Chapter 28: Story Time

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I own nothing.
Chapter 28: The Tale of the Wayfarer Queen

"He needs medical attention, Seto." Rain said aggressively.
In the aftermath of the duel, the others had quickly gotten the unconscious Bakura below deck to assess his injuries. (Y/N), still feeling the phantom pains from the memory of her death, quickly handed control off to Rain once she was certain Yami was calm enough. Yami seemed equally eager to switch with Yugi, likely still in shock over what they had learned during the duel. Once Rain was back in control, she wasted no time cornering Kaiba in his quarters. Seto was, unsurprisingly, unsympathetic to the plight of the current Bakura.
"Bakura chose to be in the finals. Any injuries he sustained due to his poor health are his own fault for overestimating himself."
"He wasn't himself!" Rain insisted. "Seto, you can't possible still believe Bakura was entirely in control of his actions during that duel! What do I have to do to make you realize that all of this is real and that we are all in very real danger."
He rolled his eyes. "Nothing short of a miracle will make me believe in those bedtime stories you tell. I don't see the issue. Your boyfriend won, didn't he?"
The Wayfarer growled. "Gods, could you be any more stubborn?! You are going to get us all killed just to fix your wounded pride. What? You're so afraid to duel Yugi again you decided to pull another stunt like the one from Duelist Kingdom?"
He swung his head and glared down at the shorter girl. "What did you say?"
"You. Heard. Me." Rain growled in response.
Neither party was willing to back down, so it was fortunate that Mokuba walked in to report to his brother.
"Seto, Bakura's asleep now, but he doesn't look great."
The two older kids were still glaring at each other, but Rain took a deep breath and held up her hands.
"Look, forget the prophecy, forget magic, forget all of the clearly supernatural phenomena that you are clearly in denial about. Bakura needs a doctor, even you can't deny that. If he dies, that's bad for all of us, business too for both our families. We need to land."
The older Kaiba brother huffed before crossing his arms. "This blimp will not land until we reach our destination for the finals. I have a highly trained team of medical staff that will handle him. He couldn't afford better."
"Thank you." Rain said, 100% ingeniously. "That is all I can ask, clearly. Mokuba, come with me. The others are bound to be barreling down the hall to strangle your brother and they wouldn't do that in front of you."
"Coming." He agreed.
The two exited the room, and just as Rain had predicted, Joey was storming down the hall with others on his tail, minus Tea.
"You guys, this is a restricted area." Mokuba said.
"Stormy's here." Joey pointed out as the younger Kaiba rolled his eyes.
"She's a VIP, she doesn't count."
"Whatever. Where's your brother?"
"Don't even, Joey." Rain said, blocking the door. "I already tried to get him to land. If he said no to me, he's gonna say no to you."
"We'll see about tha-,"
"Which is why I also made sure Bakura would get proper medical attention. Mokuba will get the medical team down there to check on him."
"Will that be enough?" Serenity asked.
"Trust me, Seto's the last person to skimp out on things. Odds are Bakura would get better treatment on this blimp than he would at the hospital."
"Well, that's a relief." Duke said. "Not that we have much of a choice."
"You really think Kaiba's quacks can handle it, Yuge?" Joey asked.
"If Rain says we can trust them, then we can trust them." The shorter male assured, making the girl smile as Tristan walked up to them.
"Hey, we still have to find Bakura's Millenium Ring."
"It's gone again!?" Rain yelled.
Yugi nodded. "It must've fallen off when we were moving him. It shouldn't be too hard to track."
"No way." The Wayfarer stated. "That thing has proven it has a mind of its own. It's gonna cause trouble with or without Bakura...current Bakura? Our Bakura? The Bakura that isn't a psychopath!"
"Relax, Rain." Tristan assured her. "Leave the Ring to me and Devlin. You, Joey, and Yugi need to focus on the finals."
"You sure, Tristan?" Joey asked in a teasing manner. "Last time to tussled with that thing, Stormy had to save your hide."
"We'll be fine." The brunette said, though he looked like he wanted to punch Joey. "I'm not gonna let my friends get distracted before the biggest duel of their lives. Plus, it'll give me and Duke something to do!"
"Perfect, Serenity and I will search upstairs!" Duke immediately volunteered, taking the younger Wheeler's hand.
Tristan, with a violent grin, hooked his arm around Duke's throat, and began to drag him off. "Forget it. You're coming with me, Devlin."
"But I was-,"
"Zip it!"
Duke was unwillingly dragged off to the elevators as Rain rolled her eyes.
"Generous as always, Tristan."
"It's nice to see them getting along." Joey said, any sarcasm that should've been laced in his tone was missing.
Yugi sighed. "Yeah, let's go with that."
"Hey, Rain?" Serenity said, getting her attention. "After that duel, I am a bit curious about your friend, (Y/N). Are her and Yugi's other half really married? And what was that evil spirit talking about?"
"I was wondering about that too." Mokuba admitted. "Something about what they were talking about was really familiar."
"It should be." Rain said with a smirk. "I've only told you their story a million times. My favorite Wayfarer story."
Mokuba's eyes widened. "No way! (Y/N)'s her?! The Wayfarer Queen!?"
"Awe, you do listen to me. And yes, she is indeed the Wayfarer Queen."
"No wonder that was your favorite story." The boy then slyly smirked in Yugi's direction. "And why you seem to like Yugi so much."
She gritted her teeth at him with a blush. "One sentence too many."
"Oh yeah, you told us there was like this whole story around those two." Joey recalled. "You ever gonna let us in on that?"
"Yeah!" Mokuba agreed wholeheartedly. "Come on, Rain, we have enough time! Tell it again."
"All right, all right." She said with a sigh. "I guess it's story time now."

The Pharaoh and the Wayfarer (Atem/Yami Yugi x Spirit! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now