Zero, did what?!

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Thanks again sugxryxsweet  for this idea!
I hope y'all like this chapter! But anyways into the story!
Your pov:
Another week has gone by since I broke up with Nolan, and my feelings for Zero have just become stronger. Again, same old routine. Me and Zero are digging right next to each other, we were talking the entire time, just about our interest's, and stuff like that! Apparently he really likes drawing!

After we got done with our holes, we started walking back to camp, I saw Nolan glaring at us. I just gave him a small smile and kept walking..
Nolan finished his hole, I was just in the corner of the Rec room watching X-ray, squid, and armpit play pool, and zigzag just watching tv. Nolan walked up to me.. 'What does this b!tch want now' I thought to myself ".. I'm really sorry YN.. please give me another chance.. I had stuff going on, that's why I was like that.. please take me back.." Nolan told me. "Yea no. I ain't taking you back. I am so much happier that I left you." I coldly responded back. He kept bugging me and bugging me about this.. but my mind was somewhere else 'where's Zero and Stanley??' I thought..

Meanwhile with Zero and Stanley

Zeros pov:

Me and Stanley were sitting in the tent on my cot, "Stanley. I'm so confused man, I think I like YN.. she's: smart, beautiful, kind, amazing sense of humor, caring.. but I doubt she'd like me back.. I mean she did just get out of a toxic relationship.." I told Stanley with sadness in my tone. "Zero.. dude.. How do you not see the way she looks at you, how she acts around you. She is different towards everyone else. but you, she treats you special. She likes you too man." Stanley said trying to give me hope.. "nah man.. don't give me that false hope shit" I say back to him. He grabs my shoulders and looks me DEAD in the eye. "Dude. If I have to say this ONE more time. Istg. SHE LIKES YOU DUDE. SHE HAS SINSE THE BEGINNING." Stanley yelled in my face. I look at him wide eyed. "Well what do you expect me to do?!?!" I had no idea what to do.. "TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL. OR ISTG ILL DO IT FOR YOU" .. he'd WHAT "OK OK GEEZ I WILL!!" I yell back at him "good!" Stanley said and then put a smile on his face. "She's in the Rec Room" so that's where I'm headed

Once I got to the Rec Room, I saw Nolan.. he was kissing YN... I was about to walk out when I saw her push him off of her. "NOLAN WTF" she screamed in his face, at this point everyone was looking at them "DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THE WORD NO MEANS?! PLUS I SAID WE WERE THREW DIDN'T I?!" She kept screaming at him. She then saw I was there and ran up to me. "Can we talk?" She said.
"Yea sure-" I was so confused on what was happening

Your pov:

I asked zero if we could talk, he agreed and I led him to the tent, I saw Stanley there "Stanley can you leave for a minute or 2?" I politely asked him "yea sure" he said then left. I sat down on his cot, he then sat next to me. I looked at him "Zero.. I.." I looked away.. "I like you.. no.. I love you zero. A lot.. I don't care if you don't like me back, I just felt like I needed to tell you.." I said as fast as I could. He looked startled.. "you.. like me..?!" He said shocked ".. yea.. I do... sorry I should go." I said then tried to get up, he than put me back on the cot. "Zero what are y-" I tried to say but then he..

kissed me..


A/N: OK YALL! I hope you liked this chapter 👀 I WORKED REALLY HARD! AGAIN THANKS sugxryxsweet FOR THE IDEA!! We'll have a nice rest of your day/night/afternoon/evening/noon! I know it's shorter but it's almost 4 am for me so! But again I hope you like it! Stay healthy, eat well, drink water, sleep good, and if you have any ideas please let me know!
Again I hope you liked this chapter! (749 words)

See you my Lovelys❤️

His Sunshine🌞|Zero x YN| Holes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now