Kit'Jin' Counter(Seokjin)

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Ding Dong

I rolled out of bed sighing. I forgot I needed to call a handyman to fix my kitchen countertop due to my clumsy ways in the kitchen.

"HELLO MAM! I'm here to fix your kitchen countertop I heard, may I come in? Let me just finish grabbing my tools."

The guy turned around grabbing his utility bag as I opened the door and immediately noticed the youth in his voice in comparison to his wide broad shoulders.

"Yeah Yeah, that's fine take your time. I'll be at the kitchen table." I leave the door open making my way to make myself a cup of coffee while reading. He eventually entered the kitchen in heavy boots.

"AH, easy fix, this won't take longer than a few hours! Seokjin to the rescue!"
His enthusiasm was comforting and not as awkward as you would imagine it coming from someone else.


"That's my name, miss Y/n."

"Uh-oh yea, I'm sorry I look like a mess right now, I planned on sleeping in originally." I pulled my pajama sleeves to cover my wrists forgetting he knew my name from the appointment and address.

"Ahhh don't mention it, you look great, not better than me but still pretty." He gave an aegyo pose before returning to the countertop. I giggled at his sudden confidence, but his low flirtatious vibe. Unknowingly, I got up and walked toward him with my coffee to see what he was doing.

"What is it that you are doing exactly?" I asked in curiosity

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"What is it that you are doing exactly?" I asked in curiosity.

"Well I have to shave this part of the counter down to fit in the mold layout, jeez whoever was cooking here must've been sauteeing with the world's largest wok, HAHAHAHAH!" He laughed and I felt my smile emerging just from hearing his high pitch squeak of a laugh.

"That would be me, I try to cook more but I'm not so good at it, so I end up ordering takeout a lot." I rub my arm embarrassed and he begins drilling screws.

"I love cooking, I think that's what I enjoy most in my downtime when I'm not fixing countertops. What do you like to eat?"

"I love kimchi jiggae, panjun but the seafood one more than the chive one, shrimp, steak, ramen, pizza, spicy pork, sweet and sour chicken, I'm sorry I know I sound greedy right now."

"WHAT?!?! NOOOOO! I love food, you know a wise man once said 'Food brings people together on many different levels. It's nourishment of the soul and body; it's truly love.'" Seokjin winked at me and I smiled widely causing me to cover my face.

"You shouldn't have to hide your smile, especially if it's pretty like yours."

"You are far too kind, you should be a chef though if food is your love." I managed to speak through all of the blushing I was under.

"I am in fact! I work part-time as a handyman and on the weekends I get to work for a local restaurant. I never get burnt out though which is the best part!"

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