ,it was not an ordinary watch but a small, old, leather  object that had a lot of memories. Joshua started feeling nostalgic.

But he decided that it was time that he let go of it. The past between him, the watch and someone special. He carefully placed the watch back in the box and kept it back in his closet.



Joshua and his friends were returning from their university library. They were just talking about random stuff. Little did they know that they were being watched by someone. It was the students of Engineering with whom they had recently fought. 

" He has friends escorting him everywhere " said Seokmin disappointed

" A wise man said, true friendship is always staying by your friend's side " said Soonyoung, making the other laugh. Seungcheol hit the poor (wise) latter's head  and said "It's not the time for a good quote "

" But they're separating into two groups this afternoon " Seungkwan said confidently.

" How do you know that ?" asked Chan

" I have eyes and ears everywhere kid " said Seungkwan ruffling Chan's hair. He earned a death stare from the younger. 

" That means no one will be around where they're going. We can finish them easily " said Minghao with a grin.

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