Ji Ruan was taken aback.
"No matter how others appear, or what they tell you, do not trust them," Gu Xiuyi stated.
"Always remember, no one possesses more confidence than you."
Ji Ruan had anticipated that Gu Xiuyi might provide some explanation, but he didn't expect him to offer such an assurance.
According to the novel's trajectory, upon learning of Bai Yue's return, Gu Xiuyi would waver between him and Bai Yue, torn much like many other traditional indecisive characters.
It was this exact apprehension that made Ji Ruan's decision to confide so fraught with complexity.
But Gu Xiuyi's firm and unexpected declaration left Ji Ruan momentarily at a loss for words.
"So, what about... you... I..." Ji Ruan stammered, failing to string together a coherent sentence.
Gu Xiuyi responded earnestly, "I understand your concerns. I'll be back soon, just wait a little longer for me."
"...Alright." Ji Ruan pursed his lips and nodded.
His face gave nothing away, but his tone softened considerably, "Then, I'll wait a little longer for you."
This time, Gu Xiuyi showed a hint of a smile, akin to placating a child, "You're such a good boy. Thank you for sharing with me, rather than keeping it to yourself."
Gu Xiuyi's words were so overly sweet that, even though Ji Ruan was being complimented, she couldn't bring herself to be happy. She felt all tingly: "Why the thanks? A mouth is meant for speaking, after all. Why would I hold anything back?"
The door to the dormitory burst open as Han Xiaolin hurriedly entered.
"Ruan! Ji Ruan, are you in bed? I bought the Houttuynia Cordata pill for you! Hurry and come take it!"
Ji Ruan pulled back the curtain: "Alright, thank you! I'll be right down."
After speaking, she pulled back again and raised her phone: "Oops, gotta go! My roommate's back, and it's time for my medicine."
"Go ahead," Gu Xiuyi nodded, then as if recalling something, he added: "-Wait."
Ji Ruan paused, "What is it?"
"You're the most important."
Ji Ruan's ears instantly turned red.
Earlier, when the dorm was empty, she had taken off her headphones because they were uncomfortable and had put the call on speaker. With Gu Xiuyi's words, the whole room echoed with his deep, pleasant voice.
Hearing the sound of Han Xiaolin opening a food container downstairs, Ji Ruan hesitated.
"I get it!" Ji Ruan's cheeks flushed crimson. She quickly tapped the red icon on the screen. Her hand shook, and she failed to end the call, allowing Gu Xiuyi to add another sentence.
"Honey, be careful getting down from the bed-"
Ji Ruan cut off Gu Xiuyi's last word.
Finally, the call ended.
Ji Ruan straightened her clothes, took a deep breath, climbed down from the bed, and saw Han Xiaolin at the table, shaking her head in disbelief.
Ji Ruan: "..."
"Did you short-circuit or something?"
Han Xiaolin looked up, meeting Ji Ruan's flushed cheeks and her feigned composed gaze.
He said with a mix of emotions, "In broad daylight, you unabashedly flirt right here in the dorm. Down there sits a single person like me! I'm neither deaf nor blind, and this makes it really hard for me!"
"Are you out of your mind, Han Xiaolin?" Ji Ruan pulled her chair closer, her voice choked, "When did I flirt?"
"When did you not?!" Han Xiaolin, channeling the frustration of years of singleness, snapped a pair of chopsticks apart, "You were even being cutesy with Mr. Gu!"
Ji Ruan had just settled on her chair and almost lost her balance, "Be reasonable when you speak! When was I being cutesy?"
Han Xiaolin shot her a glance, then mimicked her in a high-pitched voice, "I get it! - Isn't this being cutesy?"
Ji Ruan: "..."
Ji Ruan thought Han Xiaolin was downright unreasonable!

"Where's my Houttuynia Cordata pill?" he demanded.
Han Xiaolin tossed him the bag of medicine, lamenting about the rights of single people.
Ji Ruan tore one open and gulped it down, finding it so bitter he almost spat it out. His face crumpled in distaste. He quickly stood up to find some cherry candy, catching a glimpse of Han Xiaolin also downing one.
"Did you get a heatstroke too?" Ji Ruan asked, returning to his seat with candy in his mouth, his face still wrinkled in disgust.
"Isn't it just a precaution because of the heat?" Han Xiaolin replied after finishing, reaching for some noodles, "Also, this Houttuynia Cordata pill... it stimulates the appetite."
Ji Ruan looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.
How could something so bitter stimulate appetite? No one would believe that.
Ten minutes later, Ji Ruan was hungry.
He now believed in Han Xiaolin's odd wisdom.
Ji Ruan had been feeling unwell the whole day, hardly eating. In the evening, after finally buying a bowl of wonton soup, he could only manage half, spitting out the rest.
But now, the effect of the Houttuynia Cordata pill kicked in; his headache and stomachache were gone, replaced by surging hunger.
But his pride prevented him from humbling himself to snatch a bowl of noodles from Han Xiaolin.
Just as he was contemplating whether to go out for food, a packet of Shengjian buns landed on his table. Han Xiaolin declared in a matter-of-fact tone, "Told you, it whets the appetite."
Ji Ruan, mouth full of the bun, nodded silently. He felt that while Han Xiaolin could sometimes be irrational, he truly was a good friend.
A friend with a wealth of life experience at that, even knowing the appetite-stimulating properties of Houttuynia Cordata pills.
Once Gu Xiuyi returned, he would share this incredible discovery with him!
That night, Ji Ruan didn't have any nightmares.
Maybe it was the comfort from Gu Xiuyi's assurance, or perhaps the cafeteria's Shengjian buns were simply too delicious, or maybe his recovery from the heatstroke made him feel much better.
All in all, he owed his thanks to the Houttuynia Cordata pills.
The next day, Ji Ruan had classes only in the morning. After a restful afternoon nap, he headed to the studio.
On the way, he stopped by a cake shop and bought a cherry cake.
When Gu Xiuyi was around, he took care of such things. But with Gu away on a business trip, Ji Ruan had to indulge himself.
However, as the shop assistant was packing it, he ran into someone he'd rather not have met.
Bai Yue, donned in a light-colored shirt, greeted Ji Ruan with a bright smile, "What a coincidence, buying a cake?"
Ji Ruan nodded, "Not so coincidental, my school is just nearby."
Bai Yue smiled, eyes drifting from Ji Ruan to the cake being packed, "Such a cute cake. The cherry model on it looks so realistic."
Gratefully receiving the cake from the assistant, Ji Ruan casually commented, "Tastes great too."
Soon after Bai Yue's order was also packed, he quickly caught up with Ji Ruan, walking beside him, "Heading to the studio? How about we go together? I wanted to discuss a custom piece with you."
Ji Ruan found it hard to decline given the reason, so he acquiesced.
Bai Yue glanced at the hand with which Ji Ruan was holding the cake, his gaze lingering on the ring on Ji Ruan's ring finger for a few seconds, "I never imagined you'd be married at such a young age."
Ji Ruan paced for a moment before leisurely turning his head to look at Bai Yue.
Bai Yue couldn't quite identify the look in those eyes - was it confusion, impatience, or perhaps, a hint of mockery?
It could be all of them, or none at all.
Regardless, upon meeting that gaze, Bai Yue momentarily faltered in his steps.
Today's temperature was significantly cooler than yesterday's, but walking under the afternoon sun for a stretch still made Ji Ruan perspire.
Upon reaching the studio, he set down his bag and washed his hands. Taking out a tissue, he gently wiped his forehead and neck, where the moisture lent his skin a crystalline sheen.
Even when sweating, he managed to retain an impeccable grace.
Bai Yue sat at a wooden table, watching as Ji Ruan seated himself across, pulling out a sheet with penciled outlines from his bag.
Leaning in for a closer look, he inquired, "Is this the draft for my piece?"
Ji Ruan, pencil in hand, appeared to already be at work and responded indifferently, "Yes."
"Wonderful," Bai Yue, seemingly oblivious to Ji Ruan's aloofness, took out his phone and smiled, "It's so beautiful. May I take a photo?"
Ji Ruan finally looked up, his expression one of bewilderment, "I've barely started sketching. What's there to photograph?"
Truth be told, the current draft barely revealed its basic form.
Caught off guard, Bai Yue gave an uneasy smile.
Puzzled by the reaction, Ji Ruan was about to divert his gaze when he suddenly froze.
His attention had been captured by a lanyard on Bai Yue's phone. His pupils constricted sharply, and his face turned ashen.
It was a common black fabric lanyard, a few centimeters wide, the kind one could easily wrap around their wrist.
Yet, it clearly bore four numbers - 1028.
The very same as Gu Xiuyi's phone password.
Ji Ruan was all too familiar with it. Gu Xiuyi had mentioned that he had been using this password for years, and Ji Ruan could vividly recall the exact expression on his face when he said it.
He was unaware of the significance behind the number 1028.
But now, it had manifested on Bai Yue.
Bai Yue was amused by Ji Ruan's expression, lightly fingering the tag, "Are you looking at this?"
He chuckled, "I had this custom-made. 1028 marks the day I left the country."
Ji Ruan's complexion turned even paler.
Bai Yue seemed to absolutely adore this reaction from Ji Ruan. His gaze, venomous as a snake, was fixed intently on Ji Ruan's face, savoring the sight with immense pleasure.
"I've been away from my homeland for too long. Remembering this date is my way of reminiscing about the motherland."
He laughed, sharing as if confiding in a close friend, "What's even more significant is that on the day I left, my friend was so upset he got drunk. Can you believe it? It's so out of character for him-"
"So, this has become a significant anniversary for both of us. I've kept it for so long, even though it's become quite worn out."
Worn out?
Something shifted in Ji Ruan's eyes, as if a realization dawned upon him.
"May I take another look?" he asked.
Thinking Ji Ruan was merely persistent, Bai Yue generously nodded, "Of course."
Ji Ruan took it and examined closely. The band was indeed old with the numbers faded and edges frayed.
But instead of appearing genuinely aged, it seemed more artificially distressed?
Ji Ruan's tension eased slightly.
The chimes at the entrance rang.
Following that was Cheng Zizhang's excited call, "Has Mr. Gu returned?!"
"...Haha, come on in, come on in..."
"...Ji Ruan is inside!"
In an instant, Bai Yue swiftly snatched the phone chain from his grasp.
Ji Ruan looked up, his eyes directly colliding with those of Gu Xiuyi at the entrance.
Gu Xiuyi wore a simple dress shirt and suit, without a tie, and with the top button undone.
He seemed to have hurried over, carrying with him an aura of weariness from his travels. Yet, he stood upright, and as he passed by a window, the sunlight illuminated a gentle expression in his eyes.
"Ji Ruan?"
Gu Xiuyi closed the distance between them in quick strides, and before he could express his joy, he noticed Ji Ruan's pale complexion.
His gaze sharpened, and the back of his hand touched Ji Ruan's forehead. "Why do you look so drained? Are you not feeling well?"
Ji Ruan shook his head, gently removing Gu Xiuyi's hand.
They held each other's gaze for a moment before Ji Ruan, seemingly exhausted, slowly leaned into Gu Xiuyi's embrace.
Ji Ruan rarely displayed such intimacy in public. For a split second, Gu Xiuyi's heart seemed to stop.
He gently caressed the back of Ji Ruan's neck, as if touching a priceless gem. "Darling?"
Bai Yue's fingers tightened as he forced a smile and took a step forward. "Xiuyi, it's been a long-"
A door beside him swung open. By the time Bai Yue refocused, all he saw was the receding figure of Gu Xiuyi carrying Ji Ruan away.
"-time no see."
After so many years apart, the first words he said to Gu Xiuyi were, ironically, only heard by himself.
The entrance chimes sounded again in quick succession.
Cheng Zizhang looked baffled as she watched Gu Xiuyi rush out, cradling Ji Ruan as if he were a treasured possession. Realizing she couldn't catch up, she turned her gaze back.
That guest with the surname Bai stood at the entrance of Ji Ruan's workspace.
Though he continued to smile, it seemed like a mere facade of a grin, sending an inexplicable shiver down one's spine.
Cheng Zizhang approached hesitantly, "... Mr. Bai? Are you alright?"

The Little Deaf Man Decided to be SpoiledWhere stories live. Discover now