Chapter 30

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~~* Sierra's POV *~~

Sierra stared at Jade's poker face as she skimmed Sierra's work. Jade brushed her fingers on the collar of her white shirt as her eyes scanned the page. She placed the pages on the table and looked at her.

"So you think your research is complete?"

"I believe so. I have gathered enough data to form a design that suits the needs mentioned by the students. I will begin designing now."

"Bear in mind that you have by the end of the week."

"Yes, I remember the deadline. I will not be late."

Jade nodded her head as a gesture that Sierra was dismissed.

As Sierra held the doorknob in her hand, she heard Jade say something.

"You will be presenting this research on Friday."

"Okay, I will be prepared."

Sierra felt relaxed as she exited the office and returned to hers. She noticed Rebecca sitting in front of her desk. Rebecca wore a black jacket and skirt with a white blouse. Sierra chirped a good morning to her as she sat down.

"Good morning to you, too. You seem to be in a good mood today."

Sierra smiled at Rebecca's remark. Her work was finally in her control, and she had a date with Luke later today.

"I just got my research approved from Jade. I will be done early today."

"She is not giving us any feedback. She is just looking over the documents."

Sierra furrowed her eyebrows. She pouted and wondered what that could mean.

"You are right. Either we are doing great, or she is just waiting for the presentation on Friday to give her feedback."

"Isn't she supposed to help us before the finalized designs?"

"She should, but she has not remarked about my work. It makes me wonder what she is trying to do."

"Humiliate us in the presentation."

"I hope not. We had her in the picture the entire time. Should we talk to Philip about this?"

"He might say that it is not his area to comment. But he should be aware of it before Friday."

"Let's talk to him before lunch."

"Okay. Scott will be back from her office soon."

Sierra looked around and noticed Damien's desk was unoccupied.

"Has Damien arrived yet?"

"Yeah, he was here a minute ago. Must have gone out for a cigarette."

"When does he get any work done is beyond me."


"Have you started designing?"

"Nope. I realized I forgot to document an interview from yesterday. I am just finishing that up now."

"I think I should try and see if Philip is free."

"Yeah, okay."

Sierra got up from her seat and peered through the glass door. Philip's office door was open. Making her way to the room, Sierra heard voices coming from inside. Philip was probably talking on the phone. Sierra walked near the door and gently knocked on the door. Her guess was right, Philip had a phone receiver pressed against his ear as he looked up at her. Philip wore a dark blue shirt underneath his checkered grey jacket. He smiled at Sierra and gestured for her to come in.

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