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Both boys were sitting in the living room facing each other.

Hyunjin looked at the blonde then sighed as he stood up.
"Date me already" He says as he approaches the younger who now looked up to him. His eyes were big and beautiful, as if he had the eyes of a deer. The freckled boy continued to look up to the older.

"What if we break up? What if it doesn't work? What if-"
"Why should we break up? I love you too much to ever break your heart. Please let's just stop this whole mess and try it.." The older boy says while sitting down next to Felix.

"Lee Felix. Will you give me the happiness and be my official boyfriend? I don't accept no's" The older says and makes Felix chuckle.


Hyunjin POV

Well you must be asking yourself 'how did these two get inside a room without fighting or Felix not acting all crazy again' well let me take you back to this morning.

The Boys and i decided to go out just because the weather was sunny. I usually dont get out of my room that much since my Finals started a few weeks ago. I was to focused on studying that i completely forgot that it was my birthday.

As i was saying, we were out just walking around the park.

"Guys can y'all keep this meet up short? I know wie all "love" each other but i have to study!" I say while looking at they annoyed.
"Nope we still have a suprise for you champ!" Chan Hyung says and chuckles with Changbin and Jisung.

I sigh and my eyes wander to Felix. He was laughing. He was laughing with Seungmin.
I look away and from afar i see two familiar figures. As we walk closer and closer i notice that those figures were my parents. I smile and run towards them and jump intro their arms, just like a little kid.

"Mom! Dad! what are you guys doing here?" i ask them and make them chuckle.
"Oh my son is so dumb sometimes.." My mom says which only confused me more.

Before i could ask them anything i heard a small bark from afar.
it was my dog kkami. He ran towards us and i kneeled down to pet him.

The rest of the afternoon my parents, the boys and i just walked and joked around.
It was slowly getting darker and darker, i actually would've already started arguing with the boys about going home, but my parents were here. And suprisingly the Lee's parents also were here.

We all were sitting in a fancy restaurant just talking and laughing, but in the corner of my mind i couldn't focus on now, i was asking myself why all this was happening right now.

And soon enough that Question got answered.


I got a little startled when a huge cake with burning candles was carried to out table and everyone was singing. I smiled and got a little teary, but now be honest, who wouldn't?

Once the cake was infront of me, everyone started clapping. I held my hands together and wished for something. When I blew out the candles everyone clapped again and congratulated me.

"A'ight! We prepared some games" Chan hyung says and then starts to explain.
"So everyone will have to name one thing about Hyunjin they love! If you don't want to then you have to take a shot of Tequila and buy Hyunjin a +1 Gift!"
"More gifts.. I like the sound of that." I say and everyone chuckles.

Then the Game started. My dad looked at me and put his Hand on my shoulder.
"Hyunjin, my dear son...The one thing i love most about you is that you're my son." He says making me gulp on my water.
"Thanks dad! I'll do as good as i can on being your son" I say sarcastically.

Then it was my mums turn. She looked at me and smiled before taking a shot Tequila.

"What why are you taking a shot? I'm your son! tell me how great i am!" I whine making her even chuckle more, well it actually made everyone chuckle.
"Don't wanna Jinx it" She says making me scoff.

The others continued with all the compliments, until it was Felix' turn. He looked at me as if he was going to tell me something, but he took a sip. I looked to the next Person.

"Sexy King Hwang!!" Jisung says loudly making almost everyone in the restaurant look at us.
"You're a good ex!" He says as i nod.

When we finally got home, Jisung and Minho Hyung wenn into their room, well actually Minho Hyungs room.
Felix and i were just sitting on the couch in the living room.

I was scrolling through my phone when Felix suddenly started to list some things..

"Your eyes, Your smile, Your personality, The way you take care of me even after i acted like a jerk towards you...That's what i love about you. Not just only that but i only love you! I love you!" He yelled at me.

Both boys were sitting in the living room facing each other.

Hyunjin looked at the blonde then sighed as he stood up.
"Date me already" He says as he approaches the younger who now looked up to him. His eyes were big and beautiful, as if he had the eyes of a deer. The freckled boy continued to look up to the older.

"What if we break up? What if it doesn't work? What if-"
"Why should we break up? I love you too much to ever break your heart. Please let's just stop this whole mess and try it.." The older boy says while sitting down next to Felix.

"Lee Felix. Will you give me the happiness and be my official boyfriend? I don't accept no's" The older says and makes Felix chuckle.


"Look.. you mean the world to me...I am a jerk for not noticing you earlier but right now.. i know that i don't want to be with anyone but you. I want to focus on you. I want you to be my now and my future.. so please. Give us.. Give this a chance"

I look at him and soon felt his lips on mine. I quickly responded to that kiss and held him by his waist.

"I guess you're taken now..." He says and chuckles.
"I guess my wish from earlier came true" I say as i put my hand on his cheek.

"And that's how your daddy and i got together, princess" I kiss my 4 year old daughters forhead.

Yup, 4 year old daughter. Felix and I got married after around 3 years of dating. It may look a little fast, but we've known each other since birth. After a year of Marriage we decided to be parents. Since we both couldn't have a baby that was  biologically half him and half me, we decided to adopt. There was this cute baby girl, just 2 months old.. that one now is our 4 year old daughter. Hwang Jae-Hee.

"Dad, was daddy an annoying person?" She asks making me chuckle and felix pout.
"He sure SOMETIMES was a pain in the ass.. but i still love him more than anyone" I say and look at him. He smiled at me and then looked at our daughter and smiled as well at her.

"Lee Felix i like you"

"No wait- i love you"

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