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Joshua was sitting in the Uni's Library thinking about something. He kept on scribbling in his notebook. Jeonghan noticed this and advised him " Take it easy there"

Joshua sighed out of frustration

"This is so tough. I wonder how Maroon 5 can do it. One hour for one song.

Jeonghan smiled after hearing Maroon 5. Everyone knew that Joshua loves their songs especially ' Sunday Morning  '

" Stop using your head. Sometimes, you have to use your heart. Bring out your inner feelings."

Joshua looked at him confused. 

" Can I borrow this ?" asked Jeonghan, pointing towards the pen and notebook. Joshua nodded

"Recall your memories. Have you not had a secret crush on anyone before? When you fall in love, your heart flutters"  The American recalled a memory of his crush 



Joshua forgot his guitar pick at home. He tried playing the guitar without it but it almost cut his finger. He winced with pain. Seokmin entered the room at the same time. He saw the older in pain. He asked Joshua about it. 

" I forgot my guitar pick" answered Joshua

Seokmin thought for a while " Give me your student ID Card

" Why?" asked Joshua perplexed

"Just do it"  Joshua reluctantly gave his card. Seokmin took a pair of scissors and was about to cut the card until Joshua shouted "Hey!!! What are you doing?"

" Making you a pick" answered Seokmin innocently

"Are you insane ?" Joshua snatched his card from Seokmin. Seokmin took his own card from his  bag and started cutting it.

" Hey!!" exclaimed Joshua. What was wrong with his enemy today??

" I want a new card. I look ridiculous here. " answered Seokmin smiling brightly

" You're crazy" commented Joshua

It didn't stop Seokmin. He carefully cut his photo from the card and gave it to the other

" The world's one and only handsome pick

Joshua hesitated while taking it from Seokmin but the younger forced him to take it . Joshua smiled looking at Seokmin's photo. 


Joshua was smiling when he was remembering the memory. Jeonghan noticed it and gave him a " you have a crush, don't you ?" look. Joshua realized what he was doing and quickly changed his reaction. "That wasn't a smile" argues Joshua. Jeonghan scoffed and asked 

" What was it then Joshuji ?"

''It was umm... I should get going . Give me my things back " replied Joshua



Seokmin heard the door bell ring. Who was it at the dead of night ?

He opened the door only to see his friends injured. They were beaten up by someone. Their faces were swollen and it was covered with bruises.

" DAMN!!!" exclaimed Seokmin

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