Chapter 18: Dungeon Dice Monster Pt. 1

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I own nothing.
Chapter 18: Duke Devlin

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" Rain chanted as she raced for the game shop, her cheek smeared in glaze from the half eaten donut she called breakfast.
Some time had passed since she had moved to Domino City and the virtual reality incident, and she had acclimated very well. Not a day went by that she didn't hang out with the gang, and by this point, it had felt like Rain had always been part of their group. She had been a source of recommendations for classic movies for Tristan, Joey was always down to duel even if he yet to score a win on her, and Tea was the source of feminine bonding Rain had been severely lacking in her life, introducing her to the joys of spa days and idiot wrangling.
And then there was Yugi.
It was hardly a secret that the two had become very close, very fast. They were kindred spirits united not only in a mission, but in their common interests. Yugi admired Rain's boldness, her lust for life, and how devoted she was to being a Wayfarer. Rain in turn was drawn to Yugi's kindness and sincerity, how he would always help others, even if they didn't always deserve it. The two spent considerable amounts of time talking about stuff, whether it was new Duel Monster cards or one of the many stories Rain had heard in her life. There had been one incident in which they had been talking so deep into the night about ancient games like Mancala or Senet and what it took to make games that stand the test of time, that the two ended up falling asleep in Yugi's living room. Solomon was kind enough to inform Carter of the impromptu sleepover and provides the kids with blankets, but Rain did get an earful from her gramps the next day after school.
Rain and Yugi weren't the only ones becoming closer. Whenever they hung out, Yami and (Y/N) were always there in spirit, seemingly just to hang out with each other. Yugi wasn't quite at the point that he would let Yami takeover outside of a duel, but given how often he and Rain hung out, it didn't really matter. Much like how they could talk for hours at a time, Yami and (Y/N) were very much the same, though Yami seemed more content allowing (Y/N) speak to him, either to tell him about the world or also tell him stories. The male spirit seemed always to be watching over her, worried something would happen. Rain suspected it had to do with that vision from the virtual world. (Y/N) confirmed it was the same scream she heard when she remembered her name, and given the other flashes, it likely meant Yami had witnessed what was probably (Y/N)'s death. However, that was the most recent information they had, as no memories had surfaced until then, so for now, the four of them had all agreed that they would set it aside and let Rain and (Y/N) acclimate to their new home.
Turning the corner, the Wayfarer girl spotted Yugi, Tea, and Solomon standing outside the shop.
She skidded to a halt in front of them. "Made it!"
"Good morning to you too, Rain." Tea half laughed as the shorter female caught her breath.
Yugi gave her a smile. "I'm guessing you had a late morning?"
"Ugh, yes!" The girl groaned. "Seto and Mokuba were over last night for dinner and he and gramps would not stop talking business! Mokuba got to sleep on the couch while he waited for them to shut up, but of course I couldn't go to bed because it would be rude with guests in the house. And then gramps left for work without walking me up and I slept in because I was exhausted! So yeah, I'm tired, and I'm running on half a donut."
"Make that a quarter of a donut." Tea pointed out. "Half of it is smeared on your face."
Rain rubbed it off. "Thank you, Tea. Anyways, good morning, grandpa Moto!"
"Ha!" The old man huffed. "It's bad mornings all around, Rain."
"What's bugging your grandfather?" Tea asked Yugi. "I've never seen him like this before."
Rain crossed her arms over her head. "He feeling under the weather?"
"Not sure." Yugi admitted in a whisper. "But I'm worried. He's been acting really weird all morning."
"Why though?" Tea asked before the old man butted in abruptly.
"Okay, I'm going to tell you. I've endured many things in my life. I've been trapped in an ancient pyramid, stung by scorpions, attacked by Tibetan wolves, even foolishly played poker with Carter (L/N), but nothing compares to this: a new game shop!"
Solomon pointed at a new, sizable building just down the road.
"Ah, I see now." Rain said, picking up business nohow from her gramps.
"They think they can drive me out of business, selling their trendy new trash, but they have no respect for the gaming traditions, the true classics, because they sell only the fads of today."
"Maybe we should go check out the competition." Yugi suggested. "See what we're up against."
"Don't even think about it!" Solomon yelled as his grandson used Rain as a shield.
Eventually, they all managed to say their goodbyes to a bereaved Solomon and headed towards school, taking a brief detour to look at the new shop.
"Yugi, if your grandfather finds out we've been here, you're gonna be so grounded!" Tea said as she, Yugi, and Rain approached it.
"Ah, what's the harm in a little window shopping?" The star haired boy brushed off.
"Rain, you're okay with this?"
The (H/C) haired female gave her a look. "Tea, I've bolted into trap infested temples the minute my gramps had his back turned. Bold of you to assume this is the worst thing I've ever done."
The brunette facepalmed. "Okay, I set myself up for that one."
A landed handed them a flier as they approached, seemingly advertising a new game.
"What is it?" Yugi asked.
"Dungeon Dice Monsters." The woman answered.
Rain smiled. "Seems pretty fun. Wonder how you play."
"Okay, enough." Tea said as she grabbed the two and dragged them off. "Come on, you two! Let's go! We're going to miss our first class, again! If I get detention for this, you're gonna have to do my homework for a week."
"Any chance we can stop by a cafe really quick?" Rain asked. "I am kinda hungry."

The Pharaoh and the Wayfarer (Atem/Yami Yugi x Spirit! Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu