Skool Luv Affair(Taehyung)

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"Wahhhh, there she goes." Jungkook had his mouth gaped open as Y/n walked by. All of BTS were sitting at the lunch table admiring her beauty as she sat next to her friends. Every guy had a crush on her whether they were willing to admit it or not, she was the total catch. She was popular, enthusiastic, athletic, artistic, nerdy, funny, and she could cook.

"She's mine." Namjoon continued eating.

"No mine!" Seokjin hit his arm as they all began arguing except for Taehyung who already had a girlfriend he was deeply in love with.

"YAH! Let's ask Taehyungie how we should ask her out and take turns to see if she says yes." Hoseok broke up the bickering.

"Well I heard she loves food, Seokjin maybe you should try cooking for her," Tae suggested while placing his hand on Jin's shoulder.

The Next Day at lunch

"Jin! Jin! Any luck?" Jungkook asked as the boys all listened closely.

"Everything was going well until I found out...APPARENTLYSHEDOESN'TLIKESEAFOODBECAUSESHEISALLERGIC!" Jin turned red in the face angry holding the bento box.

APPARENTLYSHEDOESN'TLIKESEAFOODBECAUSESHEISALLERGIC!" Jin turned red in the face angry holding the bento box

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"Poor thing..." Yoongi held Jin's shoulder before grabbing the bento box and eating it.

"Welp, Namjoon you're next...You both love books, try interesting her with a book you like." Taehyung advised his second contender.

Next Day at the Lunch Table

"Guys, she politely declined me...after I accidentally umm dropped her books into a puddle..."

"How did you-

"I was trying to be nice and carry her books for her." Namjoon interrupted Jimin with a frown.

"Well umm okay next Jungkookie, you should try playing handball with her in gym class

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"Well umm okay next Jungkookie, you should try playing handball with her in gym class. Maybe you two would make great partners!" Taehyung's smiled as Jungkook nodded.

Next Day at the Lunch Table

"OMG KOOKIE WHAT HAPPEN TO YOUR ARM!?" Hoseok held his breath as the rest of the table noticed the cast on his arm.

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