Chapter XXXV: The Barrel Sets Sail

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Neptune slapped his hand against the wall of the dark supply closet, trying to find a light switch. His fingers fumbled around the surface while the glowing eyes stared at him curiously. Finally, he found it and light shed on the room. Standing by him expectantly was a girl in a marine uniform. Fortunately for him, she didn't seem to be jumping to capture him, but what he muttered aloud was pretty damning.

"Um — I was just — okay, it's not what it looks like. I swear that I was only —"

"You were trying to figure out where your weapons and ship are?" Her cheerful smile and helpful tone only made him more uncomfortable.

Behind his back he gripped the door handle. "Why aren't you trying to capture me like the other marines?"

She tilted her head and regarded him innocently. "You're one of the good pirates, aren't you?" Neptune just stared at her, trying to process how she had used the same logic as Luffy. At the time Luffy had mentioned it, they hadn't technically done anything wrong other than label themselves as pirates. Now, he wasn't so sure where Luffy would stand in that matter. On the other hand, this girl seemed more than willing to help out — if only he could be sure she wouldn't just turn him in when he let his guard down.

Finally, he responded. "Yeah, I am looking for those."

"Spectacular!" Neptune flinched at her volume. No sooner did the word leave her mouth than she grabbed his wrist and wrenched open the door. She was, Neptune thought to himself, much stronger than she looked. While she appeared almost like a kid excitedly showing him something, he had to push aura into his wrist just to keep it from being crushed. Then, as she rushed down the hall dragging him along, he had to do his best to keep up lest his arm get dislocated.

Nervousness set in when they began passing marines, but he could hear them muttering about him finally being captured. He guessed that his situation would look remarkably like that — unless he gambled wrong and it was exactly like that. However, the girl didn't lead him down toward the brig. Instead, he was dragged around a bend and through another series of halls until the girl skidded to a stop in front of a room.

"Locked," said the girl to herself. Before Neptune could brainstorm, she simply grabbed the handle and turned it until there was a metallic snapping sound, and she pushed the door forward. Inside was a collection of boxes lining the walls. Moving toward one, Neptune was able to see that they were each labeled, and sure enough their confiscated items were inside.

As he looked around for his box, he glanced at the girl. "Why are you helping me?" He dared to ask.

She looked at him like it was a silly question with an obvious answer. "My father told me many stories about good pirates and what they are like. I have always wanted to see them for myself, though I doubted they even existed. Now that I have this opportunity, I simply cannot let it go to waste."

Neptune found his box, happily reuniting with his precious weapon. "Well, aren't you sort of going against the marines to help me? Won't you get in trouble for this?"

"Being a marine is fun, but I believe that your path would be much more of an adventure for me."

Neptune made to respond, but the words died in his throat as what she said finally sunk in. He spun on a heel to face her. "Are you trying to say you want to join us?"

"I am quite interested in seeing what the Grand Line has to offer, and I do not believe that will be happening if I stay here. The marines are far more reactive than exploration driven."


Jaune didn't bother with entering the halls. Instead, he hurdled through the walls, passing through them like thin waterfalls. He wasn't exactly sure where he was going, but he figured if he kept running and took enough turns, he could figure something out in the meantime. The first time he reached the end of the ship, he nearly tumbled out into the water below. Catching himself at the last second, he swore to be more careful as he went on.

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