Chapter 17: Legendary Heroes Pts 2 & 3

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I own nothing.
Chapter 17: Game Over

The crowd cheered as the champion faced Joey.
"Huh, I knew guys could be dirty as pigs, but didn't know they dressed the part. Hope you duel better than you smell, you swine. You know what I like about butterflies? They don't talk!"
The two growled at each other before squaring up to duel.
Rain tilted her head. "Is it just me or does that girl sound familiar?"
Yugi nodded as Joey drew his card. "Yeah, I've definitely heard that voice before."
Joey summoned his Flame Swordsman to the field while the champion summoned a Harpy Lady. When Flame Swordsman charged, she immediately activated Mirror Wall, alerting the Wayfarer that her instinct was indeed correct.
"Is that Mai!?"
"What is she doing here?" Yugi asked as the champion mocked Joey with a laugh, confirming their suspicions.
"Ready for the big finish? Rose Whip attack!"
"Hold on!" Joey yelled, removing his mask.
"Stop!" Mai ordered, removing her mask as the attack was called off. "Joey? Is that you?"
"Mai, how did you get here?" Rain called from the crowd as she and the boys vaulted over the wall.
She blinked at them. "Rain, Yugi, Mokuba! I'm testing this game for some suits at KaibaCorp."
"Listen, you could be in danger, Mai." Joey warned.
Mokuba nodded. "Yeah, those suits kidnapped my big brother."
"We came in here to bust him out, but we need to get across the desert to reach the temple." Rain explained as Mai looked shocked.
"Kaiba's here?"
Yugi confirmed it. "Yes, and we need the Niwatori card to cross the desert to save him."
"The prize for this match?" Mai asked, now understanding the situation.
The crowd, seeing the fight was wholly interrupted, began yelling in a disgruntled mob. Joey was a bit concerned about their growing hostilities.
"Uh, I know this crowd's a fake, but they look really mad to me. We might have a problem gettin' outta here without finishin' the duel. Besides, even if we do escape, we still can't find Kaiba without that card."
"Well, I'm not so sure about crossing a desert, but I'm over this place." Mai admitted before winking. "Plus, I'm positive that I can get that Niwatori card."
Rain held up her cardholder. "We should also conserve our lifepoints as much as possible."
"An excellent point. Harpy Lady, Rose Whip attack!"
This time, instead of Flame Swordsman, Mai's monster grappled the Niwatori card from toad man. Of course, this meant they all had to run for their lives, ditching the costumes and booking it for the desert. Joey, to his credit, used his Trap Hole card to slow the crowd down, buying them time to make it to the outskirts, mount the chicken like monsters, and race into the sand storm.
"So the Big 5 paid you to test this game out?" Rain called to Mai over the roar of the wind.
"That's right."
"Wonder why." Joey thought aloud.
"Probably to make sure everything went according to plan when they used it on my brother." Mokuba reasoned. "Still, they couldn't have planned on all of us."
Suddenly, the earth began shaking as pillars of sand shot into the sky and cracks formed beneath their feet. A dinosaur shaped monster composed of stone rose up from the desert and roared at them.
"Sand Stone monster!" Rained yelled as it stalked towards them.
"We're never gonna get past that!" Mokuba said Joey drew a card.
"Never say never. I'll kick over this sand castle! Go Red Eyes Black Dragon! Inferno Fire Blast!" The draconic being roared as it was summoned before blasting Sand Stone to dust. "Heh, buh-bye!"
The sandstorm finally subsided, revealing the sky and the temple in distance. Not wanting to risk getting caught in another storm, the group rushed over.
"Whew!" Mai sighed. "Here at last."
Mokuba hopped off his mount and immediately began racing inside.
"Mokuba!" Rain yelled, hot on his tail.
The others followed suit, catching up to the boy and heading inside.
"This temple has seen better days." Joey joked, seeing the interior being more cave-like than temple. "Definitely creepy."
"Yeah, let's try and stick together." Yugi suggested.
Rain tossed Mokuba a look. "That means no running off on your own."
"Yes ma'am..."
They all came to two large, wooden doors at the end of the tunnel. Joey pushed the doors open, revealing a maze on the other side.
"It's a labyrinth dungeon! It's like where we dueled them weirdo Paradox Brothers, huh, Yuge?"
As they all stepped through the doors, they immediately shut behind them, sealing them in.
Rain sighed. "Looks like we're solving the maze."
"I'm totally freaked." Mai said.
"It's all right." Yugi reassured her. "Remember, this is all a game and we'd never reach the end of this adventure by going backwards. Rain's right, we've gotta go through the maze."
A cry came up from up the path, causing Joey to bolt after it. Mai complained about Joey bolting headlong into danger, but an emerging Labyrinth Tank immediately shut her up and got the whole group running. Joey was caught up at a split in the path as the other ran at him with the tank on their tails. They all headed left before two more tanks appeared from both paths.
"We're boxed in!" Rain yelled.
They all backed into each other.
"Anybody got a plan?" Joey asked.
"Get pass the tanks?" Yugi said almost sarcastically.
"Got a plan B? Otherwise, we're gonna have more holes in us than Swiss cheese!"
"I have a plan, but I don't know if there's enough room." Rain said, pulling out a card. "Or if she'll be in a good mood..."
Yugi pulled out his own card. "I'll use my Magical Hats. Rain, get ready."
The hat immediately fell on top of them, teleporting them away as the tank fired on the hat.
Joey grinned.
"Heh heh. I love that trick." The labyrinth shook as ear piercing screeches and the sound of metal begin torn apart echoed throughout the corridors. "Geez, Rain, what did you leave back there!?"
"My most fearsome monster." She answered. "Now, let's get out of here before more show up! Which way?"
Suddenly, a tiny form appeared with a welcoming smile.
"Look, another fairy." Yugi said. "Let's follow here."
The little guy flew off, letting the others chase after her. Eventually, they came across another person in the maze wearing an elegant dress.
"Earu, you're back!" A feminine voice greeted.
"Who's that?" Joey asked. "Where did...hey..."
They all stopped and studied the newcomer. Despite her clearly feminine features, she looked just like Mokuba in a dress and crown, something Joey found all too hilarious.
"Check it out, Mokuba. Looks like that fairy's turned you into a girl."
The small boy glared at him. "Great. Can she make you smart?"
"I mean, she does look like your twin, Mokuba." Rain pointed out.
"Not you too, Rain!" He then turned to his doppelgänger. "We heard someone scream. Are you all right?"
"I lost Earu, my guide." She explained.
"Well, we're all here now." Joey said. "So, can you get us outta this rat trap?"
The girl shook her head.
"I'm lost, too." Everyone sighed. "But Earu will find a way out for us."
The fairy pulled her weight, leading everyone to the end of the maze just as the girl said. However, that didn't mean much when a massive Gate Guardian stood in their way.
"I can't think of anything that'll beat a monster that strong!" Mai said as they all began to back up.
"Those crooks must've put it here to stop us!" Joey yelled as the Guardian prepared to attack.
A shriek suddenly rose up as powerful gusts of wind began forcing the monster back. A dark form descended from the sky, revealing a massive owl with dark indigo feathers and a pale face. Its orange eyes narrowed as it shrieked at Gate Guardian, bits of the Labyrinth Tanks clinging to its feathers.
"Ah, great another one!" Joey yelled.
"No, she's mine." Rain said before the owl glared at her, forcing the Wayfarer to give her her proper dues. "Kuro is one of my most powerful monsters."

The Pharaoh and the Wayfarer (Atem/Yami Yugi x Spirit! Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن