Happy Birthday (I)

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I'm Maya and welcome to my messed up life. It was so normal that I almost died from boredom. So I did something that deffinitely changed that. I joined the army. Yeah. I didn't last there for too long, but it wasn't my fault, ok? At age of 23 I was already there for five years. I went on every mission I could. They kicked me out because of psychological test results. Fucking test! I was already a sergeant, but they told me that I was to messed up to keep doing this shit.

That was the moment that I decided to start again. My bad for leaving the country. My bad for flying to USA without a plan. Thankfully I was taught not to spend too much, so with money from missions I rented a small apartment, but I changed my locations quite often.

And there's now. I'm 24 and I work at a music bar. Maybe this slut doesn't pay me as much as she should, but thanks to the tips, it's enough for rent and food.

-Hello there, my favourite co-worker – said blond girl (deffinitely blessed by God) smiling.

-Hi Tiana. So what did they order except for a night with you? – I said loking at bunch of drunks at the corner.

-Oh, don't be like that, you silly. They didn't finish yet. But I have something veeery important going on and sadly I have to go early... - "Just like fucking always, just admit already that one of them invited you to some sort of gangbang" – Could you be so nice and close the bar? I hope that Thomas'll help you with everything. Riiight Tomi? – she asked winking at the man, who approached us.

Thomas Ericson, son of this bossy ass bitch, Mavy. He was working his ass of just to help his mommy. He had also a day time job, and once he even said he would quit if there was anyone to replace him here. His mom (who's our boss) on the other hand was a lazy ass bitch, who doesn't want to pay people properly, when she's here only once a week, to show up and try to go to bed with every band member. I'm really sorry for Thomas about that.

-Of course – he said with a tired smile.

-Thomas, you don't have to. Go home, to your girlfriend. Who knows, maybe you'll be lucky tonight? – I said laughing – Or at least you'll finally get some sleep?

-Sleep? Is this some kind of drug or somethin? – he asked dead serious

-No, you silly! It's when you go to bed, close your eyes and when you open them it's morning! - answered Tiana

For fuck's sake. How a person be so stereotypically dumb. I mean she's just like from jokes type „Why did the blonde tiptoe past the medicine cabinet? So she wouldn't wake up the sleeping pills". I can bet that, she's here only cause she has a big ass and she sleeps with every person, who suggest it. Thanks to that we have some regular customers. But cause of that I have to show deffinitely more skin than I would like to, just so I can earn some tips. I'm already used of guys looking at my ass, or even grabing it.

My thoughts disappeared the second I heard Thomas laugh. I love how he laugh, beacause then he doesn't look so tired. I joined him while Tiana was looking at us clueless.

-Hey, blondie! You comin? – yelled one of the drunks getting up.

-Just a second! – she answered, but then looked at me pointing her finger at me. – No. Comment.

She runned out the bar after them.

-I guess that she'll be the lucky one - said Tom

-Like always – I winked at him.

-Oh, shoot. Jimmi, not again – said Thomas coming over to guy, who just fell on the floor. – I'm really sorry May, but will you be mad if I'd go earlier, like Tiana?

-Of course not. As I said earlier, go home and get some rest with Lizy – I smiled.

-About that... We broke up. Good night May, oh and happy birthday – he said as he was closing the door with friend over his shoulder.

Happy what? Oh, right. My birthday. My family died during an accident four years ago, so I didn't have anyone to celebrate it with. I don't have friends cause i often changed place where i stayed. But he remembered. How cute.

I took out my phone and called.

-Helo? What is it Maya? – a girl answered the phone after a while.

-Hi Sienna. I'm gonna be late.

-Tsk. Again? Girl, you have to stand up for yourself and tell those motherfuckers, that you're not some pushover whiny bitch.

-What can I say. Tiana went for some big tips and Thomas took Jimmy home...

-Jimmy again? Oh, God. I broke up with him a week ago! I told him since the beggining, that I want nothing more than sex. What a crybitch.

-Crybitch? Nevermind. I'm gonna clean it up a little and take out trash, then straigh to home, ok?

-Got it, but girl, you gotta be carefull. I heard at the news that they found new bodies and that two girls went missing. I don't wanna pay full rent, so make sure, you come back with money.

-Yes, maam! – I said and hung up the phone.

Sienna is my roommate I met a week ago. Her almost black skin contrasted with her flashy pink hair, but it really suits her. She is the only person except for Thomas, that I can say I like. She's a hairdresser and if she could, she would marry money.

I looked around the bar. Luckly Thomas did most of the job. I cleaned some tables, then washed the floor. I took garbage and went outside to the back.

I hate summer. It's too fucking hot. And those bloody motherfuckers that sound like sombody showed them trumpet in their asses annoy me the most, cause they just love to bite me.

I tripped over a sticking out brick. When I almost fell I heard a noise. Like someone just bumped on trash can.

My heart skipped a little. Calm down. It's nothing bad. I went there to see what was that. I dropped the garbage I was still holding and I leted out a little gasp.

There, laying behind trash can was a man. Covered in blood.

[Hello there.

It's me, Miko. I hope that You'll enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you'll find  a mistake, please let me know in the comments.
Have good night/day]

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