Merlin meets the Joker part 4 (Dc xover)

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Merlin by this point was done. It did not help that Arthur seemed to find this entire situation hilarious. They were trying but it got on his nerves that they decided instead of using the door like a normal person, they decided to use the window. What was a bit strange was to see that Robin seemed to stalk him.

It was stalking because the guy seemed to know where he was. He did not do anything and that was just weird. It was not only him but also Red Robin who decided to do the same thing and he does not even want to think about Batman. They had way too much time on their hands when they were doing this.

He had yet to talk with Nightwing which was something that worried him. Merlin hoped that this did not cause a rift but he also was a bit mad that neither of them talked about the blatantly elephant in the room. When even a stranger like him could tell that they had ignored this situation, then Merlin did not want to know what they were thinking.

"Um, can we-" There was a pause coming from Nightwing.

The man appeared out of god knows where and caused him to have a scare. "Talk?"

His eyes blinked before folding his arms together. "Fine, want some tea or something else?"

"I'm fine without anything, but thanks for asking."

He nodded and the two were sitting on the couch. There was this awkward silence and Merlin wondered again why he had agreed to a talk. He may have a massive crush on Nightwing but that does not mean that he does not feel nervous now.

"Wow, you two suck." A boy's voice drawled and he snapped his head in the direction to see that it was mini Gwaine.

"You are my friend but you should not just butt into their mess."

"Arthur you have constantly butt into things with Merlin and as the best friend I have the right to point things like that."

It was only now that it was said that he realized that Gwaine must have his memories. "Do not believe I won't have that talk after this, Gwaine." His voice was deadpanned, clearly fed up.

It was not the boy's fault really but the past few days were just messy and he does not want to deal with this.

"What does he mean by-"

"Nightwing just ignore them, they just are little shit's."

"Language Myrddin. They are children."

He snorted at this and gave the man a raised eyebrow. "You do know that we live in a place that has a high crime rate even with Red Hood's help?"

Nightwing blinked at him before letting out a grumble. "Fine."

He chuckled. Then he gave the two a sign that they should leave. At first, he almost thought they would not but seeing that he gave them a warning glare made them rush away, but not without them first singing the kissing tree song.

"Those two, I swear to god." He huffed out in a fond exasperation.

"Are they always that way?"

"Only when they want to be little shitheads and right now they decide to be one." He shook his head.

"So." He said after the awkward silence continued for a bit.

"A little Wing has told me to have a conversation with you."

He felt weary and confused. Who was Little Wing and what kind of conversation is the man talking about?

"First of all, whose little Wing, and what conversation is it?"

There was some tension but Merlin just could not figure out what kind of tension it was and it made him feel nervous. When he's nervous, Merlin usually starts to stress bake, stress using pretty magic or stress cooking. Either those three things. But there are times when he's going out and helping out with the community.

"He told me that you know his identity?"

"Wait a second you call Jason, Little Wing?"

It made sense why he was able to talk about this as the person clearly knew Hood. They are after all siblings, though he was not sure how they were related or not. He could ask but Merlin also was not sure that he should ask.

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