Chapter 24

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~~* Sierra's POV *~~

Sierra woke up to the sound of a machine beeping somewhere behind her head. She slowly tried to open her eyes and adjust to the light. Her head hurt as she did. Sierra tried to blink hard to see better, but she only saw white. Sierra's head felt heavier, and she tried to reach up to it. Her hand touched a gauze-like fabric. She closed her eyes in confusion and reopened them. The last thing she remembered was lying on the sidewalk as she got soaked in the rain. No matter how much she wanted, she always ended up in a hospital room instead of a coffin. The pain in her head increased as she felt warm tears trickle down her cheek.

She wiped it away with the back of her hand. Her arm felt sore as she lifted it upwards. She gradually rested it back. Sierra dared not raise her head as she heard the door open.

"She is awake. Call the doctor."

Sierra's eyes gradually adjusted to the light and made out a young man walking near her bed.

"Hi, Sierra. I am your nurse, Caleb. How are you feeling?"

"Hi, my head hurts, and my arms are sore."

"The soreness will be gone by tomorrow, but the headache might stay for a few days."

"What happened to me?"

"You hit your head on the pavement, but luckily, it was a minor head injury."

"How did I get here?"

"A gentleman brought you to this hospital. I do not know his name."

"Oh. How long until I will be completely healed?"

"We will ask you to come in for a checkup regularly. We can not be certain of the nature of your injury just yet. If your checkups go well, you might not have anything to worry about."

"Okay. Can I go home now?"

"I am waiting for the doctor. Once he gives me the green signal, I will discharge you."

Caleb smiled warmly at Sierra. The door opened again, and a male doctor entered the room. He seemed to be in his late thirties, and the bags under his eyes were prominent. He pulled out a clipboard from the foot of Sierra's bedframe and quickly skimmed over it as he slowly walked to her side.

"How are you feeling, Miss Thompson."

"My head hurts."

"Hmm. Don't worry. We will make sure that is taken care of in the coming week."

Pulling out a flashlight from his pocket, he observed Sierra's pupils as he moved the light in front of her.

"Have you had a panic attack before?"


The light was bright in her eyes, and the doctor noticed her squinting, so he pulled it away.

"How long ago was it?"

"Maybe a month or more."

"Do you exercise, or have you ever considered therapy for it?"

"I go for a jog sometimes but have not tried therapy."

"I can suggest a few therapists. I think you should try therapy for at least a month and see if that helps."


Wondering where she would fit the therapy sessions into her busy schedule, Sierra nodded her head. The doctor signed her papers and announced that she could go home now on the promise that she would visit for her regular checkups. Sierra agreed and took the therapist's pamphlets the doctor shared with her. Caleb gingerly pulled the IV from the back of her hand, and Sierra cautiously got out of bed. The door opened, revealing Scott in the doorway. The doctor left as Scott entered.

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