Chapter 38

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~~* Luke's POV *~~

"Mom, this is Sierra and her mother, Ruby Thompson."

"It is a pleasure to have you here. Please be seated."

"Thank you for inviting us."

Ruby took Cynthia's hand and shook it. She sat on the sofa. Sierra smiled at Cynthia and gave her a hug before she sat down beside her mother. Cynthia wore a blue dress with white dots. Sierra's hair was a little messy from the long flight, and her eyes showed signs of tiredness. But her beauty was unhindered. Luke smiled at her before he greeted his mother.

"I was beyond thrilled to hear that Luke finally has a girlfriend."

"Trust me, I was just as pleased when I found out."

"I will show you your rooms. The journey must have tired you."

After a few refreshments, Cynthia walked them to their rooms. She informed them that they would have dinner together in a few hours. Luke waited for Ruby and Cynthia to part and head back to their rooms. He lightly knocked on Sierra's room and closed the door behind him when she responded. Surprised by his sudden arrival, Sierra stared at him bewildered.

"What are you doing?"

"Thank you for coming all the way to meet my family."

Sierra undid her hair and took out a set of fresh clothes from her suitcase.

"I told you, I love you and want to know more about you. I am in this wholeheartedly."

"Well, then."

Luke stopped Sierra and held her hands against his chest. Her sleepy eyes looked back at him with compassion. Luke leaned forward and pecked her lips. Leaning back, he looked at her again. Her eyes smiled at him warmly.

"I love you, too."

"I know, you do."

Sierra kissed his hands before she continued.

"But I desperately need a shower now. So I would appreciate it if you would let me do that."

"By all means."

Letting go of her hands, Luke slowly left the room. He smiled and closed the door behind him. He along the corridor and opened the room at the farthest end. White curtains swayed lightly and unveiled a middle-aged man lying in the bed with a mask on his mouth. The sound of a machine beeping filled the room. Luke closed the door behind him and the man opened his eyes. A smile crept on his face as he saw his son standing at the bottom of his bed.

"Hi, Dad. I missed you."

The man raised his arm and tried to reach Luke's hand. Luke walked further and sat on the chair beside the bed. The door opened again and Cynthia stepped in. She reached Luke and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Your son was not joking, he has a girlfriend."

Richard's shoulders moved slightly as he laughed at his wife's remark about Luke.

"Mom, stop embarrassing me."

"She is not here, darling."

"Nonetheless. How is Dad doing?"

"He has been well the past few days actually."

"Thank God. I was worried about him."

"Don't be. You just worry about your darling. And let me worry about mine."

"Do you like her?"

"She seems like a charming young lady. Much better than Emily, if you ask me. Mrs. Thompson seems polite as well."

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