“You can let them go now Leroy.” Larissa said. He made a hand gesture and the water bubble thing that captured us disappeared and we were left hanging in the air.

“Ow!” Art and I both said when we fell down.

“You can at least warn us.” Art said to the man named Leroy.

Larissa giggled but went to Art’s side and checked if he’s okay.

“I’m glad that you have found your protectors my princesses.” Leroy said. He turned to us. “Greetings from the kingdom of Althea.” He said and made a bow.

I curtsied two, he seems like an important person in their kingdom.

“I am Leroy, King Xerxes’ protector.” He said. yeah he looks older, in his 40’s I guess.

“So you’re a human too?” Art said.

“Yes I am.” He said.

“Why are you here Leroy? How did you find us? Is father well?” Larissa asked.

“Woah one a time darling….” He said and walked around the place. “Can I have a seat first before answering your questions?”

“Yes of course.” Art said.

We are now all gathered in the living room.

“Your father is well. The whole kingdom is in full alert, your father sent me here. He said that you’re in danger.” He said.

“You came from Althea?” Art asked.

“Nope, I was in the nearby state and King Xerxes contacted me about you.” He said casually. “Protectors can communicate with their royals through their mind… haven’t you guys know that?” he said.

“Yeah… I forgot.” I said. Both Larissa and Neola smiled.

“So why did you appear just now?” Art said.

“I was back from Althea three day ago… we’ve been busy re-constructing the kingdom, there was a huge damage. Then we received a message that the princesses has found their protectors and are now together, then he sent me here to train both of you.” He said.

“Yes! Time for some kicking butts.” Art said.

Can this kid be serious even for a moment?

“What do you mean by training?” I asked. I heard Art hissed, I gave him a shut-up glare.

“you guys haven’t seen the rest of what you can do, and besides you still have to learn some moves.” He said.

“But what about my life? I mean… I still have to work.” I said.

“Don’t worry about that… you can ask your boss to do your job at home, what’s the use of your laptop and other technologies?” He said like it was just easy to say those stuff. “And I know your one of the boss… you’ve been featured in magazines many times and my daughters are giggling over your pictures.”

“Wow.” I said, I don’t know how to react and If I will take it as a compliment. He seemed pissed that he’s facing the man that his daughters are giggling about.

“Do you have any questions?” Leroy asked.

“Where do you live? I mean… you have your own family… did you marry a mermaid?” Art said.

“Nope, I didn’t… I am living normally here in the human world.” He said.

“Why? I mean… their hot.” Art said, I looked at him. “What? I’m just saying.”

Leroy laughed. “Oh yes they do… but what can I say… I fell in love with a mortal.” He said.

“Can we have many weapons as we pleased?” I asked.

“Yup! You can even change them in between your battles.”

“Cool… this is beyond cool that I don’t know what word is beyond cool.” Art said. I shook my head.

“Yeah, it is, but you have to be extra careful because if you your royalty will die, you will die too.”


“Haven’t you told them about this?” Leroy said facing Neola and Larissa.

“They won’t believe us.” Larissa said.

“So it’s true.” I said.

“Very true.”

“So how can you manage to be in Althea and come back home?” Art asked, finally some valuable question.

“Through my will.” He said.

“What do you mean?” Art and I both said.

Leroy rolled his eyes. “You have your earrings; whenever you want to go to your royalty you can go there immediately to places where they are.”

“But… your royalty is not here… how did you…” I didn’t finish, Leroy seemed to know my question.

“In this case I was sent by their father, so I brought here by the light.” He said.

“Oh…” Is all that I can say.

We talked about a lot of things, especially our training; we have to do it immediately because as Neola’s Natal day is coming nearer more danger will be threatening her. Leroy told us about the things that we have to do.

“So where are we going to do this training stuff?” I asked.

“At my Villa.” He said.

“Wow, you have your own villa?” Asked by the rich kid Art. “It’s not that you don’t have the right to have your own Villa … it’s just that…”

“I don’t look like owning a Villa?” Leroy finished Art’s sentence.  He chuckled. “Well king Xerxes is very generous to me and my family and he helped us a lot. He gave me some pearls and I used the money to put up some business and eventually… I’ve succeeded.” He said.

Now that he talks about business, he seemed familiar. I’ve seen him before… snap! He is Leroy Scott!! One of the most successful business man in the whole continent. He has some businesses to other countries too, he is very known worldwide. My eyes just popped wide open, this man is ‘The Leroy Scott’ I was dying to meet him, he’s an inspiration to other business men on how he managed to be like that. Now he’s in front of me, talking about training and stuff, and even invited us to be in his Villa.

Leroy seemed to notice my realization. He smirked at me. This is huge news. I bet Brandon would be so envious.

“So can we go now?” he asked.

We all looked at each other. Not knowing what to do, but we all nodded. I mean this is it.


I would love to have some comments and votes... hihih sorry for always asking for that... I just want to know what you guys think about it.. hihihi

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