ミ★ 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 8 ★彡

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„I'm flying back to Australia soon.. I'll be attending college there and i plan on staying there. It's better if you just forget me.. and hate me."


𝘍𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘹 𝘗𝘰𝘝

I looked him in the eye and the only thing i saw pure shock. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was dropping a bit. I realized how he struggled looking me in the eyes and just looked around everywhere but me. The raven started chuckling and shook his head as a 'no'.

We looked at each other with teary eyes. I was smiling a little bit while looking at him. I slowly neared him and held his hand with both mine.

„I'll be alright and so will you. Just forget me and all our memories.. Hate me." I said looking him in the eye and slightly smiling.

„How could i ever hate you? How could i forget 18 Years of friendship bok! Why? Why do have to go now? We just started with everything and- and you're just going? You're just gonna leave me behind?" He said with a little loud voice and cried everything out. I looked at him and pulled him into a hug.

He hugged me back instantly and i caressed his back.

„Forget me.. Hate me.." I said and he just continued to cry.

After some time my Brother came and saw the both of us. He offered Hyunjin a hand knowing the younger would do something stupid while he was in this condition. Both My Brother and Hyunjin walked towards The Hwang residence and i went back inside my own House.

I walked towards my dads office and knocked on the door. The next thing i saw was my dad infront of me opening the door and greeting me in. We both sat down and while he was doing his work i tried to open up a conversation.

„So dad.. When do plan on leaving for Australia?"
„The weekend. Why son? Have you decided? If yes, I'll buy the tickets now!" He said with a big smile on his face. You see my father and I never got to spend much time together. While He and Minho Hyung constantly talk about stuff, him and i never got to do things together. We had two teams in this Family. My dad and My brother are a team, and My mum and I are.
„Uhm yeah.. about that. I'll come with you Appa.." I said smiling. My dad stood up and hugged me tightly. He looked at me happily and ruffled my hair.
„Thats great son! I'll organize an University for you in Sydney and we'll stay in our own House there too! After i come back tho, i'd like you to stay at your aunts if that fine with you too? If you want you can stay in dorms or we could arrange an apartment for you if you'd like?"
„Dad there stillos some time.. We'll think about it alright?" I asked him and he immediately nodded.
„Of course! Of course yeah son! Uhm would you also be up to some fun? I mean you and I we never get to spend much time together and this maybe could be an opportunity?" He asked me and i just nodded.
„Yeah sure dad.. Uhm i'll go to bed now! See you tomorrow" I smiled and left the middle sized room.

𝘔𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘰 𝘗𝘰𝘝

Me and Hyunjin were walking down the Road to his House and there was a huge awkward silence. He just looked down and sobbed a few times but after some time he just stopped. I looked at him and he did the same.

„Are you going too?" He asked me and sounded pretty serious. I shook my head and smiled at him.
„I won't leave you." I reassured him and walked towards him.
„I know that Felix has been acting pretty strange lately but believe me he has his reasons. They may be ridiculous but in the End it's his decision how he treats people.. it may not be nice but we can't change him." I looked him in the eye and smiled a little.
„What did I do that made him hate me so much..?" He asked with a low voice and i just sighed and looked down while putting my hands in my pockets.
„You made him feel things.."
„What? What kind of things? Hyung if you know please let me know! I can't have him leave hating me!" He said desperately.
„Hyun is can't.. It's Felix' decision who he tells stuff and when!".

He looked kind of dissatisfied with my answer but just nodded. If Felix would just already confess his feelings towards him everything would be fine!

As we approach The Hwang's Residence I went to the front door with Hyunjin. He ringed the bell and a few minutes later it was opened by his Mother. She looked at me and asked if i would want to join them for a Movie but sadly i had to decline since I had Uni tomorrow. After she went back inside Hyunjin looked at and then hugged me.

„Hyung...Thank you."
„Don't ever thank me for these kind of stuffs. You're my little Brother and my Best Friend. I'll do anything for you." I looked at him and ruffled his hair.
„Hyung..I like Felix.."

I was now sitting on Hyunjin's bed and looked down onto my feet. Hyunjin likes Felix. Felix likes Hyunjin. They both like eachother and act like dumb monkeys.

„So you really really really like him?" I asked.
„Yes.. I mean whenever I'm around him i feel like my whole world brightens up. His smile, His laugh, those eyes and freckles.. everything about him makes me feel weak. I want to be with him 24/7. Whenever he says my name or holds my hand i feel butterflies in my stomach and i can't breathe for a moment. I want him to be mine and only mine.. I can't even a world without him and don't even want to! I just want him to know that i would do everythi-"
„Yeah yeah i get it Romeo you're in love with my little brother and want to marry him someday blah blah blah-" I said feeling annoyed by his sweet talk.
„Do i have you're Blessing?- Because if i do i'd marry him this second." He asked me jokingly.
We both chuckled a little but then stayed quiet.

„So...When are you gonna tell him?" i asked and he instantly shook his head.
„He already likes someone. Why should I ruin this for him now and also he hates me.. he doesn't want to be with me anymore.. not gonna lie but i also think that he also wouldn't want you to talk to me."
„Hey nobody. and with that i mean NOBODY tells me who i talk to." I side-hugged him.
„You're my little bro and i'm gonna help you! So let's get this Mission started!" I said proudly.
„What Mission?" He asked confused.

„The Mission of you two getting together."





Oops! Ang larawang ito ay hindi sumusunod sa aming mga alituntunin sa nilalaman. Upang magpatuloy sa pag-publish, subukan itong alisin o mag-upload ng bago.

Look at this pookie >:(

Anyway! I don't know if i'll be able to update next week but i'll try! till then bye!!!

𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 // 𝘏𝘠𝘜𝘕𝘓𝘐𝘟Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon