"Not very good? You're great!"

Kaldur was equal parts shy and flattered. "Thank you for saying so."

"It's true." Dick stood, stretching. "Well I better get back. Have fun!"

A few days passed and Kaldur assumed their little chat had been forgotten. He sat one afternoon writing incident reports when the zeta opened up and his smallest teammate wandered in.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"Canceled thanks to the penguin's antics." Dick replied. "So I imagine Arty will be here shortly too."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Kaldur said, and he was, he was almost envious of his friends for getting to attend human school and learn important things.

"Ah, it's fine. I had a test today anyways, so at least I have time to study now!" He laughed, kicking back on the sofa beside his friend.  "Hey man, I got you something."

Kaldur was surprised. No one ever got him anything. "For me?"

"Yeah." Dick held something out. "I noticed you were drawing on some ratty old graph paper... I figured I'd get you something a little nicer."

Kaldur stared in awe at the beautiful faux-leather bound book. He opened it, flipping through the thick,  slightly textured eggshell-white pages. He shook his head. "I can't accept this..."

"You have to! I already threw out the receipt." Robin smiled. "Besides, your art deserves to be somewhere other than a bunch of loose papers."

Kaldur didn't think he's ever been endowed with such a meaningful gift since before his military service, when his mother had gifted him a doll to remember her by while he was away. "I don't know what to say." He admitted.

"Then don't say anything."

"I--" Kaldur turned the book over in his hands, admiring it. "Thank you."

"No sweat."

So later that day Kaldur hid his new precious treasure in his room. He was almost too scared to draw in it-- it was too nice.

He decided the first drawing in the book should be of Robin-- to honor the person who's gifted it.

A few more nights passed, Kaldur made progress into his new art book, and on wednesday they were asked to join the league in discussion over something or other (it was something the team didn't really care about that didn't really effect them in the long run, but the league wanted to give them some experience sitting in on meetings).

The team-- and most o the league-- were bored by the time a recess came in the discussion. A few present got up to stretch their legs, or fell into casual conversation.

Not Robin.

"Hey everyone," The boy wonder held a  mischievous grin. "Did you know Kaldur is an artist? We should all compliment him on his drawings."

Kaldur was mortified, glaring at his friend across the table. He was never coming back to the tower-- hell, he was never coming back on land at this rate! 

"You draw?" Artemis asked, tightening her ponytail. "I never knew that!"

Kaldur grit his teeth a little, lowering his eyes. "I was speaking to Robin a few days ago-- in confidence--" He shot another glare at the self-contented boy wonder, who just smiled back. "About how I've been drawing for ten years and nobody's ever noticed how much I've improved..."

"Aw!" M'gann said sympathetically. "Can I see some?"

"No," Kaldur said quickly, blood rushing to his face. "No, I don't think so."

"Kaldur's drawn all of us, they look really good." Robin continued.

"Robin, don't undermine your leader." Batman told him, but it was too late. 

Kaldur was so embarrassed. He could feel his king watching him. "I'm surprised you've never mentioned in."

"It was never relevent to our work, sir." He said, eyes on the table.

"Not everything has to revolve around Work, Kaldur."

"Yes sir." He said.

"Well I for one would like to see, if you're comfortable." Canary encouraged. "I'm sure they're very good."

"Would you mind changing the topic." Kaldur nearly begged.

"Sure," Wally said. "Wanna hear the mashup I made last night?"

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