I call servants and they pick their luggage and leave.

I also go inside and go to Ahaan's room. Who doesn't like drama? I do atleast.

I reach there and see Mayank banging on the door.
Ahaan is in deep sleep i think. Before he could open the door, we see mahira coming in our direction while yawning.
As she comes near us, her eyes widen and she says.

"You guys came this early?".

"Yea Princess, we had an early flight". Armaan says while patting her head.

"What are you all doing here? It's not your room, yours is over there". She says pointing to the corridor.

"He is angry at Ahaan". I say and she narrows her eyes.

"But why?". She asks.

"Propose and all". I say.

"Ohhhh, that's it?". She says.

"That's it? Do you think it's not the reason to be angry?". Mayank says slightly raising his voice.
Before i could say something she says.

"Whatch your tone when you speak to me. I know you're angry but that doesn't give you the right to raise your voice at others". She says glaring at him and my lips breaks into a smile.
That's my girl.

"I'm sorry". He says in low voice.

"That's okay but why are you angry at him? It's not like he forced her, they both dated with mutual agreement, so i don't see the reason of your anger". She says.

"How can he date my sister?". Mayank says.

"Why can't he? Is he a criminal? Does he do drugs? No right? So why can't he date her". She asks crossing her arms.

"Ask Armaan how's he gonna behave when he gets to know that you're dating kairav". Mayank says and instantly put his hand on his mouth.
And our eyes widen.

"What did you just say? What the hell Mahira Chaudhary? How the hell are you dating behind our backs? What did we say about dating?". Armaan asks sternly.

"Bhaiii........i.....we..... I'm sorry". She says and lowers her head.

"And You kairav Malhotra. How dare you?". He says grabbing my collar.

"Bhaii please... listen to me i-". Armaan cuts her off.

"Leave Mahira, and don't let me see you with him".

"Bhaiii i-".

"I SAID, LEAVE". he shouts at her and she backs off.

"Don't make me repeat myself". He says and she looks at me with tears in her eyes before running to her room.

I jerk off his hand.

"Listen kairav, don't you dare come near my sister. Or else you'll see the worst of me". He warns me before leaving for his room.

I sigh and look at Mayank who has an apologetic look on his face.

"What's done is done, but give his brother a tough time like he is giving me. Why should i only suffer?". I say and pats his shoulder before making my way to the kitchen.

It's gonna be a long day today i guess.

Mahira's pov.
I run to my room and burst into tears.
How dare he shouted at me? How can he grab kairav's collar? Idiot psrson ever. I hate male community as they can't keep their anger in control. They be shouting at every single person who comes Infront of them.
But what am i gonna do now? How am i gonna coax him? What if he tells Ivaa- no no Mahira he won't.
Don't think about those things.

Priyal's sleep disturbs because of my sobs and she cones towards me.

"Why are you crying Mahi? Are you okay? What happened?". She asks worriedly.

I tell her everything including that her brother is angry as well.

"Oh my God". She says while pulling her hairs.

"Mahi he is gonna kill me, you don't know. He doesn't like any boy near me, he'll kill Ahaan...i what, what should i-". I cut her off.

"Prii please, I'm going through the same right now. You don't know. If he tells Ivaan bhaiya then I'm done for life".

"I hate life". We both say at the same time.
It's 12pm and we both are still in our rooms.
Mom has sent three servants to call us down as the guests have started arriving but we can't seem to get out of the room.
We're afraid. Let's put it that way.

It's the fourth time someone knocks on the door.
"Who's this?". Priyal asks while putting on her mascara.

"Raavi, open the door". Raavi says and we sigh of relief.
I put on my heels and open the door.

"You guys are still not ready? Maasi is loosing her mind because of you both". She says but we sugh again.

"What's wrong? What happened? Why you both look so down?". She asks.

"Everything's wrong". I say snd priyal nods.

"But what?". She asks and we tell her everything.

"Ohhh that's why Armaan bhaiya is glaring at kairav for an hour now. And Mayank bhaiya is also irritated with Ahaan. He is literally ordering him like a boss and Ahaan is just following his orders". She says.

"Really? Is it that bad?". Priyal asks.

"More than bad, anyways let's go downstairs, we'll see what to do". She says and we nod.

Iam wearing a yellow lehnga with teal dupatta because i saw kairav's sherwani this morning. I wanted to twin with him. I have done my curls and makeup. Iam wearing teal feels and diamond earrings.

As priyal finished getting ready we go to the main hall.
As we reach there, many eyes fall on us.
I try to ignore people and walk towards mom.

"Thank God you're here. Hold this thaal, and out it over there". She says without even looking at ms properly.

I take the thaal from her and put that thaal on it's place.

"You're looking eternally beautiful love". Kairav says sneaking beside me.

"Armaan bhai must not be around i guess". I say.

"Yea that Hitler just went to the backyard". He says rolling his eyes.

"Don't call him Hitler, he is nowhere near to hitler". I say.

"But he is going around being one". He says and i chuckle.

"Because his sister was lying to him". I say.

"Hiding truth and lying are two different things love". He says.

"It's the same for him. Anyways thank you for the compliment, let's not be around each other today if you don't want him to chop your head off". I say giggling.

"He can chop my head off, but he'll only find you there. You've not only corrupt my heart but also my mind". He says and heat spreads to my cheeks.

"You look more cute when you blush". He says smiling.

"I'm not blushing. I have my blush on". I say.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night". He says and walks away.

It's gonna be a long day today.

Nothing, But A Dare(#1)Where stories live. Discover now