The fight.

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bro.. i read my last chapter and wtf was I on. WHY SO MUCH DRAMA LIKE HOLY SHIT. 😭


Lets add more❤️


OK lets continue.



'It's been a week since I saw zero and Charlotte kissing.. I haven't spoken to anyone except the warden, Mr. sir, and Dr. Pendanski.  Every time I think about it, it makes my blood BOIL..... I just want to beat Nolan's face in with a pipe wrench... HE made this happen.. I don't have a pipe wrench.. but I DO have a shovel.. one hard smack and he'd be out like a light.. Damn it, I can't. I'd probably be sent to a juvenile detention center instead.. I HATE THE LAW. I do need to consider the fact that Zero moved on so quick.. maybe he never loved me. or maybe he just did that to make me regret the thing I never did..? I don't have time to think about this right now! I need to get back to digging my damn hole..'

I stop thinking about beating up Nolan and continue digging my hole.. I occasionally catch caveman/Stanley glancing over at me with a worried look in his eyes. Zero giving him a nasty look each time he does, but that doesn't stop him. Probably cause I haven't said a word to anyone in over a week.

I let out a sigh and just sit in the hole I dug, 4 feet so far. My back leaning against the tumbling dirt, the shovel across my lap. After a minute, I stand back up and keep digging. Zero got done about 10 minutes ago, but stayed back to talk to Stanley. After another 10 minutes, I finished digging my hole, 5x5 per usual. 

I get out of the hole, grab my shovel, and walk back to the tent. 


It's about 5 am, 1 hour into digging. Nolan giving me a smug look as Charlotte is flirting with zero. "Look at that.. he moved on so quick.. guess you ARE as unlovable as I always told you..~" Nolan spoke in his normal confident (The feminine urge to write Alpha almost took over) tone. THAT lit the ticking time bomb inside my stomach. I yanked my shovel out of the dirt and tossed it onto my spot as I stormed over to Nolan, fire in my eyes as I glare at him. "Awww~ is baby sunshine upse-" before Nolan could finish that sentence, I slammed my fist into his face, you could hear his nose crack from a mile away. He gripped his nose and doubled over in pain. I raise my leg and kick him in the side harshly, making him fall to the ground as he screams.  "fuck. you. go to hell. you fucking.. ASSHOLE." I kick him in the face, making his make an indent in the dirt. Before I could do anything else, he grabbed my foot and yanked me onto the ground. straddling me and attempting to hit me as well. I caught his fist and twisted it, hearing the snap of his wrist as his nose bled onto my face. I flipped him off of me and pounded his face with my fist about 6 times before I get yanked off. I whip around to see who it was, and to my utter surprise, it was..


I shove him off of me, yanking myself out of his grip. "Well, how do you like me now.. zero?" everything is a blur.. blacked out.. out of pure rage.. my tone was filled with spite, so much spite it even shook Dr. Pendanski.. it was like watching the world burn..(PLS get the reference) I turn to Charlotte, who was tending to Nolan's wounds (who's almost passed out). "You two happy..?" 

I start walking away before Pendanski stops me, "Y/n-" I cut him off, "I'll finish my fucking hole later."

I storm back to D tent.. sitting there until it was break time...


I'm leaning against the wall, ignoring everyone, still in a blurry haze of anger.. but calmed down enough to have a (somewhat) civil conversation without beating a bitch.. 

Zig zag walks up to me.. "Hey, wha-" I cut him off. "ANYONE but you." I shoot back. (pew pew) "alrighty." he says and then walks away..

Zero kept trying to talk to me the rest of the day, but I refused to talk to him. To everyone. But ESPECIALLY him.. then... one day.. he forces me to talk to him.. cornering me in d tent...




Have a lovely rest of your night/morning/dawn/evening/dusk/etc etc!!

I love you all:)

775 words

His Sunshine🌞|Zero x YN| Holes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now