Chapter 8

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"Oh, my God! You did not just do that!"

Sierra screamed and broke the silence. Her eyes furiously scanned the screen, but it was nowhere. Rebecca and Scott held their breath wide-eyed and perplexed. Damien looked at Sierra with an emotionless expression. Sierra felt like pulling Damien's hair out.

~* Earlier that day *~

Sierra had barely made it to the first lecture. She was now sitting in the library, staring at her laptop screen. The presentation was in the next hour, and Sierra had not rehearsed it with Scott. She tried to review the lecture notes from the first lesson, but her mind felt like someone had shaken her head like a snow globe and placed it back on her neck.

Yesterday felt like a dream to her. She did not remember anything clearly besides walking to the restaurant. The events after that were blurry. She remembers waking up in the hospital and seeing Luke. Now, she knew his name. He introduced himself and returned her bag, which she had forgotten in the restaurant. Seriously, she needed to stop forgetting things around him. Twice was enough to learn this lesson. Hopefully, they would not cross paths again.

The first day she met him, well overheard his conversation on the phone, and he scolded her for forgetting her phone on the park bench. Previously, she had forgotten her bag, but he seemed calm and friendlier, maybe because Sierra was not in a good state. Perhaps he felt sorry for her. After getting her glucose IV, Luke dropped her at her house. Thankfully, Ruby was not home. Sierra did not want to worry her mother. For a stranger, Luke did know a lot of her personal information. Sierra had not shared her address with her university mates either. But it did not matter because they would never meet again.

Her university fellows had her phone number, which they seldom replied to. Sierra opened her phone again. She had high hopes regarding her project. But now, she just wanted to get done with it. Her body felt like it had survived a hurricane, tornado, and tsunami at the same time. She had to head home after the presentation. She made a mental note to skip the last lecture today. It was math, and Sierra could cover it over the weekend. That is if she lived till the weekend.

Sighing, she hibernated her laptop and rested her head on the table. She had informed Rebecca about her panic attack yesterday. She sounded worried on the other end of the phone. Her voice went down an octave when she took in what Sierra said. Sierra reassured her that she was well enough to present. Rebecca suggested that they request for a different day. Sierra did not want to drag it on any longer. She had tried her best and created the best possible prototype for the project. She just had to present them now. Sierra had suggested that Scott should present the slides related to the research they had done. Damien rarely responded on time. Sierra could not wait for him.

Sierra was lost in thoughts when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She snapped her head up to see who it was. But she instantly regretted making that move. A nasty headrush made her head throb. She held her head with one hand and tried to peek from one side to see who it was. It was Damien smiling sheepishly at her.

"Hi, I heard about your health. I am sorry."

"Umm, It is okay."

"How are you now?"

"I have been better."

"Can I help in any way?"

"Actually, can you look at the slides and tell me what you think? I need a second opinion before the presentation."


Damien slipped into the seat next to Sierra and turned the laptop toward her so she would unlock it for him. Sierra typed in the password and opened the file. Damien skimmed through the slides as Sierra put her head back on the table. She had no idea how she would present today without fainting. Sierra felt the chairs near her pull on the carpeted floor. This time, she slowly lifted her head. Sierra saw Rebecca and Scott sitting across her. She felt someone holding her hand. Sierra looked down to see Rebecca reaching for her hand and squeezing it. Sierra lightly squeezed her hand in response.

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