Chapter 13 Training with a drunk

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Currently in a medical room Y/n is laying down having been treated for his injuries against Lee. While in bed a shadow stands over his body with a figure looking down at him, the figure being revealed to be Orochimaru with a smirk on his face. 

Orochimaru: "You've certainly caught my attention, young Mimikku" he laughed a bit "Satsuki as a vesicle is good but if I could have you as a backup now that would be divine~" 

His neck stretched out as he went to bite Y/n's neck giving him a mark just like Satsuki's. However something was off as the curse mark was surrounded by several seals that not even the sannin recognized. These seals then seemed to attack the curse mark causing it to fade and be removed. 

Orochimaru: "How... this is quite interesting I wish to study this more but I must be going before someone comes." his head turned hearing footsteps approaching 

The door to the room suddenly swung open with the blonde knucklehead herself running to Y/n's bedside, Orochimaru being nowhere to be seen. 

Naruko: "Y/n" she screamed while jumping onto Y/n's stomach causing the boy to wake up suddenly

Y/n: "N-naruko I cant breathe" he groaned out 

It was then that Sakura came in as well 

Sakura: "Naruko can't you see hes resting!" she screamed while pulling Naruko off Y/n

Y/n: "Its fine I think i've rested enough" he stretched out his arms while rubbing his neck "So what did I miss?"

Sakura: "The last match happened while you were knocked out, Choji vs that sand ninja with Choji losing"

Y/n: "I'm sure Choji will be fine after he eats something" he lets out a small laugh 

Naruko: "Were also given a month to train before the final exam. Its pretty much just the same one on one battles. We were also shown who were facing too, here" she handed him a copy of the matches

Y/n: upon seeing the match ups he smiles seeing who's he's up against "So it seems i'm facing Neji.... good"

Naruko: "I really wanted to fight him for what he did to Hinata!" she clenched her fist

Y/n: "Don't worry I'll be sure to beat him"

Sakura: "Yeah but there's something we wanna ask you" this made the boy look to her "Your eyes, did you know you had a kekkei genkai like Satsuki"

Y/n: He looked to her and just scratched the back of his head "Honestly I didn't know at all until the match, it felt odd though Its like I was me but also someone else if that makes seance"

Naruko: "I don't really understand but I do know that we have to start training as soon as possible, c'mon hurry up and get dressed!" she practically shouted

Sakura: "Naruko can't you give him a full day to rest at least"

Y/n: "Like I said I rested enough and Naruko is right we should get training but im going solo with my training sorry sis"

Naruko: she pouts "No fair I wanted to train with you, fine then ill kakashi sensei to train me"

Y/n: "Good thinking and i've got an idea of who to ask to train me and I know he will say"

(Small time skip)

Zabuza: "No.."

Y/n: "Not the response I was expecting..... Why not, I herd kakashi sensei is training Satsuki and gave Naruko a new trainer to help her. Please train me!" he put his hands together while praying/ begging

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