ミ★ 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 1 ★彡

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𝘍𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘹 𝘗𝘰𝘝

I was sleeping in my bed feeling wet licks on my face. I slowly opened my eyes seeing Dori, one of the cats of Minho hyung and Me, licking my face. I giggled as I sat up and took her on my lap.

„Good Morning Dori.. how'd you sleep huh?" I looked at her and smiled a little. A few minutes later i heard a knock on my bedroom door.

„Come in!" I yelled. The door opened showing a boy around my height, just a little bit taller. He looked at me and smiled.

„Good morning sunshine!" He said smiling at me. „Good morning Minho Hyung" I looked at my brother as I yawned. He started giggling and took Dori from my lap. „Get up and get ready Lixie. It's your first Day in Uni today and you don't want to be late do you?" He winked at me and got out of the room.

I smiled at him but that slowly faded.. wait.. it's my first day at Uni today!! I got up and started to find any clothes that would make a good first impression today. After i chose those I got out of my room and went to the Bathroom. I quickly washed up and did my skincare. After I was done with that I went back to my Room and changed into my clothes. I wore and beige Cardigan and a blue skinny jeans which was ripped a little bit. I packed my bag and went to the Kitchen with it. As I sat down I saw Minho Hyung making breakfast for both of us. He was making some stir fried rice and egg. He put everything on the Table and looked at me.

„Hope you like it" he said smiling.
„Thanks Hyung!" with that we both started eating our breakfast. While doing that Minho Hyung an I talked about some stuff.
„Do you already know if you're in a class with Hyunjin?"
„hm.. I know that I have Arts with Hyunjin but that's also it" i said while pouting.
„Don't be sad Lix! Ready to go?" he stood up and took his plate and put it in the sink.
„Yeah let's go!" I also put my plate in the sink and we both went to the main door. I put on my shoes, kissed our cats soonie, doongi and dori goodbye and went out to Minho Hyungs car.

The ride to the Uni was pretty quiet. We both didn't speak much and just focused on the road.

„Felix i want to tell you something." Hyung said serious while i just nodded.
„Lix you know the day you were born i only had one thing in my mind, and that was protecting you. When I moved out I actually was so afraid that something would happen to you and I couldn't be there to protect you. But after You moved in i was so happy. Yet scared.. As an older brother I always want to protect even if you're growing up and starting to become an adult. You'll always be a baby in my eyes and that will never change. I want you to know that not everyone in this world has good intentions. Like someone can seem nice and friendly to you but the things they would do behind your back aren't always positive things. Now you're starting a new Chapter in your Life and I want you to take care of yourself. Please there are Guys who would do anything for you but with bad intentions so please take care." he looked at me with worried yet reassuring eyes while i just was silent and nodded. After 25 minutes of driving we finally arrived at our Uni. Minho Hyung and I took our bags and went inside.. and then it hit me. I'm a Uni Student.

„So.. i'll be going to my Lecture now. Take care bokkie!" He winked me and went to his class.
Now i was alone.. yup.. I looked at my phone to see where my first Lecture will be. Room 908. Damn.. why are there so many rooms in this building. I started walking around to search the room but then someone crashed against me. We both fell on the ground and looked at eachother. He had blond hair and was wearing glasses. I got up and offered him my hand to stand up.

„I'm so so sorry! I- I didn't mean to crash you..! I'm really so sorr-"
„Hey relax.. don't worry it's all fine! Are you good tho?" I asked him and smiled.
„I'm fine thanks.. oh i'm Han Jisung by the way!" he said smiling at me.
„Lee Felix" i smiled back


...ngl i never thought i'd write a wattpad story! anyway k hope y'all like it? i don't know 😭

𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 // 𝘏𝘠𝘜𝘕𝘓𝘐𝘟Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt