Camp green lake?

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A/N: help I'm killing myself for y'all, even though no one's gonna read this, it's 4:30 AM. I'm writing this for y'all😭

We've been driving for about 2 and 1/2 hours now, all I see is holes. Just holes. And a BUNCH of (hot) sweating teenage boys. Just boys, not s SINGLE girl in sight, so I decided to ask "Am i the only girl here or something?" "yes you are, and.. be careful out there" the cop calmly replied to me "don't worry I will!" Then the bus came to an abrupt stop, it made me hit my head in the seat in front of me

The cop undid my handcuffs and lead me to a grumpy old man's office.
"YN.. YN L/N?" The grumpy man said "That's my name don't wear it out." "Yea yea real funny Miss Quinn. My name is Mr. Sir, you will address me as so." He rudely replied. "Yea yea ok mR. sIr" I stuck my tongue out at him "you got a smart mouth DONT CHA." He yelled "yes. yes I do." I rolled my eyes at him. He then handed the cop a drink "ya thirsty Esme?" He stared into my soul "honestly, not really Mr. sir"

After all that cause I'm to lazy to type it out! Bla bla bla you met pendanski and now we are here:

"Your in D-Tent! D stands for diligence!" Dr. Pendanski said (bla bla bla he took you to your tent). "Yo mom who's the ne-" he paused his sentence as everyone stared in shock "new.. girl?" A tall, dark skinned, boy with glasses and a bandana said.
"This is YN! YN this is, Theodore, Alan, Stanley, Ricky, rex, José, and Zero! Wanna know why they call him zero?" Pendanski said "no thanks." You said blankly "cause there's nothing going on inside his stupid little head!" Dr. Pendanski said ruffling 'zeros' hair. "Ok first of all: I said NO THANKS. And second: isn't that rude, your supposed to be a counselor, calling someone stupid? Maybe he isn't even stupid, he might actually talk if you were nice for a change. Ever think of that?!" You raised your voice a little at Pendanski, and everyone just stood there speechless.. "fine if you care about him so much. Zero can be your mentor." Pendanski says and stomps out of the tent. "By the way. I'm X-Ray, that's squid, armpit, zigzag, magnet, and caveman" X-ray said with slight suspicion in his voice.

Bla bla bla time skip to lunch

"So YN. How's a girl like you get in here." Squid asked confused. Then everyone at the table stared at you. "Oh I got in here by Vandalism, theft.. OH, and strangling someone in my class!" You said smiling. "Holy shi-. Man why'd you strangle someone!?" X-Ray said "Wow your more interesting than I thought.." Zero surprisingly said. Everyone than looked at Zero. "Wow you got Zero to talk. He only talks to caveman!?" Squid said with a little shock in his voice

Another time skip sorry 😞 it's late and I'm tired and have to be you early (imagine the rest of that part if you want!)

"Alright girl scouts! Lights out" Mr. Sir said and stormed out of the tent. Everyone said their good nights and went to bed calmly..

A/N: SO SO SO SORRY IT WAD SHORT, I couldn't think of any ideas! And it's 4:54 now and I have to sleep I'm really tired! Anyways my loves!: get sleep, eat well, drink water, stay healthy, stay clean, and just take care of yourself ok!:) your important and I love you❤️ if you ever need to talk I'm here ok! Goodnight/morning/noon/afternoon/evening to everyone!:) (631 words!)

His Sunshine🌞|Zero x YN| Holes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now