Chapter X: Boredom at Sea!

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Willow sighed, resting her chin on her propped arm. A chair flew across the room and smashed to pieces next to her head. Honestly, did this need to drag out so much? She yawned, bringing her other hand up to cover the act. The first time it had taken her so long to perfectly plan how to explain such a situation. By now, it had been solved for her.

"Jacques Schnee!" Came the guttural yell of a White Fang commander. One standing in her room. For the life of her, she couldn't bring herself to feel insulted that not the staff nor anyone else realized the very masculine voice was not hers. Evidently being an angry drunk could do that.

Adam Tauras was tearing through the furniture in her room. It was quite the sight, she mused, the Schnee hating monster not harming the oh so calm Schnee in front of him. There was certainly an act going on there, but that wasn't the entire story. No, she was not the target of his hatred, and he was disciplined enough not to attack her. A lamp flew past her, almost clipping her ear. She did mean disciplined enough.

And with that, she felt he had had plenty of time to cool down. "Please, Adam, there's no need to turn my entire room to rubble."

"Quiet, Schnee! Give me one good reason not to turn you into a stain upon the bed you sit."

She rolled her eyes. "First? Orders from Dragon. Second? You're not in your right mind right now." She narrowed her eyes and spoke loftily. "You're not yourself when you're hungry."

Most might expect Adam to attack, but instead he sighed. He sat down on the bed next to her, bouncing as he flopped back. He stared at the ceiling and let out an angsty groan. "Why is the world so shitty, Willow? I just want to go back to the Grand Line and rest. Everyone here thinks I'm a dick and a monster, I made Blake angry and leave, that Cinder girl I talked about was being a bitch, then she just up and left, and everything sucks!" He threw his arms out dramatically.

Willow let a smile creep in. Despite the obvious, Adam had always felt like one of her own. It was certainly weird to say, but since he had joined the Revolutionary Army at a young age, they became an outlet to each other to, for a time, drop their acts. It helped that Adam came to her for communication with headquarters since her situation was tense, but held room for privacy. Adam's hardly allowed for that.

"Well, you came here for a response from your report, right?" Adam just let his head roll over to face her. His expression was one she was familiar with. Adam hated being undercover in the White Fang, and he had done so since a young age. Adam was a unique individual in that many different factors led to his state of anger. The largest factor was his hunger. When Adam was hungry, he inched closer to war crimes. His face said that as usual, nothing would change.

That made her feel all the more cheeky. She tried her best to be laissez as she drawled. "Well, you'll be thrilled to know your mission has been labeled a success. You can fake your death now and return to the Grand Line." Adam froze. Willow barely had enough time to place a pillow over his face before he yelled in joy. He could finally stop pretending to be someone he wasn't.


"Go fish."

"Bullshit!" Cardin pointed accusingly at Jaune. "I can see it right there!"

Jaune scooted over, trying to hide the apple next to him. "I don't know what you're talking about." Carden glared in hate. Blake watched in the interaction deadpan. Once upon a time, when Jaune suggested card games with fruit, she thought it would be entertaining to watch it fall apart. An hour later and it was really just sad.

"I promise, we'll get something the next time we stop." Ren tried to placate his captain. Jaune had made it very clear that he was disappointed they went to training before grabbing entertainment.

Screw It, I'm Going Out to Find It!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن