Chapter 9 The chunin exams begin

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Ibiki: "Its time to begin, I am Ibiki morino and from this moment your worst enemy. But first you candidates from the village hidden in the sound knock it off nobody told you you could fight!"

Dosu: "Sorry its our first time, guess were just a little jumpy, sir"

Ibiki: "Ill say this once, there will be no fighting or attacking anyone without the permission of your proctor and even then the use of fatal force is prohibited, anyone who wants to mess with me will be immediately disqualified"

Sound ninja 2: "No fatal force, that's no fun" he smirks

Ibiki: "Now if your ready we will begin the first stage of the chunin exams, turn in your paper and you'll get a number witch will determine where you sit. Once your all seated we will begin the written test"

Naruko: "Wait did he say written test?..." she sounded a little nervous

Y/n just face palmed knowing written exams aren't Narukos strong suit

Y/n pov

Once we all got our numbers and assigned seats I was placed someplace in the middle next to a girl with mint green hair and orange eyes. When I looked at her I got an odd tingly feeling in my stomach but I put that to the side for now. As I was lost in my thoughts Ibiki sensei started to explain the rules of the exam. 

Y/n: (Naruko is gonna fail this exam... she had the worst grades and even with me helping her study at times it never stuck)

Ibiki: "Okay here are the rules and I wont answer any questions. Rule number one, the test works on a point reduction system meaning everyone starts with a perfect score of ten points so if you miss three your score will be seven" He then points to me "You are the exception to this rule, due to your circumstances you will have 30 questions"

Y/n: I give a nod (Great lucky me...)

Ibiki: "Rule two, teams will pass or fail based on all three members"

Sakura then screamed out making sure she herd Ibiki right with the proctor simply saying he has his reasons for it.

Ibiki: "Rule three, the sentinels around the room are there to watch you for any signs of cheating and for every incident they spot they will take away two points from the culprits score. Be warned they have extremely sharp eyes and if you get caught five time you'll be dismissed before the tests are even scored. Anyone caught cheating by the sentinels don't deserve to be here,  if you wanna be considered shinobi show us what exceptional shibiobi you can be"

Y/n: (Okay that's good, I know Sakura is smart and Satsuki gets good grades too so even if Naruko bombs they should be fine) I thought to myself

Ibiki: "also if anyone gets a zero and fail the entire squad fails"

Y/n: (God dammit!)

Ibiki: "The final question wont be given out until fifteen minuets before the end of the testing period, you'll have one hour total" he looks to a clock before looking back to everyone "BEGIN!"

Y/n: looking down at my test my eyes widen (These questions are all really tough ones, I don't even know where to start. Ibiki sensei's wording and rules are also very strange its like he wants us to cheat and not get caught.)

Aurora: (Exactly)

Y/n: (Aurora?, where have you been you completely ghosted me after last time we met!)

Aurora: (I was sleeping, I didn't think you needed me watching you 24/7. But back to what you were thinking about that's exactly what this exam is all about)

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