Chapter 19: Dungeon Dice Monsters Pt 2

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I own nothing.
Chapter 19: At His Own Game

The peanut gallery took their sides as the two competitors headed to their respective podiums. The arena reconfigured to what (Y/N) could only assume was a typical board for Dungeon Dice Monsters. Of course, it wasn't lost on either spirit that Yami was at a woeful disadvantage, given he did not know how to play the game, something Duke took pleasure in mocking him for, only for Yami to respond with his usual sass of being a quick study.
"You better be, Yugi." Duke taunted. "Because I know this game inside and out. And if you want to win, you're gonna have to learn it as well. Now let's get started."
"Pride before the fall, Devlin. Remember that." (Y/N) shot before turning his head to her male counterpart. "You've beaten a master at his own game before, Yugi. Consider this a far less dangerous version."
Yami huffed a laugh before smiling and nodding to the girl. As he studied the panel before him, (Y/N) caught from the corner of her eye the slightest twitch of anger from Duke. Whatever she said had struck a nerve.
"How dare you mock our great Duke!" One of the cheerleaders yelled.
"Yeah! You should shut your mouth, Rain!"
She stared at them with an icy expression. "By all means, one of you is more than welcome to come over here and make me."
Immediately, they backed down, huddling together and shaking. Tea was both unnerved, yet impressed.
"Wow, (Y/N), you've got them shaking. I assume you'll be the one joining us for this match?"
The female spirit sighed. "I fear I must. Given Rain's current anger, let's just say she'd be wielding that fire extinguisher in a rather unintended way."
Tristan immediately caught her meaning and gulped. "And how effectively could Rain use a fire extinguisher as a blunt force weapon?"
"With the amount of rage she feels at the moment? Very."
Duke went back to smirking as he saw the confused expression on Yami's face as the set of dice were revealed.
"Lost already? Relax, I'll walk you through it. That's your dice pool. Select 15 dice from it to use for the game. I'd give you some tips on which to pick, Yugi, but being the master gamer that you are, I'm sure you'll figure it out." Duke picked up a couple of dice and started tossing them in his hand. "Hurry up, now. I got mine already set."
Eventually, Yami made his choice. "I'm ready, too."
"Good. Now here's how it works: these dice are gonna be kind of like your dueling deck, and just like you shuffle your deck, we shuffle these. Like so." Duke dropped his dice into a compartment at the top of the layout, Yami copied him. "See? Easy. The Dice Automator will randomize your 15 dice in groups of 3. You get three dice per round. You roll all 3 at the same time, and then you get to make your move depending on what you rolled, but I'll explain more about that a bit later. Now, take the 3 dice out of the auto hatch."
Yami copied Duke's movements, committing the rules to memory.
"Okay. Now how do you score? Well, in this game, we have heart points. You only get 3, that's it, and whoever loses all 3 first, loses. Game on!"
"Game on?" Tea repeated. "Yugi just learned the rules!"
"Yeah, that's probably just how Duke likes it." Tristan jabbed.
"Go! Go, Duke, go!" The cheerleaders cheered, dragging poor Joey in with them.
"Thanks, ladies." Duke said in a flirting tone. "You're beautiful!"
They all squealed, making Joey groan.
"Man, what a bunch of suck-ups."
"No yapping, you mutt!" One of them growled before he was grabbed on either side.
"This is a duel, not a dog show!"
"And if I hear barking out of any of you, I'm coming over there myself!" (Y/N) threatened, immediately causing the girls to let go and back off.
The spirit huffed and crossed her arms, causing Duke smirk as she recomposed herself.
"You know, Rain, I'd be more than happy to welcome you to my side of the field."
She snapped her head at him. "Don't think my threat didn't apply to you as well, Devlin."
He shrugged. "I'm gonna make my first roll now, Yugi. So from here on out, you're just gonna have to listen carefully and learn as we go." He tossed the dice. "See those markings there? Those are called crests. Different crests do different things. Take that green die, for example. That star crest I just rolled is for summoning. To be able to summon something, at least 2 of the 3 dice that you rolled have to land with the same type summon crest, face up. And if I'm not mistaken, it seems I've come up with two matching summoning crests on my very first roll of the game! Now, the dimensionalizing part of the process. Dimension the dice!"
The white die appeared on the field, opening up into a T-shaped set of panels.
"And there you go: Ryu-kishin!" The pink, imp-like fiend appeared on the field.

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