chapter forty-four

Start from the beginning

Emery simply took another mouthful of lettuce from her salad.

"And she is my grandchild," Eleanor barked, slamming her fork down. "There is nothing wrong with her."

Bonnie looked around the table in confusion. "Why doesn't she count? Amoni, that is."

Mina coughed. Knowing where this was going, she tried to stop it. "Let's not–"

"Because abominations can't take control of our coven. And if one cannot lead the Bennett coven, then they are not a Bennett."

"Addison, stop it," Kelia commanded.

"Why?" She started. "It's why we're all glad that Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson can't procreate," Addison continued, now looking at both Mina and Bonnie. "Both of you would be knocked up and unable to stay in the family."

"Aunt Addison–" Harley started but was quickly cut off.

"Excuse me?" Bonnie questioned.

"Would you like me to repeat myself, child?" Addison smirked. "In the event you could become pregnant with that abomination's child, we would all be forced to disown you. Just as we did your mother."

"That's enough," Harley yelled.

"Well get to disowning then," Bonnie bit back, pushing her chair out and standing up.

"What?" Kelia asked, hearing Bonnie's revelation. When she and her sisters looked at each other, she could tell that each and every one of them was thinking the same thing.

"You got knocked up by the hybrid?" Addison barked. She thrust her hand out, her magic attacking Bonnie. "Answer me, girl!"


Bonnie's magic instantly created a shield around her. Her own magic began to push against Addison as her shoulders shook with power. Glasses of water and tea popped and shattered as the two Bennett women fought with pure magic.

"Bonnie, stop!" Mina yelled, her hand going to her cousin's shoulder. Obviously, being ignored, Mina shook her hand off.

With her own outstretched hand, Bonnie pushed her magic harder, causing Addison to stumble back. As the older witch tried to summon a wave of magic of her own, she groaned as blood began to leak from her nose. Feeling herself start to lose, she glanced over to the living room. Using her magic to pick up the glass coffee table, she threw it, aiming the glass at Bonnie's head.

Harley threw out her hand, stopping the table and sending it to the ground, leaving it shattered into thousands of little pieces.

Eleanor rose from the table before throwing up a shield in front of Eleanor to stop the magical assault. Flicking her wrist, Addison was flung back into her seat.

No longer feeling a fight, Bonnie's magic ceased.

"Take her upstairs," Harley commanded, now standing beside Mina. "Now. Bailey, Em, both of you go upstairs," Harley finished.

When all of her cousins had been cleared out of the room, she looked around. "If this," she wiggled her finger around "is what you think family is, aunts, you are just as lost as Esther Mikaelson."

"Excuse me?" Addison growled.

"I'm not sure what you're going to do with Bonnie," She calmly stated. "But I am sure about one thing. If she is kicked from this family, you'll have lost three members... You've already lost Erikson because of your childish behavior, then you'll lose Bonnie, and I will follow. She is the kindest soul in this family and without her, this family is dead."

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