Chef's Kiss(Namjoon)

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You were out eating with your family and not so enthralled with the experience. You hated your parents for their high status and always felt all eyes were on you. You were lost in thought playing with the fork and spoons while your parents chatted about work and news.

"Hello, I'll be your waiter Namjoon, is there anything I could get you to drink or some starters?"

You look up to see a talk handsome guy around your age holding a notepad taking your parents orders.

You look up to see a talk handsome guy around your age holding a notepad taking your parents orders

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"Y/n! Tell the nice boy what you want." Your mom hit your arm lightly snapping you out of your own world. Namjoon looked at you in the eyes making you blush and stumble on your words.

"I-I can I get the ummm...shrimp carbonara with a Caesar salad? Please..." you hand your menu to him as he smiled showing his dimples making you audibly gasp.

"Of course young lady, I'll be returning with your drinks soon. Please enjoy the complimentary bread."
You swore he winked when he left to put the orders in and you winced scared he saw or heard you gasp.

"I like him too, did you see his biceps? I'm sure you did, bring him home for a change." Your mother nudged you as you can tell she's a little tipsy.

"Mommmm stopppppp," you hide your face and your dad catches on.

"Here are your starters, the food should be done soon." Namjoon came back and placed the food down carefully.

"Hey Mr. Namjoon sir, my daughter thinks you look great, she's single by the way." Your father single handily managed to embarrass you with no more than 15 words making you cover your face smothered in heat.

"Oh really?" You felt his eyes land on you and you immediately ran outside to get some air. It was a little chilly but due to your feverish state, you relaxed to the breeze. You watched the leaves flow in the wind taking your mind off the scenario you were just in.

"Y/n?" You turned to see Namjoon sitting on the bench.

"Ahh ah you know my name?"

"Well you're the daughter of one of the most powerful bosses in Seoul, so yeah?" 
You mentally facepalmed yourself forgetting the status of your father.

"Aren't you cold? Come sit, please." He scooted over making room for you to sit.

"Thanks, shouldn't you be like serving tables?"

"I took my break, we're a lot busier than I thought we'd be, haha." He chuckled looking back at you and you held your shyness in chuckling back.

"So, about what your dad said..."

"Oh my fucking gosh listen I'm sorry about that Namjoon, they just ramble off sometimes and-

"It's okay, I was gonna say the same to you."

"What...?" You looked into his face and he began to blush as well.

"Yeah, we actually met before in a meeting."

"Really?! Where?"

"Public speaking class in high school."

"Holy shit, KIM Namjoon? No wonder why you sound familiar." You shoved him lightly.

"That's meeee!"

"Sorry, I had no c-c-cl-clue." You began shivering and he noticed.

"Here, don't catch a cold." He placed his jacket over you and you smiled at him continuing the conversation.

"So how did you get into the culinary field?"

"My dad owns this place and I like being able to be useful to him. I plan on one day owning my own restaurant, but I've been holding out until I find someone special to run it with." He looked back and forth between your eyes and lips and you both slowly shortened the distance between each other about to kiss.

"YAH NAMJOON! YOUR BREAK IS OVER!" His father came out to remind him.

"Welp I should go back to my parents before they think I died haha," you nervously rush giving his jacket back to him.

"Hey wait a's my number, hopefully we could meet up again outside the restaurant." He gave you a business card winking at you. Hmm so maybe you weren't delusional earlier and he did indeed wink.

"Thanks certainly, we got a lot in common it seems. My food is probably cold at my table though, haha, bye Namjoon...kinda I'll see you inside I'm sure." You walked back inside as he watched you.

"Namjoon, be careful." You watched your fiancé drilling nails into the wall.

"Ugh, honey I got it- OW FUCK!"
You rolled your eyes watching him suck on his finger after injuring himself for the third time.

"Baby come down the ladder, we can hang the rest of the pictures later." You grab his hand helping him down.

"I know it's just opening night and I want our parents to see we make a good duo." He looked down at you as you pinched his cheek.

"We are getting married in three months, I think they know how good of a duo we are."

"Hand me the menu?"
You do as he asks confused because he made it himself, surely he knows all the options available.

"I forgot an item! Goddamn it!" He facepalms himself and I snatch the menu looking through the pages.

"What, what is it!?"

"Your kiss..."
He smirks at you while you shove his arm.

"So corny...but here anyways Mr. Kim." You kiss him after he laughs at your mild frustration.

"At least this time my dad didn't tell me my break is over.." you both laugh thinking back years prior.

" you both laugh thinking back years prior

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