Chapter 14: Match of the Millennium

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I own nothing
Chapter 14: Yugi vs Pegasus

Yugi and Rain stood across from each other as the former went through his deck. This interim before the fateful duel with Pegasus was suffocating to say the least.
"I trust you, grandpa." Yugi said to himself. "I won't let you down."
Yugi probably should've been by himself to prepare, but he needed Rain right now. It wasn't a lot of time, but what knowledge she could cram into these few minutes would be better than nothing. Sensing he was done with deck preparations, Rain stood straight.
"To be honest, even after 8 years, I still don't know everything about the Millennium Bracelet, let alone the other items."
Yugi gave her a sad smile. "Anything you can tell me could be vital, Rain."
She thought for a moment before a determined look crossed her face. "Trust in the Spirit of the Puzzle. You may have only just now started working as a team, but if you want to stand a chance, you have to work as a single unit, like equals. The Millennium Items are the only things that can cancel each other out."
He glanced away, unsure. "There's...still so much I don't know about him. I know I should trust him, but I'm still hesitant."
(Y/N) suddenly took over, closing her eyes. "If he's anything like I was, he likely knows little about himself."
Yugi blinked. "What do you mean?"
"When Rain first woke me up, I had no memories. I couldn't even remember my own name for the longest time. For the longest time, I acted as a restless spirit, only revealing myself when Rain needed my help, because without her, I'd be trapped again. Judging by how your counterpart acted before, he's very much the same. We rely on the two of you to exist, and so, you can trust that we will give you our full power to achieve your goals. We all are separate individuals, but when we combine our powers together, we become a formidable force. I don't know if you will be able to use the Puzzle's power to negate Pegasus's mind reading ability, but I do know combining your strengths will open the path to endless possibilities. Keep that in mind."
Yugi nodded. "I...we will. Thanks, both of you."
He turned to walk through the doors again, only for (Y/N) to lean against the wall.
"Yugi. Rain has grown to care about you quite a bit in the short time you've known each other. She's very social, but I know she doesn't typical form deep connections like yours in this short of time. Come out of this, for her sake."
The boy blushed lightly before smiling. "I promise. Also, (Y/N), I may not have as strong a connection with my spirit as Rain does with you, but I think I can sense that he has a connection to you, that he cares about you. I think he wants to come out of this for your sake."
This caught the female spirit off guard for a moment. She couldn't deny she had the same feelings, regardless of her lack of memories, but she wasn't about to vocalize that just yet. She just gave him a weak smile.
"Be safe, both of you."
Yugi nodded and headed for the doors. As (Y/N) watched, Rain appeared in her spirit form, obviously flustered.
"Why did you tell him that!?"
"Was it untrue?"
Rain gave her a look. "Well, no, but you didn't have to blurt it out! Now things are going to be weird!"
(Y/N) chuckled. "I think you're underestimating the effect you've had on Yugi."
"What's that supposed to mean!?" The spirit did not answer, instead wordlessly handing the controls back to the panicking Wayfarer. "Hey! (Y/N)! I'm not done talking to you!"
Flustered and out of breath, Rain saw the doors open, seeing everyone at the edge of the arena.
"What are you guys doing?" Yugi asked.
Joey waved. "Hey, Yuge. We all wanted to wish you luck."
The boy smiled. "You're the best."
"Looks like you finally made it. You're goin' all the way, buddy." Joey then glanced at Rain. "Got him set, Rain?"
She sighed, walking over to them. "As much as I could at least. I wish I could give him my power."
"Don't worry, Rain, Yugi will pull through." Tea assured before looking at Yugi. "And once it's over, we'll get your grandpa home."
"Thanks guys." Yugi said. "That means a lot."
A voice then called from across the room.
"The time has come." Everyone turned to see Croquet. "Would the challenger, Yugi Moto, please enter the duel ring? Mr. Pegasus awaits you."
Everyone stood to the side as Yugi wore a determined expression.
"Go get him, Yuge!" Joey cheered as the Spirit of the Puzzle took over.
Other Yugi stepped forward as (Y/N) appeared beside Rain. The two locked eyes, the feeling of connection once again surging in them, before the female spirit smiled softly and nodded. Her male counterpart returned the gesture before marching off to meet Pegasus. Everyone watched as their friend took to the field.
"He looks so determined." Tea said, though her voice betrayed her worry.
Tristan seemed much more confident. "Yugi, take him down!"
"Put that slime bucket in his place once and for all!" Joey added.
Rain also joined in. "He's only got his dirty tricks! Show how a real duelist duels!"
"The challenger has entered the stadium." Croquet announced. "And now, for your dueling pleasure, Castle Pegasus is proud to present the creator of Duel Monsters and all its wondrous cards, the undefeated, undisputed ruler of Duelist Kingdom, Maximillion Pegasus!"
The man himself stepped out, two lackeys on either side of him, a smug look on his face.
"And now, let the duel begin!"
Pegasus cleared his throat, motioning one goon forward. On a cloth tray was his deck, which Pegasus took before stepping into the arena.
"So, Yugi-boy, you've turned out to be quite the young duelist, battling your way past all the other challengers, winning your way into the castle, just to face me."
Other Yugi growled. "Pegasus! Before we begin this duel, I want you to agree to keep your promise that if I defeat you, you'll release my grandfather's soul to me!"
"But of course, I'm a man of my word."
'Yugi' cut him off. "That's not all! You must also free the souls of Seto and Mokuba Kaiba!"
"What a strange demand. I thought you hated Kaiba as much as you hate me, Yugi. Or perhaps," He smirked slyly at Rain. "You're doing this on someone else's behalf. I didn't think you and Ms (L/N) were so close."
'Other' Yugi narrowed his eyes. "Perhaps I have a vow of my own to keep, Pegasus."
"I see, you and Rain made a vow to Mokuba." The male spirit flinched, realizing Pegasus read his mind as he thought back to the promise he and Rain made. "Okay, Yugi-boy, if it will put your mind at ease, I agree to your terms. If you win your battle with me, I shall free these three from their lonesome prison of souls."
Pegasus held up the three prison cards, causing Rain to growl.
"He's up to something." Tristan noted.
Joey nodded in agreement. "I think he planned to take on Yugi in the final match all along."
"He's after something, that's for sure." Tea added.
"I just hope Yugi can handle this." Bakura said. "Throughout this entire tournament, Pegasus has stacked the deck in his own favor, every step of the way."
"Don't worry about Yugi." Everyone turned to Rain. "It doesn't matter what tricks Pegasus pulls, he'll find a way to beat them."
Joey smiled, holding up a fist. "Rain's right! When this is all over, Yugi's gonna be the undisputed champion. Pegasus won't even have a clue what hit him."
Tea seemed to be in Joey and Rain's mindset, while Tristan and Bakura looked less than convinced.
"Pegasus hasn't once played fair." Tristan pointed out. "We don't know what kind of tricks he'll pull."
"Just like Rain said, whatever tricks he tries, whatever card he plays, Yugi will overcome them." Tea repeated. "He hasn't come all this way to lose in the final match."
Joey glared at Pegasus. "Look at him! No way that overdressed prima donna stands a chance against our buddy!"
The blonde placed a hand on Tristan's shoulder. "Trust me, Yugi's no Kaiba. He's gonna beat this clown."
Rain, despite the nervousness bubbling in her stomach, turned away. "The duel's about to start. We should head upstairs."
Joey and Tea followed after her, but Bakura and Tristan lingered behind. Rain again felt a cold gaze on her back, but when she turned, no one was there. Eventually, the trio got to their spot as Croquet announced the duel.
"Challenger Yugi Moto, as per the rules of Duelist Kingdom, present the card that entitles you to participate."
"Here it is." 'Yugi' said as he held up Glory of the King's Opposite Hand.
Croquet nodded, accepting the entry card. "The stage is set for the final and deciding duel of Duelist Kingdom. Just as the card you hold is a blank slate, there are no limits to the prize you may request of your opponent if you are the victor. You can decide, if you wish, to take over his company as your reward for winning. You can ask for this entire island or demand Mr. Pegasus's Millennium Eye as your prize."
"This is crazy!" Joey yelled.
Rain huffed as Bakura joined them and stood by her side. "No, it just proves how confident Pegasus is. Wait, Bakura, where's Tristan?"
"Oh." The white haired boy blinked. "He wandered off somewhere by himself. I'm not sure where though."
"Seriously? This place is dangerous!"
"Ah, don't worry about him, Rain." Joey insisted. "Probably just went to the john. Forget him. This is just gettin' interesting."
Pegasus seemed quite pleased with himself. "Do I know how to throw a tournament or do I know how to throw a Duelist Kingdom tournament!"
"Promise me that you will free the souls you took." Other Yugi demanded.
"And you'll return the archive you stole from Rain's tribe."
"Well, it was stolen by an underling, but very well. But if I am the one that defeats you instead, you have to fulfill your end of the bargain as well. Take a close look at the card you hold in your hand, Yugi-boy. There's a reason that it's blank, you know, for if I win, I claim your soul!"
(Y/N) then appeared on Rain's other side. "I'd wondered about that card. It's another soul prison!"
Rain immediately pulled out her copy. "Well, I'm burning this."
"So you see, you have much to gain, but much to risk as well." Pegasus taunted as Other Yugi held firm.
"It's a risk I'm willing to take, but I don't plan to lose."
"We shall see."
"We will indeed, Pegasus."
"So courageous, so defiant."
"What a creep." Joey growled. "But even knowin' what's on the line, Yugi still isn't gonna back down."
"It's in his nature." Rain said.
Bakura glanced over at her. "True, but this is the biggest gamble I've ever seen anybody take on Duel Monsters."
"When Millennium Items are involved, everything is always on the line." (Y/N) said, a somber look on her face as she stared at the male spirit.
Rain looked at her concerned, wondering if this was experience talking despite her lost memories. True, they had played their fair share of Shadow Games in the past, but (Y/N) had always been cool and in-control. She had never wavered in a challenge. Was this because a second Millennium Item wielder was involved, or was it because the Spirit of the Puzzle was the one risking everything? For a moment, something caught Rain's eye. Bakura appeared to be looking out over the arena, but for a brief second, she caught his eye wandering, right where (Y/N) was standing in spirit form. But, that didn't make any sense, no one could see (Y/N) in this form besides herself and the Spirit of the Puzzle...right? Before she could call him out, 'Other' Yugi taunted their host.
"I hate to disappoint you, Pegasus, but I have no intention of ever becoming a part of your soul card collection."
The older male narrowed his eye as Croquet cleared his throat.
"The final duel will now begin. The winner will be declared King of Games. Now, both of you cut and shuffle your opponent's cards."
Two goons approached the competitors, taking their decks and handing them off to their opponents. Pegasus didn't even bother to shuffle Yugi's deck as the cards were returned to their owners. Once the lifepoint counters were set, both competitors shouted out.

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