Chapter 16: Legendary Heroes Pt 1

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I own nothing.
Chapter 16: Into the Virtual World

"So you just told your granddad that you wanted to be closer to all the weird stuff that's probably gonna go down, and he just bought a mansion, moved you guys here, transferred you to our school, all in the span of a few weeks?" Joey repeated as the group left school together.
To say the gang was ecstatic that their Duelist Kingdom companion was now going to be a mainstay in the friend group was an understatement, for Yugi especially. True, this meant that Rain was likely right about disasters related to the Millennium Items being on the horizon, but that crisis could wait another day as they all got reacquainted. Yugi was dead set on introducing her to his grandpa given her role in saving his soul, and Rain was more than thrilled to meet the man who found the Millennium Puzzle in the first place, so they were all heading back to the shop.
Rain folded her arms behind her head. "Pretty sure the property belonged to a tribe member who recently retired, but that is pretty much the gist of it."
"Rain, how rich is your grandfather if he was able to do all of that so quickly?" Tristan asked.
"The fact we do business with KaibaCorp should give you a good idea."
"Who cares?" Tea said, smiling happily. "We're all back together! I say we have a small welcome party for Rain!"
"Aw, you guys don't have to do that for little ol' me. I should be the one treating you guys for letting me stick around for Duelist Kingdom. Don't know how that would've turned out if I were on my own."
Joey tossed her a look. "Ya kiddin'? You saved our skins throughout that whole tournament!"
Yugi beamed at her. "Come on, Rain, please? It's the least we can do."
Rain had a subtle blush on her face as she immediately cracked to Yugi's puppy eyes. "Oh fine, just so you know, (L/N)s pay kindness forward, so don't want to hear complaining when I repay the favor."
Everyone laughed at the girl's stubbornness. As Tea, Joey, and Tristan decided on some snacks to get, Yugi stepped closer.
"So, how's (Y/N) doing?"
Rain held up the bracelet "Pretty well. She and I have been going over the Wayfarer legends just to see if we can pinpoint what this calamity is supposed to look like. No luck thus far."
"What about memories? Any new ones, specifically about Yami?"
Rain sighed, shaking her head. "No. The memories have always been inconsistent for her, and even the ones she gets are usually just voices or really blurry images. I thought for sure she'd get a new one after meeting Yami, but nothing so far. Who knows, maybe being closer to each other will jog something for both of them."
Yugi smiled, holding up the Puzzle to allow the two items to touch. Again, they chimed rather than the typical sound two metal objects touching made.
"Yeah. At the very least, I can tell Yami is very happy you guys are here."
Rain gave a lopsided grin. "Feeling's mutual for (Y/N)."
Thunder rumbled above them as rain suddenly began pouring down on them.
"Shoot! I forgot about the storm warning!" Tea said as Joey took off.
"Book it!"
Everyone took off down the street, Rain having to trail behind because she had no idea about the directions. Fortunately, they quickly got to the shop and ran inside.
"Man, that rain came out of nowhere!" Tristan complained as they all wiped their shoes and tried to shake off the excess water.
Yugi, like Rain, had to squeeze the excess water from his hair, but did so with a chuckle. "Grandpa! We're back! We brought someone we want you to meet!"
"Coming!" An older voice called.
Rain glanced around the shop, noting many small, obscure titles and board games on sale, though Duel Monsters was featured prominently. An older gentleman stepped out from a back room and behind the counter. It was easy to guess he was related to Yugi, given their similar features. This gentleman had a wise air about him, while also having a spark in his eye that reminded Rain of her gramps.
Solomon beamed as he saw the girl. "Ah, a new face! It's always a pleasure to meet Yugi's friends."
Yugi led Rain up to the counter. "Grandpa, this is Rain (L/N), the friend from Duelist Kingdom I told you about. Rain, this is my grandpa."
Rain put out her hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Mr Moto."
Solomon returned the gesture, shaking her hand. "Just call me grandpa, dear, everyone does. And the pleasure's all mine. Yugi's told me a great deal about you, Rain. I can't thank you enough for looking after him during all that trouble."
Rain held up her hands. "Nah, we looked after each other."
"Really? From how Yugi described it, you were practically a knight in shining armor."
"G-grandpa!" Yugi squeaked, his face red.
"Yugi was the real hero, sir." Rain assured. "Trust me."
Solomon chuckled at his grandson's reaction, knowing it all too well. "I'll take your word for it. Though, I should've known you were Carter's granddaughter. You've got a similar look about you."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
The old man laughed. "Carter's probably one of the most honest and interesting men I've had the pleasure of meeting. Though he's a dirty cheat at Poker!"
Rain sweatdropped, rubbing her head. "Yeah, sorry about that."
"Hey gramps!" Joey greeted as the rest finished drying up. "Got any new cards for us to look at?"
Solomon gestured to the display case. "Take a look. Rain, would you care to look."
"Well, there are two cards I've been on the look out for this past week that would seriously boost my deck, but no luck so far."
"Ah!" Solomon said. "The new releases, I've heard about them. I think I know which two cards you're talking about. You play a Forest Guardian deck, correct?"
She nodded. "Yes s-, grandpa."
"That's a fine deck, one that requires a steady heart and a clever mind to balance the light and darkness. I will say, I haven't received those two cards you're looking for."
"That's fine, couldn't have hurt to ask."
The old man grinned. "Tell you what, if I come across those two, I'll be sure to set aside for you. A small thank you gift from me to you."
"I appreciate it."
"What cards are you talking about?" Tea asked, curious.
With a mischievous grin, Rain held a finger to her lips. "Tell you what, if I find them, I'll show you."
"Tease." Tea said jokingly as Solomon laughed.
"Ha! That grin is Carter's all right."
"I'll take that one, gramps!" Joey finally decided. "Put it on my tab."
"Your tab's past due, Joey." The old man shot back, still getting the card.
"Then put it on Tristan's."
"Hey!" The brunette shouted as the others chuckled.
Just then, the door opened behind them with a chime, getting everyone's attention. As lightning flashed, an exhausted Mokuba was leaning against the door.
"Mokuba!" Rain shouted, running to him.
The young boy immediately hugged her. "Rain! I'm so glad you're here!"
"Mokuba, what's wrong? What happened?"
"I need help. It's Seto."

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