Chapter 27: The Dark Spirit, Pt. 2

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I own nothing.
Chapter 27: Old Enemy, Older Friend

Yami and Bakura were escorted to the duelist elevator by Roland as everyone else filed into the main elevator to meet them on the dueling grounds. Thanks to Kaiba's theatrics, the arena was on top of the blimp, exposed to the sky.
"Whoa!" Joey yelled, peering at the drop below. "Duelin' up here's insane!"
"And freezing!" Serenity added, shivering.
(Y/N) quickly shedded the jacket she had been wearing for the tournament from beneath the one she got from Mokuba, handing it off to the younger Wheeler, who looked grateful.
"Oh look, here comes the master of ceremonies now." Duke joked as Seto and Mokuba appeared.
"All right, I'll make this speech quick so we can begin this duel." The elder brother announced. "Kaiba Kraft 3 is now cruising at an altitude of 4,000 Ft. The strong winds and cold air will test your strength and stamina if you can't take it, you don't belong here."
"Yeah!" Tristan cheered. "I dig this little twist!"
Duke nodded. "I have to admit it: Kaiba does know how to throw a tournament."
Kaiba then shot (Y/N) a look. "Rain, one drop of blood on the deck, and you will be escorted downstairs."
"Yes, yes, I appreciate the concern, but I am fine." (Y/N) assured him.
Seto didn't seem convinced but only grunted in response. Tea, recognizing (Y/N) was the one in control at the moment, leaned towards the former queen, whispering.
"Hey, (Y/N), why does Kaiba keep bringing up Rain bleeding? Is everything okay?"
"That's for Rain to disclose, Tea. I promise, be patient and she'll open up."
Tea, being maternal as she was, did not seem satisfied with that answer, but she didn't push anything further than that as they all turned to the two duelists who took their positions on the field.
"Are you prepared to lose it all?" 'Bakura' mocked as Yami glared at him.
"I won't lose. And before we begin this duel, why don't you reveal who you really are and stop this charade, Spirit of the Millennium Ring?"
The dark spirit chuckled as the Millennium Ring manifested around his neck.
"Aw man!" Joey shouted. "Not this guy again!"
"That can't be!" Tristan shouted. "I got rid of it at Duelist Kingdom!"
"Don't blame yourself, Tristan." (Y/N) assured him. "The Millennium Items are quite difficult to separate from their chosen wielders. I should've taken more care when we had it in our possession."
The tall brunette then gave her a worrying look. "Hey, you good? I know that creep was pretty handsy with you back at Duelist Kingdom. He try anything on you this time?"
"Some flirting and a strong grip." She answered back. "Nothing I couldn't handle."
"Excuse me." Namu suddenly interjected. "What's all the fuss? What's around Bakura's neck?"
Tea, Tristan, and Joey, knowing that they couldn't explain what was going on without revealing the secret, all deferred to (Y/N), who nodded her head and gave permission to explain given that they were all at risk to the Millennium Items in this tournament.
Tea took the lead. "It's kinda hard to explain, Namu, but that's not really Bakura."
Namu tilted his head. "You lost me."
Joey took over. "Ya see, Yugi, Rain, and Bakura all have these real old objects that have magic powers and have spirits in them. Yugi and Rain's are good, but Bakura's  is bad."
"The spirit in the Ring is evil." Tea jumped in.
"So you're telling me there's an evil spirit up there dueling Yugi?" Namu repeated as Mai and Duke were quite shocked by the new information. "That's hard to believe."
"Yeah, I didn't believe it at first either." Tea admitted as Joey crossed his arms.
"I just hope he doesn't drag Yuge to the Shadow Realm again. That's not a place ya wanna be. Hey, (Y/N), you'd be able to help him out again, right? Like ya did with Pegasus?"
"Perhaps." (Y/N) said. "I can't say I'm keen to match strength with the Spirit of the Ring, but if it comes to it, I will interfere."
"(Y/N)?" Mai repeated. "I thought Rain's nickname was Stormy."
"Oops." Joey slipped. "Ah, ya see, this gal here isn't Rain either. This is the spirit in her bracelet. Serenity, Mai, Duke, Namu, meet (Y/N)."
The queen nodded as the others gapped at her.
"Wait, you're telling me this person who looks exactly like Rain (L/N) is a completely different person!?" Duke yelled.
Tristan shook his head. "Not exactly. Rain and (Y/N) have different eye colors, that's how you can tell them apart."
"Hey, you're right!" Mai realized, getting a closer look at (Y/N)'s eyes. "They both have (E/C) eyes, but they're different shades! You're really someone else?"
(Y/N) nodded. "Yes. Apologies for the secrets, Mai, but our situation isn't something we can easily explain to those who don't have experience with magic. I do think it is important you're aware of the existence of it because this tournament has become too dangerous to keep quiet. Not only because of him either."
They all turned back to the duel as the Spirit of the Ring smirked at Yami.
"Well then, now that the introductions are over and done with, why don't we begin this duel?"
"First, tell me why you've entered the Battle City Finals and what it is you hope to gain." Yami demanded. "Is it about the Millennium Items?"
"Hmm, perhaps, or perhaps there is something else that I'm planning to take away from you besides your Millennium Puzzle."
The dark spirit's gaze wandered over to (Y/N) who glared back at him. Joey immediately stepped in front of (Y/N), giving 'Bakura' a stink eye of his own.
Yami looked positively murderous. "Get your eyes off her."
"Oh, jealous perhaps, Pharaoh?"
"Listen to me: so long as even a scrap of my soul remains in this world, you will not touch (Y/N). I repeat: get your eyes off my wife."
(Y/N) could feel her cheeks darken at her husband's ferocity. Yami was usually capable of keeping a level head, but when it came to her, everyone knew all bets were off. Rain seemed to agree, appearing beside her partner with a whistle.
"Wow, I don't even think Pegasus got Yami this fired up."
Mai then peered at (Y/N). "I'm sorry, did he say wife?"
The former queen rubbed her head. "Um, yes, we were married in our previous lives."
"Go figure Yugi and Rain have chemistry when they're sharing bodies with a married couple. Oof, that's got to be awkward though."
"Please stop talking, Mai."
The Ring Spirit feigned amusement, though a few discerning individuals could tell he was harboring even more malicious intent after Yami's last comment, smirking at his opponent.
"There is so much about this tournament that both of you are unaware of, so many secrets being kept from you. For instance, how do you know that I am working alone, and are you sure that one of the people you believe to be your friend isn't really your greatest enemy?"
"I don't believe you." Yami shot back. "Lies are a part of your game, but they won't help you in this duel!"
Roland held up his arm, signaling the duelist to ready themselves. "And now, the first duel of the Battle City Finals will begin!"
Both males drew their hands as the others began to shout encouraging words.
"Finish this guy, Yuge!" Tristan yelled.
Tea joined in. "Come on, Yugi, we're with you!"
"Please be careful." (Y/N) said in a low voice. "Both of you."
Yami kept hard gaze on the Spirit of the Ring. "Whatever it is you desire, you will fail."
"Not quite." The spirit mocked. "It is you who shall lose everything you have! I assure you the first duel of the finals will also be your last!"

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