Chapter 19

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~~* Sierra's POV *~~

What was in that cake? Sierra's head got lightheaded as she felt Damien kiss her lightly. Sierra had her eyes open in shock as she registered what was happening. It was her first kiss. She had always imagined what it would be like, but it was nothing as she had imagined. Sierra did not know when it stopped. She heard Damien call her and snapped out of it.



"Say something."


"Speak to me."

Sierra looked up to meet his eyes. His cheeks and ears were pink, and blue eyes were partially hidden behind his silky black hair. Damien observed her before breaking the silence again.

"I should not have done this. You look bewildered. You did not like it."

"I-I have never been kissed before."

"Oh. I see. I thought you-. Never mind. I am sorry. I should have talked to you before I-"

"Let's just go back. I am feeling cold."

Sierra was confused, less about the kiss and more about how she reacted. When she was dancing with Damien earlier, she anticipated the kiss. But it did not happen. Now that she got what she was hoping for, her insides were all messed up. As she walked back, she wondered what it meant.

"So, what does this mean? What are we now?"

"More than friends, I guess."

"I know. But we have not even gone on a date yet."

"We can figure that out."


Sierra turned to look at the source of the voice. Rebecca was calling her.

"Where are you? I still have to give you a present! Come on!"

"I am coming!"

Sierra felt like she was shivering. What was happening? Had the temperature dropped? She slowly went back to where Rebecca stood.

"Are you okay? You look like you have seen a ghost."

"I am feeling cold."

"Come here, stand near the heater."

Rebecca pulled her towards the patio heater, gave her a chair, and placed a skillfully wrapped gift in her lap.

"Happy birthday, Sierra. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead."

"Thank you, Bex."

"Go on, open it!"

Sierra started to unwrap the box and opened the lid.

"Oh my God. Rebecca. This is expensive. Like shit, expensive."

"Not for me. I noticed you did not wear high boots. I thought I should do the good deed of introducing you to them."

"They are exceptional! Thank you so much."

"They are Louis Vuitton. Of course, they are exceptional. I have the same thing. We will coordinate and wear them on the same day."

"Haha, okay."

Sierra got up and hugged Rebecca.

"Thank you."

"You have to stop saying that. You are freezing. What were you doing? Running in the lawn?"


Sierra made sure no one was within hearing distance.

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