Chapter XL: Drumroll Please

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It was all nearly complete. Cinder smiled to herself, knowing that soon all would fall into place. No more running around; no more this or that going wrong; no more annoying pawns slipping from her grasp. Yes, the White Fang seemed to keep their heads a little lower when around her, but that was to be expected. She could hardly blame them for cowering in her presence. The closest to her power they had likely ever seen was Adam's pathetic display.

The dust had all been moved, they infiltrated the arena, and soon all would be on its way. The streets were strangely barren, and the crowd was quiet at the moment. Likely, there was some intense match going on at the moment. If it had been her original plan, she would have known more about what was going on center stage, but that was neither here nor there. A certain pink and brown-haired thorn in her side had long since dashed those plans.

Movement caught the corner of her eye, a nervous looking faunus being nudged forward by her White Fang companions. "Ma'am," her voice was shaky, "We have something that you should know."

Cinder leveled her with an irritated gaze. "This close to enacting my plans? Is it not something you can handle amongst yourselves? Can you not ask Emerald, Mercury, or Roman?"

The faunus flinched from her tone. "I-I don't know. This is —"

"Was my trust misplaced?" Cinder snapped. "I thought that a group wanting to change the world could handle such a menial task. Are you telling me that I was wrong?"

"I don't think —"

Cinder laughed. "No, I don't believe you are thinking. Go and solve whatever issue you're having while I'm still feeling merciful."

Deciding that her present wrath was more threatening than whatever wrath may come in the future, they hurried off to figure out their problem. Cinder scoffed as they left. They should know better by now than to bother her with trivialities. Adam must not have trained them well enough. She would have to speak with that Ilia girl about it — she needed to do a better job of keeping them in line.

Seconds ticked by, melting into minutes as she prepared for the moment it would all begin. A monologue, rehearsed countless times in her head, was meticulously prepared and ready to be delivered to the masses. Blasts sounded, and the ground shook beneath her feet. A smile spread across her face: it was time. Clearing her throat, she strode forward, passing from the dark interior where she had been lurking into the bright outside.

"I am afraid I must interrupt this display!" Cinder's voice carried easily through the arena she now stood in. "But you —" Cinder froze mid-sentence, her step faltering. It was quiet — far too quiet. Spinning about, Cinder scanned the seats overlooking the arena. Save the faint crackling of smoldering debris, all was still and silent — and empty. There was not a single person present to observe.

"What," hissed Cinder. "What is this? Where is everyone?" Her eyes locked on one of the White Fang following her. Marching over to him, she jabbed her finger into his chest. "You, tell me what is going on here? Why is the arena empty?"

The man took a moment to break through the sputtering that came with his fear. "The festival was canceled because of the tension between Vale and Beacon."

"You let this happen, knowing there would be no festival?"

"But you said —" The man silenced himself at Cinder's harsh gaze.

Cinder whipped around. "Who is responsible for allowing this to happen?"

Mercury, for as much as he would love to point at Cinder herself, instead clapped a heavy hand to Roman's back. Roman stumbled forward, having only a brief moment to send a betrayed look to Mercury before Cinder's eyes trailed to him.

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