Going back

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Hello! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been really busy with school, life, and family situation! But here's a real chapter! Anyways

TW: bad parenting .

That's it for the triggers so!


Mom POV:

"I came to inform you that your daughter is—" I cut off the nurse out of worry "WHAT!? MY DAUGHTER IS WHAT!?" I couldn't help but worry.. my only child attempted $u!c!d3.. who knows if she's ok.. "ma'am. If you would've let me finish! Your daughter is ok ma'am! She's alive, her blood pressure is fine, she's breathing. No injuries." I was shocked, but VERY relieved. "SHES OK!? yes yes yes yes yes! When can she come home!?" I was talking as fast as I could. I wanted my daughter back. I NEEDED her. I needed her to do my bidding. I HAD to keep her alive. "Ma'am. The thing is... she's in a coma.. she won't get to be coming home.." my 'sad' tears turned into angry ones. I didn't show it, but I was PISSED. "WHAT!? SHE CAN'T BE IN A COMA, I NEED HER!" I yelled. I tried to sound sad, but it was hard, she had to do my chores, my work, my bidding. "Ma'am you need to calm down before I get security." I tried my best to calm down, but I ended up just storming out of the hospital. "Ugh that brat!" I mumbled to myself

Nurses POV: 

I smirked as she stormed out of the hospital I walked into Esme's room, 283. "Hello Esme Quinn, I got her to believe it.. it wasn't to hard, why'd you want me to lie anyway?" I asked Esme "Cause she only wants me to do her chores, her work, and her bidding. She's a horrible parent, she starves me." Esme snapped "Ok ma'am I'm sorry for asking.." I answered with guilt in my voice "no no no! It's fine! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped, it's just a sensitive topic.." she apologized "Your free to leave anytime by the way! But where would you stay?" I questioned "Oh I have a place! Trust me I'll be ok!" She said, I nodded and gave her, her clothes back.

Esme's POV:

The nurse handed me my clothes back, I got up and went to go get changed. (Green mushroom sweater, a light brown short skirt, and black docs) I walked out of the bathroom and looked at the nurse "Goodbye!" I said to her and smiled, she just nodded a goodbye in return.

I walked out of the hospital and IMMEDIATELY started running, I HAD to get back to that camp.. I couldn't just leave them! So I started doing bad things again, graffiti, theft, getting into fights. Then FINALLY a cop caught me. "Where are your parents little lady" the cop asked me "I don't have parents." I sternly responded "your coming with me!" The cop said "ok. But first, are you able to put me in camp green lake by any chance..?" I asked with slight hope "Camp green lake? That isn't a place for a little lady like yo-" I cut the cop off "I NEED to get there! PLEASE!" I yelled "geez fine, fine.. let's go" I smiled and thanks him, he nodded and put me in the cop car. We started driving, so I put in my music and waited the 5 hour drive.


5 hours later


We finally got to the camp, and I saw all the boys staring and whispering, then I saw him. I saw zero! But the thing was... he was with another girl, and they just kissed.. my heart dropped, I stopped breathing for a solid minute. Then the cop started speaking "Esme Quinn right?" I snapped into reality again "oh yup! That's me.." I responded "You've been here before haven't you?" He questioned "oh, yea I have!" I answered "well let's go then, we're here." The cop said again.

We got out of the car, and walked into Mr. Sir's office. "Esme-!? Welcome back little lady. You can be in D tent again, you know where it is, here take this" Mr. Sir said and tossed me the orange uniform that was still to big. I got changed into it and grabbed my canteen and walked to the tent. Everyone else was in there already, I walked in and all of their jaws dropped "SUNSHINE!?" Zero exclaimed "Zero." I said in a blank tone "I- I didn't think you were coming back!?" Zero said "I can tell." I said again with a blank tone "Zerooooo babe who is she!?" The girl he kissed earlier said "Excuse me!? We aren't dating Charlotte!? You kissed me. I never liked you. I've made it VERY clear! And what are you doing in here, YOUR NOT IN THIS TENT!" Zero snapped at her "I- uh.." Charlotte stuttered and ran out of the tent. My jaw was practically on the floor. "Sunshine I'm sorry, she kissed me, I don't even lik-" he was about to finish his sentence when I just kissed him, I couldn't help it, my body moved on its own. He tensed up at first but then eased into the kiss. After about 30 seconds I pulled away "You have no idea how much I missed doing that" zero said as I chuckled. Then my face dropped when I heard something in the entrance of the tent.. "Well well well.. what do we have here.

It was Nolan.. I turned to him and glared. "What do you want Nolan." Zero scowled "I want you to give me my girlfriend back you bitch." Nolan raised his voice "I hope you know your NEVER getting me back Nolan. You never will. You were a shitty boyfriend, and I'm glad I left you. Zero is a much better boyfriend than you EVER were." I raised my voice back at him. Nolan didn't like that..

"So we're gonna do this the hard way sweetheart.." Nolan looked to the ground and smirked.. I didn't like where this was going...


A/N: HELLLOOOO everyone! I'm sososososos sorry for not updating! I've been very busy with school! But I hope you liked this chapter! I made it slightly longer than usual! I hope you enjoyed! Anyways, eat well, drink water, stay clean, stay healthy, get enough sleep! Just take care of yourself! But I hope you like this chapter! I worked very hard on it! Anyways good rest of you day/night/afternoon/evening or whatever time it is for you my lovely's! ❤️❤️(1079 words)

His Sunshine🌞|Zero x YN| Holes fanficWhere stories live. Discover now