Chapter XVIII: Federal Inquiry

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They regrouped after the trial, and spirits couldn't be higher. Jaune couldn't stop the grin that threatened to split his face apart, not that he wanted to. While he would have been more reserved and even worried about Pyrrha, Weiss, and Yang, Franky had assured them that the higher ups would be the ones mostly taking the blame. Jaune wasn't sure how Franky could be so confident, but it was contagious. Even Nora, who he was surprised to find on their side, was celebrating with them.

The ginger ball of energy was eagerly chatting Ren's ear off; Neptune was thanking Franky for the help; Ruby was doing a good job of keeping Neo in check; the most surprising duo was seeing Sun and Cardin getting along. In Jaune's opinion, some of the things Cardin was saying would have made him cringe in worry if not for Sun's reaction. The other boy just laughed along and told Cardin to try it.

As the time passed, Jaune's eyes kept wandering around, almost as if looking around for the three of his friends unable to be there. They hadn't gone too far from the courthouse, seeing as the building was the majority of an island and they were standing on the docks only feet away. Despite that, he knew the others would still be inside, so he wouldn't find them. Of all those that noticed him like this, Blake chose to distract him, bringing up a conversation they had on the train.

Ren finally gained enough freedom to approach him. "What's the plan with those two?" The two in question were quick to realize they were the topic. Sun and Neptune made their way over.

"I would never want to impede on your freedom," Jaune stated, "but we could always use new nakama." He held out his hand for only a moment before Sun shook it.

"I always wanted to be the captain," Sun lamented. "It's fine though. Clearly, we were in over our heads and you guys seem to be doing something right, so why not? Are you cool with this, Neptune?"

Neptune sighed despite his smile. "Fine by me. You managed to convince me somehow. Besides, I finally made peace with water."

"Peace with water?" echoed Cardin.

"Aquaphobic," Sun supplied. "Actually, ex-aquaphobic. I told you, man: brute force exposure therapy."

Neptune just rolled his eyes, and the conversation went on until Nora spoke up. "I should probably go back now."

Jaune gave her a dubious look. "You're going back with the marines? You're more than welcome to come with us."

"Well, I'd feel bad if I just left them after this. And I'm totally — make no mistake — not a pirate." With that, she bid farewell. Ren was informed no few times that it was required of him to contact her often, lest he face the wrath of Nora.


The air was tense when team PWNY reunited. Ozpin was paying the money and making several calls to Sengoku, but that did nothing to lift their spirits. Nora tried explaining herself, but Weiss had shut it down all too fast. Pyrrha made some subtle comments about resolve, but Yang settled it by having Nora reassure that she was still on their side. Explaining that she couldn't fight Ren, Nora told them the rest was a coincidence.

Pyrrha wanted to mention that she had told Nora to fight Cardin instead, but she couldn't. Being in a similar situation herself, Pyrrha sympathized too much to be upset at Nora any longer than a moment. The atmosphere still said the girl was in the dog house.

When Yang brought up the seagulls, Weiss was quick to discuss with Nora what it meant to be a land owner.


It was a bit emotional bidding farewell to the Super Franky Building Co. Franky was 'sweating from his eyes' nearly the entire time. Jaune was surprised how quickly they had seemed to bond, but he still promised to Franky that they would keep in touch, now that the internet was up and running.

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