Chapter 20: Stepping Out

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I own nothing
Chapter 20: Past in the Present

Rain made the executive decision to always leave one of grandfather's best men with her friends if she was not around. Why? Well, because in the single week she was out of town helping the Wayfarers who had gotten their archive stolen get everything back in order, the Millennium Puzzle was stolen by a fake fortune teller, who turned out to be Bandit Keith, Yugi had to duel the man while he was blatantly cheating, and nearly died in the ensuing fire since Keith smashed the Puzzle to pieces and Yugi had to reform it. That last part was the reason Rain even became aware of something being wrong in the first place. The minute the Puzzle shattered, she and (Y/N) were struck by migraines that pretty much knocked them. On top of all that, Keith this whole time was being mind controlled by someone else, someone who knew about the Millennium Items and, more concerning, about Yami and (Y/N). By the time Rain had gotten back to Domino City, Yugi was out of the hospital and made sure Rain knew the whole story, namely because whoever attacked them made it perfectly clear she and (Y/N) were their next targets.
"I mean, it makes sense." Rain said as she and Yugi chatted over the phone as she laid on top of her bed. "It sucks, but it makes sense. Whoever this person is had to know about the prophecy. If their goal is to stop it, they'd have to come after me and (Y/N) eventually."
"Do you think it could be another Wayfarer?" Yugi asked, also hanging out in his room.
"Possibly. There's plenty of disgruntled or crazy members out there who could delude themselves into thinking it's for the greater good. We could also just be dealing with another Pegasus type."
She could almost hear Yugi shiver on the other end. "I hope not. I've had enough life threatening duels for a while."
"How are you two holding up?" Rain asked, feeling guilty for bringing it up.
"Both of us are fine, Rain, I promise! I'm just worried about...all of this. I don't exactly like the idea of a guy who knows more about Yami's past than he or we do."
"Same here." The Wayfarer agreed. "Somehow, we have to find a way to trigger their memories again. I just know they're the key to all this. I think the two of them need to spend more time together."
"What do you mean?"
"We know for a fact they knew each other in life, and memories seemed tied to their interactions. Heck, (Y/N) sensed you guys were in danger. I think them being around each other more will jog the memories out. And I mean in the physical world, not just as spirits." A sudden grin crossed her face. "I have an idea. Yugi, is Yami listening in right now?"
"No, I think he's asleep...or whatever he does in the puzzle. Why?"
Rain grinned fiddling with the bracelet. "Because if they knew beforehand what I have up my sleeve, they'd try to get out of it. We're also gonna need some backup."


Rain opened her eyes to find herself in a bustling marketplace, stalls lined with vendors with wares from different parts of the world. Unlike the usual memory dreams, Rain was certain this was her memory, after all, she was wearing fairly modern clothes, and she vaguely remember this trip. She caught sight of Carter discussing something with a vendor, confirming her theory, and began exploring the area. She began browsing the wares, smirking slyly every time she caught sight of a trick or ploy, before something finally caught her attention. A Senet board was set up, seemingly for the older people of area to peruse, but a boy around her age seemed enthralled by it. He was alone, so Rain assumed he just didn't have someone to play with.
With a smile, she walked up to him. "Do you play?"
The boy yelped, turning to her. He seemed close in age to her, but his features seemed fuzzy given the nature of a dream. She could make out his blonde hair that was almost white.
"W-what?" He said shyly.
"Senet. Do you play?"
"N-no." He admitted.
"Wanna learn?"
He tilted his head at her before eventually nodding. Rain quickly pulled him to one side of the board and then walked to the other side.
"Okay, the whole point of the game is to try to get your pieces off the board first, while also preventing your opponent from getting theirs. Got it?"
He seemed a bit more confident now as he nodded. "Got it."
"Good. We'll play a practice game first, just so you can get a feel for it." She then paused, realizing she hadn't actually introduced herself. "I'm Rain, by the way."
The boy smiled at her. "I'm-,"

The Pharaoh and the Wayfarer (Atem/Yami Yugi x Spirit! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now