Chapter 12: Keith's Machinations

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I own nothing
Chapter 12: Duelin' Against the Odds

Congratulations were tossed to Yugi as he and Joey high fived, handing the reins off for the next duel.
"Yeah!" Tristan cheered as everyone took their place back on the balcony and Joey moved towards the arena. "There's our man!"
"Go, Joey!" Tea shouted.
Rain joined in. "Show that creep who's boss!"
Joey held up a hand in thanks before facing Bandit Keith, only he wasn't there.
"Where's Keith?" Joey asked.
Said creep was off to the side, lazing on a couch.
"What time is it?"
Joey fell over at his blatant disrespect. "What are you doing!? Get over here!"
The bandit smirked smugly. Hey, chill out. The pummeling will commence as soon as I'm good and ready. So don't get your briefs in a bunch. You got that, blondie?"
"That insult doesn't work if you're also a blonde." Rain shouted.
"Stall as long as you want, Keith."  Joey challenged. "You're gonna have to duel me sooner or later."
Croquet cleared his throat. "Tournament verification cards, gentlemen."
Keith held up a Glory to the King's Right Hand. "No problem. Hey, dweeb, show the man your card."
"Sure. It's right here." Joey rummaged through his pocket for a moment before a soft gulp came from him.
Rain facepalmed. "Oh, don't tell me."
"Tournament verification card." Croquet repeated.
"I know." Joey insisted. "Just give me a minute, would you? I-I know it's in here somewhere!"
"Joey lost the entry card!?" Tea shouted.
Bakura looked just as exasperated as Rain. "Even he couldn't be that absentminded."
"Yeah he could!" Tristan shot back.
"Well, what a shame." Keith mocked. "I guess I won't be needing to get off this couch after all, huh, Joey?"
Joey swung his head at the self-proclaimed bandit. "Well, don't get too comfortable, 'cause once I find that card-,"
The announcer cut him off. "If you find it within the set-time parameters the regulations allow."
"Retrace your steps, Joey." Yugi encouraged. "Are you sure you put it in your coat?"
"Well, I guess that it could have fallen out in the room. I'm going to head back there and check it out."
"5 minutes." Croquet warned as Joey turned to leave. "Your match will begin at 11:00 sharp. No extensions. Return by then with the card, or you'll be disqualified."
Joey growled, but ran off without arguing. As Tea argued the unfairness of such a short time frame, Rain elbowed Yugi.
"Yugi, you still have your copy of the card, right?"
"Give it to me. You only need Glory to the King's Opposite Hand to face Pegasus. I'll give your copy of Right Hand to Joey."
Yugi smiled and quickly handed the card off to her. "Good thinking, Rain!"
Rain ran off to catch up with Joey, only to catch him outside the hall with Mai. Before she could say anything, (Y/N) appeared beside her.
"No need." The spirit insisted as Mai handed a card off to Joey.
Realizing what was happening, Rain smiled and innocently whistled as she walked back to the arena. Guess Mai was as big a softie as she was. Joey had already ran through the doors and stepped back into the duel arena by the time Rain got back to the rest of the group.
Yugi beamed as Rain took her spot back. "That was fast. Nice going, Rain."
"Actually, Mai beat me to the punch. Here's your card back."
Yugi gently pushed her hand back when she tried to give back the card. He blushed slightly as he rubbed the back of his head.
"No, you keep it. You said you wanted a keepsake, so..."
She smiled softly at him. "Thanks, Yugi."
Keith looked pretty shocked as Joey held up Mai's card. Croquet nodded, accepting the verification and allowing the duel to go forward.
(Y/N) gave Keith the side eye in her spirit form. "He seemed a bit too confident that Joey wasn't going to find the card, wouldn't you say?"
Rain frowned, glaring down at the bandit. "Trust me, I didn't miss that. Hey, Keith!"
"What do you want, pipsqueak?" He growled up at her.
"Seems you were pretty cocky, Joey wasn't gonna make it, even though you were in the dining hall with us last night. You knew Joey had the card."
"It's like I told your pals, I just thought the dunce was too scared to face me like a man."
Rain crossed her arms. "Really? I don't think Joey has a habit of running from tough opponents. Me personally, I have a bad habit of bending the bottom corners of my cards, especially ones I don't play with."
Keith froze, immediately looking at the card he stole, only to find there was no bend. When he looked back up, he saw Rain smirking down at him.
"Made ya look. Once a dirty coward, always one, I suppose."
Keith looked ready to kill her, but stayed in place.
"Why, that cheat!" Tea growled.
"We probably should've taken the 'bandit' part of his name more seriously." Bakura said
Despite it being clear Keith had tried a dirty tactic to get him kicked out, Joey kept himself composed like any good duelist.
"Nap time's over, Keith. Time to duel."
Keith clicked his tongue, but then smirked. "Fine. You know, a part of me wanted you to show up. A nice little warm-up match might do me some good."
"I'll warm you up and wear you out."
Keith's eye seemed to twitch under his sunglasses. "Just you try!"
"The second match of the playoffs will now commence! Joey Wheeler, Bandit Keith, prepare to duel. Ready? Begin!"
"Let's duel!"

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