Chapter 28

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It has been a few days since Naruko, Y/n, Najenda and Jiraiya had brought back Tsunade to the leaf. In that time Tsunade had healed Kakashi and Satsuki with both having recovered team 7 wen't on a few missions without Y/n. 

Speaking of the Genin he along with Shikamaru were standing before Tsunade, Shizune and the proctors from the chunin exams.

Tsunade: "Now then, Y/n. As you just herd Shikamaru is now a Chunin but while we are on promotions I would like to bring up your achievements as well. You have so far shown you have the skills of a chunin but when it comes to your mind and decision making there is much to be desired" 

Y/n: "What? But I thought I had good battle senses."

Shikamaru: "What a drag. She's saying in battle your fine but when you need to make more tactical decisions your lacking."

Tsunade: she nods "Yup hit the nail on the head. Many of your teachers and proctors also see that you are holding back especially when it comes to Naruko."

Y/n opens his mouth to protest but knows they are right so he stays quiet. 

Tsunade: "That being said we decided rather then waste your talents we are going to give you a test. You get one mission as acting leader, a jonin will be put in charge as a cover but you will really be leading them. This test will not be known to your team as they may try to help you succeed more the usual. This test is only for you. What do you say?"

Y/n thinks for a moment before smiling 

Y/n: "I'm in, so who's my team?"

Tsunade: "I think you'll like them. You have the strongest ties with them"

(Time skip)

We see Y/n walking to the village gates where he meets his team for his mission/ test. As he arrives he sees who his team is, after all its pretty hard to miss a girl with long blonde pigtails. 

Naruko: "Hey Y/n!"

Naruko waves to her brother as he approaches team seven. 

Y/n: "Hey sis, it's been a while since we all wen't on a mission huh" he looks to Satsuki "Your looking well Satsuki"

Satsuki: "I'm fine" she gave him a dismissive look turning her head away 

Y/n: "Yeah I figured. Hope these two haven't held you back Sakura"

Sakura: "No they haven't..." (More like the opposite)

Kakashi: "Well then with greetings out of the way. Y/n, what is our mission. The hokage give you it before you came right, so why not debrief us"

Y/n: (Right, I'm acting leader so I should give the mission and details) "There have been reports of rouge ninja attacking a small village to the east, our job is to stop them"

Kakashi: "Alright then, team seven: Mission starts now"

Like that team seven and Y/n's mission begin as they head to the village. 

(Time skip night)

Due to the village being so far off the ninja decided to camp out for the night, however Y/n didn't just wanna have one day be a waste.  

Y/n: "Sakura, come here for a sec"

Sakura: "Hm? What's up"

As she approaches Y/n suddenly goes to strike her with a punch making her close her eyes in fear of the strike. But as she expected pain she feels nothing making her open her eyes to see Y/n's fist had stopped an inch away form her face. 

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