Chapter 1: Journey to Duelist Kingdom

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I own nothing.

Chapter 1: Duelist Kingdom
Present Day

Rain hummed to herself as she studied her cards carefully, trying to come up with some new strategies as the ship approached the mysterious island owned by Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters. Around a month ago, the (L/N) residence received a mysterious letter for their only heir, containing 5 cards that acted as an invitation to an exclusive tournament hosted by the creator himself. Pegasus wasn't exactly a stranger to the (L/N)s. Rain had one vivid memory of the eccentric man arguing with her grandfather about something before she interrupted. He had appeared very interested in her, or rather the Millennium Bracelet, but Carter had asked him politely to vacate the premises. Needless to say, Carter was against Rain participating, but since Pegasus had specifically invited the girl to the island over a number of other duelists, she felt obligated to go, and she wanted a chance to test her skills.
"I still say your grandfather had the right idea."
Rain looked up to see (Y/N) sitting across from her on the bed. The spirit had been offering her expertise while also warning her host that this was a bad idea. Ever since the incident a year ago, the two had finally opened up their line of communication and became much more in sync as a result. Rain became more willing to let the spirit take control, if only to let her experience the world after being trapped in a void for who knows how many years, and (Y/N) continued to protect her vessel. Slowly, they became friends as opposed to vessel and spirit, united in their quest to figure out just who the heck (Y/N) was when she was alive and maybe figure out how to free her spirit. Oh and also maybe prevent a great approaching calamity her presence signified.
Rain gave her a lopsided grin, scooping up her cards and putting them back in their holder.
"You're worrying too much. This is just a tournament that you and I are using as a much needed break from research."
The spirit stood up, giving her a hard look. "A tournament held on an isolated island in the middle of nowhere, hosted by a man you and I both know shouldn't be trusted."
Putting her cardholder away, Rain walked past her spirit and headed to the door for some fresh air.
"Okay, so Pegasus is a little weird, but what can you expect from the head of Industrial Illusions? It's probably just theatrics."
"Theatrics?" (Y/N) repeated as she followed her host out to take in the view of the sea illuminated by the night sky. "You say as you consult the spirit you share your body with who resides in an ageless artifact meant to pierce darkness."
Rain tensed up, seeing the logic. "Okay, point taken, but regardless, this is just a short breather before we get back to the "Save the World and Free Your Spirit" quest."
The spirit nodded, leaning against the railing alongside Rain, a conflicted expression on her face.
"Hey, what's up with you?"
"What do you mean?"
Rain gave her a look. "We've been talking for a year now and sharing my body for a lot longer than that. In all that time, I've never seen you like this. Usually you're calm and collected, but you seem really skittish right now. You can tell me if something's bothering you. We're a team, remember?"
The spirit smiled at her before frowning and looking out towards the horizon.
"I'm not sure what this feeling is. All I know is that I'm certain something is going to happen on this...vacation as you put it."
"Good or bad?"
"That's the conflicting part, I can't tell."
Rain sighed, putting her hands behind her head.
"We really need to work on your premonition skills, (Y/N)."
"Well forgive me for not having complete control when I barely remembered my own name."
"Aw, I'm just messing with you." Rain said, leaning against the rail. "Whatever happens, I think we can handle it. We've got the knowledge of countless Wayfarers with us and the Millennium Bracelet."
"Oh, so you have been studying outside of my pestering you to do so." (Y/N) teased.
"Shut up." The two laughed before going back to sea gazing. "It is a really nice night out."
"That it is."
Rain began to hum lightly, the tune a familiar one. Both of them had grown a liking to it if only because of its choice of words and to annoy Carter. Eventually, she outright began to sing, changing the lyrics slightly so it matched their situation.

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