Chapter XXXVII: To Join a Revolution

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Weiss rowed as quickly as she could, but the ship still drew nearer. Even attempting to employ the use of her glyphs seemed futile as the looming form began to tower over her. In the end, she simply waited to see what would happen. There were no flags that she could see indicating loyalties — neither pirate nor marine. It was too quick to assume she was in any danger, but she had no desire to be taken off guard.

The ship slowed until a rope ladder was just before her. She could hear faint discussion above her before a voice called out for her to climb up. After assuring her seagull friends she would only be a minute, Weiss climbed up to the deck of the ship. Her eyes quickly scanned her surroundings, taking in the unsettling group that surrounded her. Most were wearing cloaks with hoods concealing their faces from view. However, right in front of her was a boy that she faintly recognized — three boys in fact.

"Let me guess: your next line is going to be 'you're those brutes from Beacon,' isn't it?" Sky looked at her expectantly while Weiss only deadpanned at him.

After his silence grew to an uncomfortable length, she sighed and said, "Well, I'm not going to say it now."

As he drooped pouting, Dove patted him on the back. "It's okay, man. You'll get it one day."

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Weiss asked, "You're the three that were on that brute Cardin's team, correct? What are you doing on the Grand Line."

"We joined a revolution," Russel said smugly.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Dove smacked him in the back of the head. "Dude," Dove hissed. "You're not supposed to just tell people that."

"Oh, come on, don't be a stick in the mud," Russel insisted. "It's so cool, but you don't want to tell anyone about it."

"Maybe because it's a crime?"

"Guys," Sky snapped, nodding his head back to Weiss. "I guess it seems we weren't the only ones from Beacon that got involved in the Grand Line."

"If it's all the same to you," Weiss re-entered the conversation. "I think I would just rather be on my way. So, I'll be getting back to my ship now." While she had little idea of what exactly was going on, she had heard talk about a revolutionary army from time to time. While only the three boys were talking to her at the moment, she was surrounded. At the very least, they didn't seem to be hostile yet, so she hoped that she could just back out of the situation.

As Weiss took her first step back, a new voice rang out over the deck. "Do you really think I could just let you go? Not after you board my ship wearing that."

Weiss glanced down to see that she was still in her marine uniform. "I'm willing to overlook this, I don't need to report to the marines. I just need to be going back to land —"

The approaching girl pulled back her hood, the epitome of disgust on her face. "I couldn't care less if you were a pirate, a marine, or a terrorist. You boarded my ship wearing those and I cannot let that stand."


Taiyang had gone to make a call. It was supposed to be quick; Signal was checking in with him to see where he was. He had already let them know that he was flying out for a family matter, but it was taking longer than initially expected. By the time he returned, he was greeted by an upset looking Yang and the news that not only Ruby, but Zwei had escaped.

"How did this happen?" Taiyang said, exasperated.

"You mean the guy that turned into a puddle, the guy that licked his way through stone bars, or the militia of sea animals?" Yang asked very unhelpfully.

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