Chapter 12

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~~* Sierra's POV *~~

Sierra sat on her desk, her eyes moving from right to left on the screen of her laptop. She just got done preparing two chapters for her exams. She was wondering about watching an episode of Nancy Drew. She loved the show. It had long ended, but she did not want to finish it. It got canceled. So these were the very last episodes left. And Nancy did not end up with the one Sierra thought she would. Shrinking her shoulders in disappointment and defeat, she hibernated her laptop and got up from her chair. It was time for a quick jog. She had her eyes glued to the screen for some time. Sierra needed some fresh air and a change of scenery.

Dressing up in her yoga pants and sports bra, Sierra zipped up her bomber jacket. She had left the house without a third layer before. Sierra was not making that mistake again. She was trying to ease her mind and stop thinking about the examinations. She left the house and locked the door behind her. Sierra lightly trod towards the park. The sun was down, and although the weather seemed pleasant, the air felt cold against her cheeks as she jogged to the garden. She stretched her arms and legs before starting her rounds. A good run often helped her think better and become more productive. With each step, her tangled thoughts seemed to find their place.

By the end of this week, Sierra would start her internship at GoSolutions. She was lucky enough to be selected for the opportunity. Sierra just needed to figure out a way to improve her resume. It would give her the boost she needed to land a job with a good company. She was uncertain if she felt happiness or nervousness. Maybe it was both. Sierra had not talked to her mother about the internship yet. She texted her, but Ruby must have gotten so swamped with work. Ruby had not responded yet. Sierra could have called her, but she knew if her mother had the time, she would have replied to her message.

Looking at the time on her Fitbit, she wondered if she should call her now. Her rounds were about to come to an end. Sierra slowed her gait and began walking at a regular pace. She had noticed her heart rate would take some time to return to the norm. Coming to a halt, Sierra searched for the closest bench. Taking deep breaths as she sat, Sierra untied and gathered the loose strands of her chocolate brown hair. She secured her hair in a messy bun and wiped the sweat off her forehead. Her cheeks were burning now. Sierra decided to take a warm bath when she reached home. If Ruby had not arrived, she would call her after the bath.

Sierra rotated her neck and tried taking more deep breaths. She wondered if it was normal for someone's heart to take this long to return to regular. Sierra got up from her spot and started to walk gradually. She needed to head home soon. Without noticing her environment, Sierra kept walking further. She lowered her zipper to help cool down. Wondering why Sierra had not brought bottled water, she continued to take baby steps. She recalled someone mentioning that drinking water with a racing heart can be harmful.

"This is not the time to think about that. Just stay calm and don't die on your way home. Or worse, faint on the roadside."

Reassuring herself, Sierra shrugged all thoughts away and held her head high. Only to notice a familiar face walking towards her.

"Fancy seeing you on the streets again."

Sierra tried to blink hard as if it would make him disappear. Defeated by the failed attempt, she replied.


"How are you doing? The last time we met, you were hardly conscious."

Sierra chose to ignore his comment.

"Great. You?"

"You look great. Completely awake, that is. I am perfect as always."

"I don't have a habit of fainting on the streets, you know. I was not well."

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