"I understand there have been some rumors upsetting Ji Ruan. But I've always been trying to set the record straight, telling people not to overthink. Alas, I can't control others' tongues. If Ji Ruan remains displeased, I apologize to him-"
"Mr. Bai!" Gu Xiuyi interrupted sharply.
His demeanor became noticeably stern at the mention of Ji Ruan. "Ji Ruan doesn't need your apologies. Kindly respect yourself."
"Respect myself?" Bai Yue staggered, "We've known each other for twenty years, and I've always considered you my best friend. And now you're telling me to respect myself?"
Gu Xiuyi's gaze turned icy. Despite the bustling atmosphere around, his aura felt chilling, his patience evidently wearing thin.
"If you insist on saying that, then let me enlighten you-"
"A friend would never touch my beloved without permission; a friend wouldn't exploit baseless rumors to upset my partner, especially knowing their fragile health; a friend certainly wouldn't send mixed messages, claiming innocence while acting otherwise."
He gazed deeply at Bai Yue, "If that's your definition of friendship, I regret to say that our perspectives are vastly different. -Need I go on?"
How he took advantage of some past acquaintance from childhood to spread rumors and win hearts? The Bai family's business has been teetering for years but hasn't fallen entirely. That's in part because some believed those rumors and gave some hidden support.
With every calm yet piercing word from Gu Xiuyi, Bai Yue's face turned a shade paler.
It felt as if sharp knives were ceaselessly slicing his skin, the blood draining away, leaving his face ashen.
Ji Ruan was somewhat stunned too.
The atmosphere had turned unbearably awkward.
After Gu Xiuyi's remarks, none spoke. Amidst the bustling mall, the five of them stood beside a claw machine. The eerie silence drew many glances.
The Gao couple even stepped back, pulling out handkerchiefs to wipe their sweat. Despite Gu Xiuyi's casual attire resembling a college student, his aura was so intense it sent shivers down the spine.
Bai Yue, evidently embarrassed, stood rigidly. His pride was the only thing keeping him upright.
Keen on striking a business deal, Mr. Gao took the plunge, acting as a catalyst to break the tension.
With a forced smile and wiping sweat, he chimed in:
"Exactly! I too detest those who act differently behind one's back and falsely claim connections. Such people are unreliable! But I truly admire straightforward personalities like Mr. Gu's. Speak plainly and avoid pointless ambiguities!"
The woman quickly added, "Yes, yes, yes! Besides, Mr. Gu, your spouse is both young and stunning, an artist no less. Who wouldn't be envious, right? Hahaha..."
"Absolutely! The moment I saw Mr. Ji today, I thought you two were a perfect match - an artist and a businessman, reminiscent of
romance tales. Truly a match made in heaven!
"Not to mention, Mr. Gu, how family-oriented you are, spending weekends with Mr. Ji. That's truly commendable!"
The couple played off each other, trying to defuse the palpable tension, thankfully diverting the conversation away from the brewing conflict.
Tearing sound-
It's as if one could hear the ice cubes in the air silently melting.
Gu Xiuyi's demeanor softened, offering a faint smile at Lao Gao, and remarked:
"Indeed, only those with families truly understand each other."
Lao Gao keenly noticed the shift in Gu Xiuyi's mood and enthusiastically said, "Exactly! How about this? I'll treat you to dinner tonight. Let's have a good chat. Those who've never been married wouldn't understand!"
"No need for dinner," Gu Xiuyi declined politely, "Ji Ruan's stomach isn't great, I'll take him home for a meal."
Lao Gao, having had little hope to begin with, immediately nodded, "That's fine too. Health comes first, we old classmates can meet up anytime!"
Gu Xiuyi cut to the chase, "For the bidding, speak with Xiao Huang in charge and follow the protocols."
Lao Gao paused, his face lighting up in delight, "Ah! Great! Thank you, Manager Gu! Thank you so much!!"
Lao Gao never dreamed of such a fortuitous turn of events.
He had been going back and forth these days, trying to curry favor with Bai Yue, all for a word from Gu Xiuyi.
For a startup like theirs, collaborating with the Gu Corporation was like a pie in the sky; they couldn't even get their proposal in the door.
But with Gu Xiuyi's word, they at least had a chance to step in, even if they only played a minor role in the end. Meeting the person surnamed Huang through Gu Xiuyi's introduction meant they could get a piece of the pie. What Gu Xiuyi might overlook could be a big deal for Lao Gao's company!
"Ji Ruan!" A sharp call startled Lao Gao. Turning around, he saw Manager Gu holding Ji Ruan's hand, looking utterly worried, not at all like his usual confident self.
"Didn't I say you could only have a few bites?"

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